I've lived in TX for 30yrs, I knew the right buttons to push.
This highlights the problems for the BDF, no one cares about the conference as whole it's all about the top 2 programs.
Sorry, I reserve "our conference is great" drivel for the bottom feeders of the conferences. Sure, I like to root on the Big 12 teams during bowl season, that's always good, but other than that, conference superiority doesn't mean anything other than bragging rights. Meh. I would rather worry about what's on my plate. Big 12 could put one team in a bowl and as long as it's OU I'm as happy as a fat kid at baskin robbins. That's an sec thing really and that's cool, you can have it, nobody is stopping you.
As things stand right now, a conference network is a non-starter. TX's contract for the LHN prohibits them from participating and a network without TX isn't worth anything.
Maybe, I dont know. I dont see any of this money so it doesnt matter to me.
You should be worried about recruiting. OU is ranked 15 on rivals the last 2 yrs and that's the highest ranking in your conference. The talent, especially the TX talent, is looking elsewhere. The product on the field is the most important thing.
I'll worry about the sky falling when I see it start to fall. I agree the product on the field is very important, and OU isnt having any problems.. They beat a team full of nfl talent and 5 stars so it looks the Xs and Os are as important as the jims and the joes. Recruiting wise, texas will be back as a perennial top 5 recruiter very soon. It's only recently that they havent been able to dominate their state like they historically have. These things are cyclical, but again, so long as OU's recruiting isnt hurting, the rest of the league can eat dirt for all I care. A lot of big time recruits waver between OU and texas, and texas being down is a good thing for OU. OU will always always always recruit well in texas, even during the 90s when they were getting beat by 50 points to nebraska. That's just a fact of life, just like texas, a&m, arkansas and a handful of other schools, they will always recruit well in texas. Texas is probably the deepest well of talent in the country.
Going with some friends that are alums so not sure where I'll be sitting. I'm sure it will be in enemy territory.
I have to provide the tickets next year.
Alums can be anywhere but if he has had tix a while he may have some good seats on the west side. Good luck! If it's a day time game the west is the best, no sun in the ole eyes.