Eric Gordon

Yes. I truly hope Jones puts all of that in the rear view mirror very soon. Both guys did damage to the program. However the Kiffin or even Dooley debacles do not absolve Fulmer of primary responsibility for the decline of the program and its struggle to try to bounce back.

And he also maintained years of supremacy in the sec as well as the nation. He also brought us a national championship. Furthermore he recruited some of the best players in the country. Leonard, Lewis, Manning, Stephens, Henry the list goes on. Towards the end of his career did complacency step in or did he fail to adjust to 'he changing times? Probably. But dude he was one of the last in a long line of old school coaches whose time was winding down. It happened to Bowden, Paterno, the coach from Ohio State. They were old school dude. Younger coaches with newer coaching and recruiting strategies were taking over. It happens in sports and it happened to us. To be angry at a man who brought us some great memories that we still talk about and allow those last few years to over shadow that is not worth the energy. The times past him by but I am appreciative for the good times he gave us.
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So it is "old conservatives" fault Gordon cannot abide by the rules?

I am fairly old, personally conservative, but mostly libertarian when it comes to politics. IF the safety nets were removed and drug users had to deal with the FULL consequences of their choices without gov't protection or help then I would be for full legalization. When someone wants the consequences of THEIR choice to become MY financial responsibility... then they have invited me into their decision.

That said, even if drugs were legalized it would be perfectly legitimate for recipients of a privilege or benefit to be subjected to a no drug policy. You have a right to do what you want. You do NOT have a right to do what you want while receiving a benefit from someone else who demands you don't do it. You are free to do it. They are free to reject you doing it while associating personally or financially with them.

Rights and freedoms have to go both ways.

The issue with the "ignorant old conservatives" is that they are unwilling/unable to distinguish between drugs in general and marijuana. Alcolho is a drug, yet because its legal, it never gets lumped in with other more harmful substances. Nobody is saying players should be allowed to go do a little heroin. IMO, these kids have their privacy grossly violated. I'm a stockbroker and nobody makes me piss in a cup. My wife is a teacher at a university and nobody makes her piss in a cup
If its for smoking's sad. Not so much for him but us as a society. We call our selves the land of the free but make kids piss in a cup and burn them at the stake for doing something that is legal all over the world(and throughout part of this country. Pot isn't a performance enhancer and shouldn't be tested for. To all the other players out there take's apparently much better to go about drinking. Who cares about statics and science. The old conservatives running our country know what's best.

Blunts kill, yo...

wannabe rapper passes out? whered the blunt go? (original version) - YouTube

(It's all awesome, but gets good at about the :50 mark.)
The point I was attempting to make is that it's ok for college football players to drink just not smoke. Yet science and research suggest alcohol is a much more dangerous substance. I have to believe if pot were legal the players wouldn't be tested for it.

Perhaps you should be lobbying to stop alcohol, instead of lobbying to legalize pot then? Never understood the "that bad thing is legal, so let's legalize some more bad stuff..." logic.
The issue with the "ignorant old conservatives" is that they are unwilling/unable to distinguish between drugs in general and marijuana. Alcolho is a drug, yet because its legal, it never gets lumped in with other more harmful substances. Nobody is saying players should be allowed to go do a little heroin. IMO, these kids have their privacy grossly violated. I'm a stockbroker and nobody makes me piss in a cup. My wife is a teacher at a university and nobody makes her piss in a cup
You proponents of marijuana truly crack my a#$ up. Seriously I wish some of you would spend a day with the individuals I have worked with. It does more harm than you think.
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You're right we have screwed up a lot of things. Just read a box of anything processed and it is easy to see how jacked up the chemicals are. The hormones in livestock being passed on to us no doubt is a bad thing. Lead, mercury in those new light bulbs, landfill waste, I understand

But don't expect me to buy off on the global warming urban legend. The only true facts are that over twenty years of data has been altered to support the theory and that the earth has been cooling off for 5 years and has a 100 year cycle that looks like a fuzzy sine wave with extreme hot and cold cycles.

At last count over 95% of the world's leading scientists agreed that climate change was in fact occurring, and that human beings were at the very least partly responsible for it. The other 5% are made up of guns-for-hire who are doing the bidding of industrialists.

That's about as close to a consensus as it gets. That pretty much disqualifies it from being an urban legend.

The urban legend at this point is that we're having no effect on our own atmosphere despite the growing mountain of evidence to the contrary.
I'll try adressing a couple of these:

The science I'm referring to...many studies have shown the effects of alcohol abuse to be much more dangerous. You can disput that all you want but it has been proven again and again.

Important word left out.

Social quantities of alcohol consumption have been shown to have little permanent effect on normal, healthy humans.
You proponents of marijuana truly crack my a#$ up. Seriously I wish some of you would spend a day with the individuals I have worked with. It does more harm than you think.

You are blaming the wrong things. Marijuana is not the problem. There are other factors. But this is not the political forum.
At last count over 95% of the world's leading scientists agreed that climate change was in fact occurring, and that human beings were at the very least partly responsible for it.

That's about as close to a consensus as it gets. That pretty much disqualifies it from being an urban legend.

The urban legend at this point is that we're having no effect on our own atmosphere despite the growing mountain of evidence to the contrary.

The controversy isnt whether the climate is changing, the climate has been changing since the dawn of the earth. The controversy is about buying into what the clowns are selling as the end of the world.

Most experts concentrate on either far more interesting or far more threatening things than climate change. Maybe a few passionate, bright scientists are in the field, but I doubt it has much of a pull for "leading scientists". Its like saying 95% of America's greatest athletes and quoting soccer players.

Also, without a source, it looks like you pulled these "facts" out of your ass.
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You are blaming the wrong things. Marijuana is not the problem. There are other factors. But this is not the political forum.

I know I know blame society and capitalism. The rich get rich the poor get poorer. Leads the brothas to drugs and alcohol to mask the pain of society. Dude not only have I heard that excuse I used that excuse to justify my behavior. Now that a brotha is a little older and wiser the truth is its an excuse.
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I know I know blame society and capitalism. The rich get rich the poor get poorer. Leads the brothas to drugs and alcohol to mask the pain of society. Dude not only have I heard that excuse I used that excuse to justify my behavior. Now that a brotha is a little older and wiser the truth is its an excuse.

I personally believe that the socialist welfare agenda is racist at its core. Promote dependence and take away incentives to be self-sustaining and economically successful. At the same time, it buys votes to keep an effectively repressive agenda in power.

"Distributing wealth" takes away incentive from those receiving the redistribution, and it takes away incentive from those losing what they have worked to earn.

So... Where is the incentive in a country that was founded on the belief that you would be rewarded for hard work and taking chances?

There. I said it. Blast away...
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I personally believe that the socialist welfare agenda is racist at its core. Promote dependence and take away incentives to be self-sustaining and economically successful. At the same time, it buys votes to keep an effectively repressive agenda in power.

"Distributing wealth" takes away incentive from those receiving the redistribution, and it takes away incentive from those losing what they have worked to earn.

So... Where is the incentive in a country that was founded on the belief that you would be rewarded for hard work and taking chances?

There. I said it. Blast away...
Ready?? Here goes its a long one... Gobbligook! Your Conflict Theory has no power here. I blast you with a 30 round clip of Symbolic Interactionalism. That same argument has been regurgitated for as long as I can remember. The conspiracy and blame game is played out. Its good to know as I get older that more and more brothas are swinging towards the right and running from the blame game. Ok so it wasn't that long but unlike you I actually took a breath in between.Sup?
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Ready?? Here goes its a long one... Gobbligook! Your Conflict Theory has no power here. I blast you with a 30 round clip of Symbolic Interactionalism. That same argument has been regurgitated for as long as I can remember. The conspiracy and blame game is played out. Its good to know as I get older that more and more brothas are swinging towards the right and running from the blame game. Ok so it wasn't that long but unlike you I actually took a breath in between.Sup?

Good people, dg.

Cool. I like armadillos.

Its funny, the same people that scream bloody murder about how global warming and how it is causing animals to evolve and the climate change are the same people that try to cram evolution down everyone's throats. The earth has been in a continuing state of change for thousands and thousands of years. Global climate change is real as it has been for the last x thousand years. So is evolution. We can witness it daily especially in high energy area such as crust plates in the ocean, etc.

As for EG, hope he finishes his degree and all is well with his health. I don't necessarily agree with him being "slow" at corner, I just don't think he is a great corner. He bites on everything because he is aggressive. He is plenty fast if he wasn't so aggressive but not so much that he can make mistakes and then run a wr back down. He has the tools, just hasn't been able to put them together.
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Reactions: 2 people am I reading?......... so, Eric Gordon caused global warming and did it by smoking a doobie?
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The point I was attempting to make is that it's ok for college football players to drink just not smoke. Yet science and research suggest alcohol is a much more dangerous substance. I have to believe if pot were legal the players wouldn't be tested for it.

There actually have been studies showing marijuana's effect on brain development and its affects on memory.
There actually have been studies showing marijuana's effect on brain development and its affects on memory.
As well as studies done in the Caribbean showing increase in high blood pressure, stroke as well decrease in cognitive function. The list goes on. Contrary to what certain rappers say its a brothas death sentence.
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At last count over 95% of the world's leading scientists agreed that climate change was in fact occurring, and that human beings were at the very least partly responsible for it. The other 5% are made up of guns-for-hire who are doing the bidding of industrialists.

That's about as close to a consensus as it gets. That pretty much disqualifies it from being an urban legend.

The urban legend at this point is that we're having no effect on our own atmosphere despite the growing mountain of evidence to the contrary.

That's so they can get more funding to expand their phony research which will get them tenured and well pensioned.

Also the 95% of so called scientists with preconceived notions that you speak of are also too stoned to conduct research, drive farty little prius in the left lane going 45mph and are non-hygenic....which is why Eric Gordon left the team.
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