Eric Gordon

Do you believe in global warming too?

You think that's funny? Ice caps melting at an ever increasing rate. Glaciers shrinking and even disappearing worldwide, plants that couldn't grow in extreme northern areas showing up and thriving there, tundra melting and becoming bogs, animals such as armadillos showing up farther east and north of the USA completely beyond their historical and native ranges. Squid species invading areas they normally aren't found and growing to sizes heretofore unseen as ocean waters warm. That's just a few of the signs, I prefer calling warning signals, that are no laughing matter.
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Not to mention the following from the 09 class

15 of 22 BYE BYE...
smith is the only 09 i can think of who else is left
You think that's funny? Ice caps melting at an ever increasing rate. Glaciers shrinking and even disappearing worldwide, plants that couldn't grow in extreme northern areas showing up and thriving there, tundra melting and becoming bogs, animals such as armadillos showing up farther east and north of the USA completely beyond their historical and native ranges. Squid species invading areas they normally aren't found and growing to sizes heretofore unseen as ocean waters warm. That's just a few of the signs, I prefer calling warning signals, that are no laughing matter.

Cool. I like armadillos.
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You think that's funny? Ice caps melting at an ever increasing rate. Glaciers shrinking and even disappearing worldwide, plants that couldn't grow in extreme northern areas showing up and thriving there, tundra melting and becoming bogs, animals such as armadillos showing up farther east and north of the USA completely beyond their historical and native ranges. Squid species invading areas they normally aren't found and growing to sizes heretofore unseen as ocean waters warm. That's just a few of the signs, I prefer calling warning signals, that are no laughing matter.

And that proves global warming? Another Gore minion. Global warming is a hoax. It's been proven over and over. The earth has gotten cooler the past five years. Is there climate change? Yes, but that is naturally occurring. Global warming suggest man's involvement. That is total BS! And I bet you think BHO is doing a great job.:whistling:
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If its for smoking's sad. Not so much for him but us as a society. We call our selves the land of the free but make kids piss in a cup and burn them at the stake for doing something that is legal all over the world(and throughout part of this country. Pot isn't a performance enhancer and shouldn't be tested for. To all the other players out there take's apparently much better to go about drinking. Who cares about statics and science. The old conservatives running our country know what's best.

You are the idiot. Rules are rules and laws are laws. It is illegal to smoke pot. Get over it. Your half handed comment about conservatives is misleading. The libertarians are for legalization of pot and they are conservatives. Just because you're mad and uninformed don't put your foot in your mouth.

If he is out because of weed he's an idiot. Stop trying to justify bad behavior. Whether you think it should be legal or not is your own opinion. I'm sure crackheads would prefer crack to be legal. So based on your logic, you are the idiot.

As to the science would totally try to denounce all of the science that is available that clearly shows pot is horrible in many would call it junk science or a conspiracy...again all to justify your bad decisions.

Have fun living in your mom's attic or basement the rest of your life playing PlayStation.......
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You think that's funny? Ice caps melting at an ever increasing rate. Glaciers shrinking and even disappearing worldwide, plants that couldn't grow in extreme northern areas showing up and thriving there, tundra melting and becoming bogs, animals such as armadillos showing up farther east and north of the USA completely beyond their historical and native ranges. Squid species invading areas they normally aren't found and growing to sizes heretofore unseen as ocean waters warm. That's just a few of the signs, I prefer calling warning signals, that are no laughing matter.

Have you caught manbearpig yet?
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Just out of curiosity, what old conservatives?

These guys:
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You think that's funny? Ice caps melting at an ever increasing rate. Glaciers shrinking and even disappearing worldwide, plants that couldn't grow in extreme northern areas showing up and thriving there, tundra melting and becoming bogs, animals such as armadillos showing up farther east and north of the USA completely beyond their historical and native ranges. Squid species invading areas they normally aren't found and growing to sizes heretofore unseen as ocean waters warm. That's just a few of the signs, I prefer calling warning signals, that are no laughing matter.

Any scientist worth his salt will tell you 99.99% of climate change is caused by the sun. Germany spent tens of billions of dollars to set back the so call climate change clock by like 16 minutes. This is all a scheme by al goon (gore) which has made him a billionalre.
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And that proves global warming? Another Gore minion. Global warming is a hoax. It's been proven over and over. The earth has gotten cooler the past five years. Is there climate change? Yes, but that is naturally occurring. Global warming suggest man's involvement. That is total BS! And I bet you think BHO is doing a great job.:whistling:

As a scientist, I can tell you 3 things:

1. We humans have drastically changed the chemical composition of the earth's atmosphere through carbon emissions and deforestation. The current levels are not naturally occurring.

2. There is a historical correlation between high carbon levels and high temperatures. Carbon levels are generally seen as a leading indicator.

3. Global climate modeling is still pretty far from being capable of confident predictive simulations. So the doomsday scenarios may be wrong. But they may also be right. The cost of trying to correct the problem is money. The cost of doing nothing because you don't 'believe' is lives (and even more money). It's not hard for me to decide which one I value more.

You don't have to 'believe' in climate change. You just have to do a simple cost/benefit analysis to see that we're much better off addressing the issue than ignoring it.
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You are the idiot. Rules are rules and laws are laws. It is illegal to smoke pot. Get over it. Your half handed comment about conservatives is misleading. The libertarians are for legalization of pot and they are conservatives. Just because you're mad and uninformed don't put your foot in your mouth.

If he is out because of weed he's an idiot. Stop trying to justify bad behavior. Whether you think it should be legal or not is your own opinion. I'm sure crackheads would prefer crack to be legal. So based on your logic, you are the idiot.

As to the science would totally try to denounce all of the science that is available that clearly shows pot is horrible in many would call it junk science or a conspiracy...again all to justify your bad decisions.

Have fun living in your mom's attic or basement the rest of your life playing PlayStation.......

I'll try adressing a couple of these:

The science I'm referring to...many studies have shown the effects of alcohol to be much more dangerous. You can disput that all you want but it has been proven again and again.

As far as crack being made legal, ya the crack heads probably would like that. But unlike pot, which about 55% of americans are in favor of legalizing, crack doesn't have any support. Probably because it has devistating effects on the people wou use it. To classify it along with pot shows you are completely out of touch, and allows me to place you amongst that "ignorant conservative" group.

As far as living in my parents basement...I've a very successful financial business owner. And I certinly don't sit around smoking pot all day. If fact I rarely smoke or drink for that matter.
Any scientist worth his salt will tell you 99.99% of climate change is caused by the sun. Germany spent tens of billions of dollars to set back the so call climate change clock by like 16 minutes. This is all a scheme by al goon (gore) which has made him a billionalre.

This tells me that you don't even know what you're saying on the subject.
As a scientist, I can tell you 3 things:

1. We humans have drastically changed the chemical composition of the earth's atmosphere through carbon emissions and deforestation. The current levels are not naturally occurring.

2. There is a historical correlation between high carbon levels and high temperatures. Carbon levels are generally seen as a leading indicator.

3. Global climate modeling is still pretty far from being capable of confident predictive simulations. So the doomsday scenarios may be wrong. But they may also be right. The cost of trying to correct the problem is money. The cost of doing nothing because you don't 'believe' is lives (and even more money). It's not hard for me to decide which one I value more.

You don't have to 'believe' in climate change. You just have to do a simple cost/benefit analysis to see that we're much better off addressing the issue than ignoring it.

You're right we have screwed up a lot of things. Just read a box of anything processed and it is easy to see how jacked up the chemicals are. The hormones in livestock being passed on to us no doubt is a bad thing. Lead, mercury in those new light bulbs, landfill waste, I understand

But don't expect me to buy off on the global warming urban legend. The only true facts are that over twenty years of data has been altered to support the theory and that the earth has been cooling off for 5 years and has a 100 year cycle that looks like a fuzzy sine wave with extreme hot and cold cycles.
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Marcus Lattimore would have liked this to occur one year sooner. I believe EG put the hit on him. And I hope he does graduate and prospher.
I think darkgable was jokingly saying marijuana was racist against blacks when he said, "However research also shows that marijuana use increases the risk of high blood pressure and stroke as well as other medical issues in black folk like myself. Racist IMO."

Thank you my brotha.
You're right we have screwed up a lot of things. Just read a box of anything processed and it is easy to see how jacked up the chemicals are. The hormones in livestock being passed on to us no doubt is a bad thing. Lead, mercury in those new light bulbs, landfill waste, I understand

But don't expect me to buy off on the global warming urban legend. The only true facts are that over twenty years of data has been altered to support the theory and that the earth has been cooling off for 5 years and has a 100 year cycle that looks like a fuzzy sine wave with extreme hot and cold cycles.

We have a lot more data than 20 years of temperature measurements. You can get a pretty complete record of carbon levels and temperatures from ice cores. The alarming thing for me isn't to look at the temperatures. It's to look at the carbon levels because they used to look like a fuzzy sine wave until the industrial revolution when they started to just climb and climb.
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