Eric Gordon

Oh, I thought the liberals had been running this show for the last 5 years.

That's a picture of the house, but I think the post I was originally referring to was more about how it's a bunch of socially conservative rich white guys running things as opposed about their party affiliations. That was how I took it anyway.
he has not broken any team rules. he is currently taking classes and can possibly graduate this summer... he has some medical issues that he is working on

That's the point I was trying to make earlier. I know its human nature to assume based on history but its unfair to put that label on someone when we have no clue that it involves drugs. That's not fair to Gordon.
That's the point I was trying to make earlier. I know its human nature to assume based on history but its unfair to put that label on someone when we have no clue that it involves drugs. That's not fair to Gordon.

Wait, this is a thread about Eric Gordon? Football? Ok, I guess I'll quit derailing it. :hi:

Sorry guys.
Wait, this is a thread about Eric Gordon? Football? Ok, I guess I'll quit derailing it. :hi:

Sorry guys.

No don't let me stop you. Tell me about that global warming thingy and old white people because obviously there are no black conservatives running around.
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That's a picture of the house, but I think the post I was originally referring to was more about how it's a bunch of socially conservative rich white guys running things as opposed about their party affiliations. That was how I took it anyway.

10-4. I've come to the assumption that pretty much all politicians whether liberal, conservative, black, or white all have their selfish agendas and are full of it.
So let me get this straight...Eric Gordon got kicked off the team because he is a conservative liberal that smokes pot and has a high carbon footprint?

I can believe that...
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Not to mention the following from the 09 class

15 of 22 BYE BYE...

I have been guilty of blaming Kiffin too much for this class. He took it over late and tried to repair what Fulmer had left him. His '10 commits help prove this point. The ones he left were talented and not particularly problemsome compared to Fulmer's late recruits.

I hate to see Gordon go because he added a nice dimension to the secondary but the final chapter of Fulmer's decline is being closed with the last remnants of that class.
The point I was attempting to make is that it's ok for college football players to drink just not smoke. Yet science and research suggest alcohol is a much more dangerous substance. I have to believe if pot were legal the players wouldn't be tested for it.

The reason why is illegal is because its easy as hell to grow, and company's or the government cannot make money off of it.

That's the only reason it's illegal....if some how it was harder to grow or had to be manufactured. It would be legal.
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If its for smoking's sad. Not so much for him but us as a society. We call our selves the land of the free but make kids piss in a cup and burn them at the stake for doing something that is legal all over the world(and throughout part of this country. Pot isn't a performance enhancer and shouldn't be tested for. To all the other players out there take's apparently much better to go about drinking. Who cares about statics and science. The old conservatives running our country know what's best.

So it is "old conservatives" fault Gordon cannot abide by the rules?

I am fairly old, personally conservative, but mostly libertarian when it comes to politics. IF the safety nets were removed and drug users had to deal with the FULL consequences of their choices without gov't protection or help then I would be for full legalization. When someone wants the consequences of THEIR choice to become MY financial responsibility... then they have invited me into their decision.

That said, even if drugs were legalized it would be perfectly legitimate for recipients of a privilege or benefit to be subjected to a no drug policy. You have a right to do what you want. You do NOT have a right to do what you want while receiving a benefit from someone else who demands you don't do it. You are free to do it. They are free to reject you doing it while associating personally or financially with them.

Rights and freedoms have to go both ways.
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The reason why is illegal is because its easy as hell to grow, and company's or the government cannot make money off of it.

That's the only reason it's illegal....if some how it was harder to grow or had to be manufactured. It would be legal.
I don't get it?
I have been guilty of blaming Kiffin too much for this class. He took it over late and tried to repair what Fulmer had left him. His '10 commits help prove this point. The ones he left were talented and not particularly problemsome compared to Fulmer's late recruits.

I hate to see Gordon go because he added a nice dimension to the secondary but the final chapter of Fulmer's decline is being closed with the last remnants of that class.

Dude just please stop....seriously, it's getting old. It was funny at first, but not anymore.

It's been shown that after 2 years 80% of Lane Kiffin recruits weren't even here anymore.

And here is a fun fact: in the last 4 years since firing Fulmer, our best season was with a team made up of players Fulmer recruited.
The reason why is illegal is because its easy as hell to grow, and company's or the government cannot make money off of it.

That's the only reason it's illegal....if some how it was harder to grow or had to be manufactured. It would be legal.

No, its illegal because the state you live in is against it. I'd say you don't see the forest for the trees, but you can't see either because your head is up your own ass.
I have been guilty of blaming Kiffin too much for this class. He took it over late and tried to repair what Fulmer had left him. His '10 commits help prove this point. The ones he left were talented and not particularly problemsome compared to Fulmer's late recruits.

I hate to see Gordon go because he added a nice dimension to the secondary but the final chapter of Fulmer's decline is being closed with the last remnants of that class.

You can not put that class on Fulmer. They were not his recruits and you can't blame the ADs slow movement in letting him go on Fulmer. Just because Kitfin got a late start didn't mean he had to take a chance on so many guys with questionable character. Sorry but I think you're way off with this assertion.
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Dude just please stop....seriously, it's getting old. It was funny at first, but not anymore.

It's been shown that after 2 years 80% of Lane Kiffin recruits weren't even here anymore.

And here is a fun fact: in the last 4 years since firing Fulmer, our best season was with a team made up of players Fulmer recruited.

Dude. It never has been funny and if you think Fulmer is not mostly to blame for the last 4 years then you are just deluding yourself. Other than Berry his 2007 class was a bust. Even after being ranked outside the top 25... his 08 class was a pretty bad bust. What he left to Kiffin was a bust.

I detest Kiffin. He has no loyalty and is a jerk in every sense of the word. But it just is not reasonable to blame him completely for the 09 class. Fulmer recruited for that class for 2 years... Kiffin for 2 months.

Your "fun fact" is abjectly stupid and especially considering that "best season" was 7 wins... and would not have been that good had Fulmer still been in charge.

FULMER left a 3 year hole in the roster due to poor recruiting and even worse program discipline.
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Dude. It never has been funny and if you think Fulmer is not mostly to blame for the last 4 years then you are just deluding yourself. Other than Berry his 2007 class was a bust. Even after being ranked outside the top 25... his 08 class was a pretty bad bust. What he left to Kiffin was a bust.

I detest Kiffin. He has no loyalty and is a jerk in every sense of the word. But it just is not reasonable to blame him completely for the 09 class. Fulmer recruited for that class for 2 years... Kiffin for 2 months.

Your "fun fact" is abjectly stupid and especially considering that "best season" was 7 wins... and would not have been that good had Fulmer still been in charge.

FULMER left a 3 year hole in the roster due to poor recruiting and even worse program discipline.
Are we ever going to get past this Fulmer -Kiffin debate? Its the same premise followed by the same conclusion. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results. Stop the insanity.
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Sorry but you can not put that class on Fulmer. They were not his recruits and you can't blame the ADs slow movement in letting him go on Fulmer.Jjust because Kitfin got a late start didn't mean he had to take a chance on so many guys with questionable character. I think you're way off with this assertion.

He chose between talent and character because that is what was left. But you can look at the foundation of what Fulmer left... it was weak. The ONLY player I am aware of from that group that helped UT would have signed with UT regardless (Z Rogers).

If they were "his" recruits... then it was only because Fulmer did not have UT in on anyone better. Dooley's best class was the one Kiffin started for him both in terms of rankings and on-the-field performance.

Yes. You can most certainly put that class partially or even primarily on Fulmer. Outside of the purely recruiting related things... the program's image had been driven into the ground due to one off the field scandal after another. On the field, UT was clearly in decline and no longer a place the best players wanted to go. Fulmer almost destroyed the "brand" that he claimed to love so much.
Are we ever going to get past this Fulmer -Kiffin debate? Its the same premise followed by the same conclusion. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results. Stop the insanity.

Yes. I truly hope Jones puts all of that in the rear view mirror very soon. Both guys did damage to the program. However the Kiffin or even Dooley debacles do not absolve Fulmer of primary responsibility for the decline of the program and its struggle to try to bounce back.
Dude. It never has been funny and if you think Fulmer is not mostly to blame for the last 4 years then you are just deluding yourself. Other than Berry his 2007 class was a bust. Even after being ranked outside the top 25... his 08 class was a pretty bad bust. What he left to Kiffin was a bust.

I detest Kiffin. He has no loyalty and is a jerk in every sense of the word. But it just is not reasonable to blame him completely for the 09 class. Fulmer recruited for that class for 2 years... Kiffin for 2 months.

Your "fun fact" is abjectly stupid and especially considering that "best season" was 7 wins... and would not have been that good had Fulmer still been in charge.

FULMER left a 3 year hole in the roster due to poor recruiting and even worse program discipline.

there were 7 or 8 Fulmer commits (public / silent) that Kiffin pushed out the door. He pretty much changed the form of the class that CPF was working on.. When I get a chance I'll review the class to see which one's CLK retained from what CPF had.

I can promise you, CLK and CEO were more than cocky enough that they believed they could have dropped all of CPFs commits and gotten better players IF they felt they were not up to their standards..
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I appreciate your honesty on the marijuana topic my brotha but I can't agree with you on the legalization of it. I know people downplay the use of it as harmless but I see it as one of many scourges of poor black communities. I can't condone the use by children 8 and up and believe that making it legal will somehow make things different. Is it a gateway drug for everyone? No that's absurd, but it has and does open the door for some young people in the communities I have worked in over the years. That's my first hand opinion based on what I've seen and keep seeing. Nothing positive has ever come out of the black community from the use of marijuana.

Worse than alcohol? :hi:
He chose between talent and character because that is what was left. But you can look at the foundation of what Fulmer left... it was weak. The ONLY player I am aware of from that group that helped UT would have signed with UT regardless (Z Rogers).

If they were "his" recruits... then it was only because Fulmer did not have UT in on anyone better. Dooley's best class was the one Kiffin started for him both in terms of rankings and on-the-field performance.

Yes. You can most certainly put that class partially or even primarily on Fulmer. Outside of the purely recruiting related things... the program's image had been driven into the ground due to one off the field scandal after another. On the field, UT was clearly in decline and no longer a place the best players wanted to go. Fulmer almost destroyed the "brand" that he claimed to love so much.

I really don't want to get back into this debate again as it's just going to go the same way it has every other time. Like a dog chasing its tail. I don't disagree with a lot what you're saying but I think the AD had just as much to do with our decline as Fulmer did. Hamilton and co. should have made a move years earlier but were loyal to a fault instead and then made two terrible hires after that (the Dooley hire was nothing short of abysmal).
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