Eric Gordon

I appreciate your honesty on the marijuana topic my brotha but I can't agree with you on the legalization of it. I know people downplay the use of it as harmless but I see it as one of many scourges of poor black communities. I can't condone the use by children 8 and up and believe that making it legal will somehow make things different. Is it a gateway drug for everyone? No that's absurd, but it has and does open the door for some young people in the communities I have worked in over the years. That's my first hand opinion based on what I've seen and keep seeing. Nothing positive has ever come out of the black community from the use of marijuana.

The point I was attempting to make is that it's ok for college football players to drink just not smoke. Yet science and research suggest alcohol is a much more dangerous substance. I have to believe if pot were legal the players wouldn't be tested for it.
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Not to mention the following from the 09 class

So much talent so little brains. Kiffin sucks. One more thing wasn't it Kiffin who said it was hard to recruit kids to UT? Damn Butch must have cracked the code! :loco:

15 of 22 BYE BYE...
The point I was attempting to make is that it's ok for college football players to drink just not smoke. Yet science and research suggest alcohol is a much more dangerous substance. I have to believe if pot were legal the players wouldn't be tested for it.
My fault. I jumped to a conclusion based on a conversation I had with a client who said something similar. You're correct however alcohol is still legal and therefore allowed to be consumed. But I get what you're saying and your point is valid. However research also shows that marijuana use increases the risk of high blood pressure and stroke as well as other medical issues in black folk like myself. Racist IMO.
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The point I was attempting to make is that it's ok for college football players to drink just not smoke. Yet science and research suggest alcohol is a much more dangerous substance. I have to believe if pot were legal the players wouldn't be tested for it.

Do you believe in global warming too?
The point I was attempting to make is that it's ok for college football players to drink just not smoke. Yet science and research suggest alcohol is a much more dangerous substance. I have to believe if pot were legal the players wouldn't be tested for it.

Only if they are over the age of 21
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My fault. I jumped to a conclusion based on a conversation I had with a client who said something similar. You're correct however alcohol is still legal and therefore allowed to be consumed. But I get what you're saying and your point is valid. However research also shows that marijuana use increases the risk of high blood pressure and stroke as well as other medical issues in black folk like myself. Racist IMO.

Im not trying to upset anyone, but Im just curious how stats from medical research is racist. Please help me understand.
Im not trying to upset anyone, but Im just curious how stats from medical research is racist. Please help me understand.

I think darkgable was jokingly saying marijuana was racist against blacks when he said, "However research also shows that marijuana use increases the risk of high blood pressure and stroke as well as other medical issues in black folk like myself. Racist IMO."
Tons of other seniors, the Vols are gonna surprise some people this year.
If its for smoking's sad. Not so much for him but us as a society. We call our selves the land of the free butane kids piss in a cup and burn them at the stake for doing something that is legal all over the world(and throughout part of this country. Pot isn't a performance enhancer and shouldn't be tested for. To all the other players out there take's apparently much better to go about drinking. Who cares about statics and science. The old conservatives running our country know what's best.

Just out of curiosity, what old conservatives?
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I think darkgable was jokingly saying marijuana was racist against blacks when he said, "However research also shows that marijuana use increases the risk of high blood pressure and stroke as well as other medical issues in black folk like myself. Racist IMO."

OK. Thanks for clearing that up.
Sorry to see him go as I really think Jones and Co. could've helped him be a consistently good player. He has talent but for whatever reason it hasn't shone since the Vandy interception. I wish him nothing but the best. Just about everyone deserves a 2nd chance and I hope he gets it and makes the most of it.
So basically, nobody knows what they are saying, but said it anyway.
Just read online article from KNS wher he still is not on the team. Not officially kicked off but not back either. What exactly did this kid do?
Gordon was a big play guy. Loved watching him play because he always played hard. Seemed to always be there for INT's at the right time. Best of luck!
If its for smoking's sad. Not so much for him but us as a society. We call our selves the land of the free but make kids piss in a cup and burn them at the stake for doing something that is legal all over the world(and throughout part of this country. Pot isn't a performance enhancer and shouldn't be tested for. To all the other players out there take's apparently much better to go about drinking. Who cares about statics and science. The old conservatives running our country know what's best.

IMO there are rules and regulations in all steps of life. It's fairly simple to just not smoke. Untill rules are changed (if ever) play by the rules and reap the benefits for doing so.

If smoking was his down fall and he failed more than his limit he was a cancer and needed to be gone anyway. It's selfish to just say its legal everywhere what's the big deal. Rules are rules and breaking them not only hurt him but his teammates.

I have no clue if drugs were the reason for Mr. Gordon's departure and wish him well either way.
IMO there are rules and regulations in all steps of life. It's fairly simple to just not smoke. Untill rules are changed (if ever) play by the rules and reap the benefits for doing so.

If smoking was his down fall and he failed more than his limit he was a cancer and needed to be gone anyway. It's selfish to just say its legal everywhere what's the big deal. Rules are rules and breaking them not only hurt him but his teammates.

I have no clue if drugs were the reason for Mr. Gordon's departure and wish him well either way.

he has not broken any team rules. he is currently taking classes and can possibly graduate this summer... he has some medical issues that he is working on
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Not to mention the following from the 09 class

15 of 22 BYE BYE...

that number is not unusual when a program has constant coaching changes happening on the staff.
if he is not going to obey team rules, let him transfer to Vandy!!!

Boy! Never fails. Let some player have an incident and some folks here are eager to cast judgment. Fact is you and no one here knows why EG is off the team. Could be a family matter, could be a medical matter, could be a money issue, could be grades, might be anything. But one thing is for sure, we have way too many people who are serpents lying under a rock ready to sink their fangs into the heel of any player who inadvertently or otherwise steps within striking distance.
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