Eric Gordon

At last count over 95% of the world's leading scientists agreed that climate change was in fact occurring, and that human beings were at the very least partly responsible for it. The other 5% are made up of guns-for-hire who are doing the bidding of industrialists.

That's about as close to a consensus as it gets. That pretty much disqualifies it from being an urban legend.

The urban legend at this point is that we're having no effect on our own atmosphere despite the growing mountain of evidence to the contrary.
LMAO! BS! Another post so ignorant there is no possible way to explain anything to this low information citizen! You must get your news from ........ Oh never mind!
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Yet you accuse him of doing drugs. Is there proof there or does putting that label on him make you feel better. Do you know specifically what he did to warrant this?

He kidnapped a squirrel!...and held it prisoner...for three days!
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Yeah legalize it so we can breed a nation full of that. Fat, high b@stards are the future.

Steve Jobs said:

“Taking LSD was a profound experience, one of the most important things in my life. LSD shows you that there’s another side to the coin...It reinforced my sense of what was important—creating great things instead of making money, putting things back into the stream of history and of human consciousness as much as I could.”

List of Potheads:
  • Steve Jobs
  • Carl Sagan - too many awards and too many fields to list
  • Stephen Jay Gould - Paleontologist, biologist, science historian.
  • Francis Crick - ya know that guy who came up with the Double Helix and much of what we know about DNA? That's him.
  • Andrew Weil - medical and biology degrees, has a mushroom named after him
  • Kary Mullis - invented the polymerase chain reaction (another DNA based discovery) claims acid and pot helped him do it. Oh and like a few others already named won a Nobel
  • Oliver Sacks - the movie Awakenings features him, he's a world renowned neuroscientist
  • Richard Feynman - Physicist who helped design the atom bomb and won the Nobel for his theory of quantum electrodynamics
  • Sergey Brin - cofounder of google, multiple degrees, currently analyzing human genome data

And that's only scratching the surface... and no I don't even use drugs but the nonsense we were all told as kids is just that: nonsense.
Uhhhhh. Any news on Eric Gordon?

Edit: Nevermind, read page 1. Wish I could have a mulligan and would pretend I never looked at the last several pages.
The point I was attempting to make is that it's ok for college football players to drink just not smoke. Yet science and research suggest alcohol is a much more dangerous substance. I have to believe if pot were legal the players wouldn't be tested for it.

Ok, Ok, we get it. You like to smoke weed. Carry on!
I appreciate your honesty on the marijuana topic my brotha but I can't agree with you on the legalization of it. I know people downplay the use of it as harmless but I see it as one of many scourges of poor black communities. I can't condone the use by children 8 and up and believe that making it legal will somehow make things different. Is it a gateway drug for everyone? No that's absurd, but it has and does open the door for some young people in the communities I have worked in over the years. That's my first hand opinion based on what I've seen and keep seeing. Nothing positive has ever come out of any community from the use of marijuana.

Uhhhhh. Any news on Eric Gordon?

Edit: Nevermind, read page 1. Wish I could have a mulligan and would pretend I never looked at the last several pages.

I think we have to tolerate a certain amount of wrong info, off-topic conversations, and general wackiness given that it's the offseason. Just roll with it my friend and enjoy the silly season. :hi:
Dude. It never has been funny and if you think Fulmer is not mostly to blame for the last 4 years then you are just deluding yourself. Other than Berry his 2007 class was a bust. Even after being ranked outside the top 25... his 08 class was a pretty bad bust. What he left to Kiffin was a bust.

I detest Kiffin. He has no loyalty and is a jerk in every sense of the word. But it just is not reasonable to blame him completely for the 09 class. Fulmer recruited for that class for 2 years... Kiffin for 2 months.

Your "fun fact" is abjectly stupid and especially considering that "best season" was 7 wins... and would not have been that good had Fulmer still been in charge.

FULMER left a 3 year hole in the roster due to poor recruiting and even worse program discipline.[/
Dude. It never has been funny and if you think Fulmer is not mostly to blame for the last 4 years then you are just deluding yourself. Other than Berry his 2007 class was a bust. Even after being ranked outside the top 25... his 08 class was a pretty bad bust. What he left to Kiffin was a bust.

I detest Kiffin. He has no loyalty and is a jerk in every sense of the word. But it just is not reasonable to blame him completely for the 09 class. Fulmer recruited for that class for 2 years... Kiffin for 2 months.

Your "fun fact" is abjectly stupid and especially considering that "best season" was 7 wins... and would not have been that good had Fulmer still been in charge.

FULMER left a 3 year hole in the roster due to poor recruiting and even worse program discipline.

Words cannot explain how stupid your posts are..
Steve Jobs said:

“Taking LSD was a profound experience, one of the most important things in my life. LSD shows you that there’s another side to the coin...It reinforced my sense of what was important—creating great things instead of making money, putting things back into the stream of history and of human consciousness as much as I could.”

List of Potheads:
  • Steve Jobs
  • Carl Sagan - too many awards and too many fields to list
  • Stephen Jay Gould - Paleontologist, biologist, science historian.
  • Francis Crick - ya know that guy who came up with the Double Helix and much of what we know about DNA? That's him.
  • Andrew Weil - medical and biology degrees, has a mushroom named after him
  • Kary Mullis - invented the polymerase chain reaction (another DNA based discovery) claims acid and pot helped him do it. Oh and like a few others already named won a Nobel
  • Oliver Sacks - the movie Awakenings features him, he's a world renowned neuroscientist
  • Richard Feynman - Physicist who helped design the atom bomb and won the Nobel for his theory of quantum electrodynamics
  • Sergey Brin - cofounder of google, multiple degrees, currently analyzing human genome data

And that's only scratching the surface... and no I don't even use drugs but the nonsense we were all told as kids is just that: nonsense.
Isn't Steve Jobs dead? Died a little early didn't he? Cancer wasn't it? I mean really dude. Your example is a dead Guy. I would roast you right now bit I'm in a merciful mood.
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Isn't Steve Jobs dead? Died a little early didn't he? Cancer wasn't it? I mean really dude. Your example is a dead Guy. I would roast you right now bit I'm in a merciful mood.

And also the "hopeful monster" (aka punctuated equilibrium) guy (Gould) that proposed the theory that a bird laid a dinosaur egg.

Him too... :good!:
Isn't Steve Jobs dead? Died a little early didn't he? Cancer wasn't it? I mean really dude. Your example is a dead Guy. I would roast you right now bit I'm in a merciful mood.

Pancreatic cancer is hardly connected with smoking pot. However, you missed the point completely which isn't surprising.
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Isn't Steve Jobs dead? Died a little early didn't he? Cancer wasn't it? I mean really dude. Your example is a dead Guy. I would roast you right now bit I'm in a merciful mood.

If I could become one of the most respected/successful/famous people in the world and that meant I'd potentially die in my mid 50's...I'd take it
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