Eric Gordon

Dude just please stop....seriously, it's getting old. It was funny at first, but not anymore.

It's been shown that after 2 years 80% of Lane Kiffin recruits weren't even here anymore.

And here is a fun fact: in the last 4 years since firing Fulmer, our best season was with a team made up of players Fulmer recruited.

Palardy and Darr are still here --- unfortunatly
Pancreatic cancer is hardly connected with smoking pot. However, you missed the point completely which isn't surprising.

The point is my tree hugging friend you don't know what caused his cancer. You don't know what chemical was the catalyst to cause those cells to grow out of control. Of course your head is so far up Jobs dead ass you should. I can do this all day my brotha.
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Steve Jobs said:

“Taking LSD was a profound experience, one of the most important things in my life. LSD shows you that there’s another side to the coin...It reinforced my sense of what was important—creating great things instead of making money, putting things back into the stream of history and of human consciousness as much as I could.”

List of Potheads:
  • Steve Jobs
  • Carl Sagan - too many awards and too many fields to list
  • Stephen Jay Gould - Paleontologist, biologist, science historian.
  • Francis Crick - ya know that guy who came up with the Double Helix and much of what we know about DNA? That's him.
  • Andrew Weil - medical and biology degrees, has a mushroom named after him
  • Kary Mullis - invented the polymerase chain reaction (another DNA based discovery) claims acid and pot helped him do it. Oh and like a few others already named won a Nobel
  • Oliver Sacks - the movie Awakenings features him, he's a world renowned neuroscientist
  • Richard Feynman - Physicist who helped design the atom bomb and won the Nobel for his theory of quantum electrodynamics
  • Sergey Brin - cofounder of google, multiple degrees, currently analyzing human genome data

And that's only scratching the surface... and no I don't even use drugs but the nonsense we were all told as kids is just that: nonsense.

I hope my daughter never takes a class from someone who will point out a list of "successful people who use drugs".
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The point is my tree hugging friend you don't know what caused his cancer. You don't know what chemical was the catalyst to cause those cells to grow out of control. Of course your head is so far up Jobs dead ass you should. I can do this all day my brotha.

1. I'm not a tree-hugger.

2. I don't use drugs.

3. The drug war is a failure and even police admit it as much an many advocate for legalization of pot.

4. What is known about marijuana's long term effects is that it's bad for a developing brain as opposed to the developed brain (so long as usage is low or moderate) -- the same isn't the case for teenagers who are at risk of more damage. It's also known that daily heavy usage like alcoholism can have long-term negative effects on your brain. Again, developing brains are even more susceptible.

5. My post was in response to the assertion that potheads were all dumb. That assertion is simply not factual.
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I hope my daughter never takes a class from someone who will point out a list of "successful people who use drugs".

My post was in response to the utterly ridiculous assertion that all druggies are dumb. I don't use drugs nor do I advocate drug use. I do, however, take issue with blatant falsities.
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You think that's funny? Ice caps melting at an ever increasing rate. Glaciers shrinking and even disappearing worldwide, plants that couldn't grow in extreme northern areas showing up and thriving there, tundra melting and becoming bogs, animals such as armadillos showing up farther east and north of the USA completely beyond their historical and native ranges. Squid species invading areas they normally aren't found and growing to sizes heretofore unseen as ocean waters warm. That's just a few of the signs, I prefer calling warning signals, that are no laughing matter.

Greenland was named thus for a reason. Grapes used to be grown on the Sceptered Isle (Great Britain) and everybody there drank wine. Then about 1200 AD the climate became too cold to grow grapes. It was the beginning of what is known as the little ice age and our white, english ancestors switched to wheat to make alcohol. Thus, beer and grain alcohol is moderately consumed more than wine in America.

At any rate, the little Ice Age started ending, according to scientists, around the beginning of the 20th century but global temperatures were still much cooler than they were 650 years ago. Bottom line, global warming is real, but, based on the evidence, I find it hard to believe it is man-made.

Good luck to Eric Gordon, and Go Vols!
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Steve Jobs said:

“Taking LSD was a profound experience, one of the most important things in my life. LSD shows you that there’s another side to the coin...It reinforced my sense of what was important—creating great things instead of making money, putting things back into the stream of history and of human consciousness as much as I could.”

List of Potheads:
  • Steve Jobs
  • Carl Sagan - too many awards and too many fields to list
  • Stephen Jay Gould - Paleontologist, biologist, science historian.
  • Francis Crick - ya know that guy who came up with the Double Helix and much of what we know about DNA? That's him.
  • Andrew Weil - medical and biology degrees, has a mushroom named after him
  • Kary Mullis - invented the polymerase chain reaction (another DNA based discovery) claims acid and pot helped him do it. Oh and like a few others already named won a Nobel
  • Oliver Sacks - the movie Awakenings features him, he's a world renowned neuroscientist
  • Richard Feynman - Physicist who helped design the atom bomb and won the Nobel for his theory of quantum electrodynamics
  • Sergey Brin - cofounder of google, multiple degrees, currently analyzing human genome data

And that's only scratching the surface... and no I don't even use drugs but the nonsense we were all told as kids is just that: nonsense.

That was on the other side of that boundary. The young mind can deal with certain kinds of gooping around that I don't think at this age I could. I don't think you're as capable of handling lack of sleep or whatever challenges you throw at your body as you get older. However, I never missed a day of work.
~ Bill Gates

If you didn't piece this together he is saying it is bad for you and you need to be young if you try it because your body can't handle it since it is bad for you.

People who didn't do/claim drugs

Vladimir Putin

Carlos Slim Helu

Warren Buffett

Ingvar Kamprad

Larry Ellison

Abdullah, David, MD considered one of the top in medical field

Abou-Khalil, Bassel, MD also considered one of the top in medical field

The Wright Brothers

Ben Franklin

Abraham Lincoln

And that's only scratching the surface...
The point is my tree hugging friend you don't know what caused his cancer. You don't know what chemical was the catalyst to cause those cells to grow out of control. Of course your head is so far up Jobs dead ass you should. I can do this all day my brotha.

You're going to need the extra time....we gotta fix cancer, armadillo kidnapping and football recruiting...before Monday! :tease2: :jpshakehead: :rtfm:
~ Bill Gates

If you didn't piece this together he is saying it is bad for you and you need to be young if you try it because your body can't handle it since it is bad for you.

People who didn't do/claim drugs

Vladimir Putin

Carlos Slim Helu

Warren Buffett

Ingvar Kamprad

Larry Ellison

Abdullah, David, MD considered one of the top in medical field

Abou-Khalil, Bassel, MD also considered one of the top in medical field

The Wright Brothers

Ben Franklin

Abraham Lincoln

And that's only scratching the surface...

Didnt Ben Franklin once say beer is proof god loves us. Is alcohol not a drug?
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This is the wrong place to discuss global warming and drug/alcohol abuse. We all came to this thread talk about Eric Gordan and how abortion is the legalized murder of innocent christian babies
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This is the wrong place to discuss global warming and drug/alcohol abuse. We all came to this thread talk about Eric Gordan and how abortion is the legalized murder of innocent christian babies

Dead on..except it's innocent Christian REPUBLICAN babies
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