ESPN article on OK QB Trevor Knight

Again, It's a one year snapshot, come back in 5 yrs and we'll talk again.

No coat tails here, we helped build this conference.

As far as OU to the SEC, not gonna happen. You have two problems. 1) Your joined at the hip with OSU. 2) OK doesn't have enough TV sets. Basically you go no where without TX...the SEC already owns the TX TV market so you add no value to our conference.

Your administration has tried to get out of the BDF and failed. They haven't chosen any path that TX didn't choose for them.
Put down the pipe, the SEC would take OU all the way to the bank. Your delusions are yours. OU is doing just fine. They are ranked #3 in the nation and just approved a $370 million stadium/facilities upgrade. I will stop there since too many sentences and fancy words are not welcome here.
Put down the pipe, the SEC would take OU all the way to the bank. Your delusions are yours. OU is doing just fine. They are ranked #3 in the nation and just approved a $370 million stadium/facilities upgrade. I will stop there since too many sentences and fancy words are not welcome here.

Right, so you think the SEC will take OU and OSU!? Did you forget the resolution passed by your state legislature? You know OSU's primary donor is a billionaire with those legislators in his hip pocket right?

And WTF do rankings or even recent success have to do with anything? Just like those upgrades you added to your conference after A&M and Mizzou left huh?

Your program's future is dependent upon what that dysfunctional bunch in Austin decides is best for them and that's the truth. Sucks doesn't it?
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Right, so you think the SEC will take OU and OSU!? Did you forget the resolution passed by your state legislature? You know OSU's primary donor is a billionaire with those legislators in his hip pocket right?

And WTF do rankings or even recent success have to do with anything? Just like those upgrades you added to your conference after A&M and Mizzou left huh?

Your program's future is dependent upon what that dysfunctional bunch in Austin decides is best for them and that's the truth. Sucks doesn't it?

The future at OU is bright, what are you talking about? They are already one of the richest universities in the country, and one of the richest athletic depts in the country. They just signed a contract guaranteeing over 20 mil a year and that revenue is expected to reach 30 and 40 mil per school by the end of the contract term. At this point OU earns more than the distribution to the sec schools, but even if the avg sec payout exceeds that of OU, why should we care? Does anyone really care who makes more or who wins more games? With the revenue stream incoming, OU is happy where they are and arnet in any trouble like you for whatever reason seem to believe. OU and texas are tied at the hip for better or worse, and that's not a bad thing, any conference in the country would be lucky to have those two but there's no way id want to be in a 16 team power conference. They go well together together have a much stronger bargaining chip together than either university does alone.
What do rankings have to do with anything? Um, it shows that OU is an elite university in terms of revenues. They have been high on that list during the Stoops era and that isnt going to suddenly stop, its not like OU is some flash in the pan program who just got invited to the big kids table.
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Ok ok ok, we get it sooners. You guys are probably the greatest team of all time. Please stop typing out 30 papragraph posts.
The future at OU is bright, what are you talking about? They are already one of the richest universities in the country, and one of the richest athletic depts in the country. They just signed a contract guaranteeing over 20 mil a year and that revenue is expected to reach 30 and 40 mil per school by the end of the contract term. At this point OU earns more than the distribution to the sec schools, but even if the avg sec payout exceeds that of OU, why should we care? Does anyone really care who makes more or who wins more games? With the revenue stream incoming, OU is happy where they are and arnet in any trouble like you for whatever reason seem to believe. OU and texas are tied at the hip for better or worse, and that's not a bad thing, any conference in the country would be lucky to have those two but there's no way id want to be in a 16 team power conference. They go well together together have a much stronger bargaining chip together than either university does alone.
What do rankings have to do with anything? Um, it shows that OU is an elite university in terms of revenues. They have been high on that list during the Stoops era and that isnt going to suddenly stop, its not like OU is some flash in the pan program who just got invited to the big kids table.

LOL, I started all this with some trolling remarks and then couldn't help myself and had to add more fuel to the fire.

OU is in pretty good shape right now, I agree. What most fans fail to see however is how the BDF's lack of a conference network will create a financial divide in the years to come. Within a couple of years programs like Vandy and Miss St. will have as much or more money coming in as OU. The NCAA giving the big 5 autonomy to create their own rules to benefit athletes will make it hard on the BDF's little sisters to compete. They just won't be able to afford it while also trying to keep up in the facilities arms race and paying coaches (1mil/yr DC/OC are not far away). It will become a burden even for OU and TX I think.

Recruiting is also becoming a problem for you although you won't admit it. The BDF, as a conference, only signed 3 5* players in 2014. Your conference is also lagging in the NFL draft. Recruits have already taken notice.

I should feel sorry for OU because you guys aren't really to blame for your conference's situation. Stoops makes that hard though.

Anyway, look forward to seeing your stadium in Norman, haven't been there in about 15 years or so.
I keep seeing BDF mentioned in this thread and I am trying to correlate it to words. The only thing that comes to mind is Big Deal Football.

Someone tell me what it means.
I wish we had the talent that bad Texas team had. The senior class was ranked #2 by 247 in 2010. The 2011 class was ranked #4 and the 2012 class #2. As strange as it may seem looking at the season Texas had, that Oklahoma game was no fluke from a talent perspective. That is what they were actually capable of, which is why Mack Brown was deservedly fired. They should have been in the NC conversation. Don't be surprised if Strong is able to contend for the Big-12 right away.

They may have been great coming in but not so much going out. First time in a very long time (1937) no one from Texas taken in the NFL draft.
I keep seeing BDF mentioned in this thread and I am trying to correlate it to words. The only thing that comes to mind is Big Deal Football.

Someone tell me what it means.

BDF = Big Dumpster Fire

Could also be known as the Big12-1-1-2+2


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They may have been great coming in but not so much going out. First time in a very long time (1937) no one from Texas taken in the NFL draft.

Yeah, that's a pretty good confirmation that it was time for a regime change. There couldn't have been that many busts.
LOL, I started all this with some trolling remarks and then couldn't help myself and had to add more fuel to the fire.

OU is in pretty good shape right now, I agree. What most fans fail to see however is how the BDF's lack of a conference network will create a financial divide in the years to come. Within a couple of years programs like Vandy and Miss St. will have as much or more money coming in as OU. The NCAA giving the big 5 autonomy to create their own rules to benefit athletes will make it hard on the BDF's little sisters to compete. They just won't be able to afford it while also trying to keep up in the facilities arms race and paying coaches (1mil/yr DC/OC are not far away). It will become a burden even for OU and TX I think.

Recruiting is also becoming a problem for you although you won't admit it. The BDF, as a conference, only signed 3 5* players in 2014. Your conference is also lagging in the NFL draft. Recruits have already taken notice.

I should feel sorry for OU because you guys aren't really to blame for your conference's situation. Stoops makes that hard though.

Anyway, look forward to seeing your stadium in Norman, haven't been there in about 15 years or so.

All the conjecture but no facts to support any of it. By the way, that was sure alotta' sentences and 3+ syllables words. Isn't that forbidden here?
LOL, I started all this with some trolling remarks and then couldn't help myself and had to add more fuel to the fire.

OU is in pretty good shape right now, I agree. What most fans fail to see however is how the BDF's lack of a conference network will create a financial divide in the years to come. Within a couple of years programs like Vandy and Miss St. will have as much or more money coming in as OU. The NCAA giving the big 5 autonomy to create their own rules to benefit athletes will make it hard on the BDF's little sisters to compete. They just won't be able to afford it while also trying to keep up in the facilities arms race and paying coaches (1mil/yr DC/OC are not far away). It will become a burden even for OU and TX I think.

Recruiting is also becoming a problem for you although you won't admit it. The BDF, as a conference, only signed 3 5* players in 2014. Your conference is also lagging in the NFL draft. Recruits have already taken notice.

I should feel sorry for OU because you guys aren't really to blame for your conference's situation. Stoops makes that hard though.

Anyway, look forward to seeing your stadium in Norman, haven't been there in about 15 years or so.

Well, you know, sometimes you cant tell if someone is trolling or if they really believe what they are saying. I do it too, with my stupidly covert sarcasm (sometimes its overtly dripping).

Who is to say the big 12 wont have a tv network in the years to come? I am not so concerned about the financial efficacy of the rest of the universities in the big 12, but OU has a tv deal of their own which brings in revenue, and texas also has a tv deal of their own too, and that brings in another revenue stream for them. For OU and for Texas, I dont think money will ever be an issue (especially at texas), they are two very rich programs that make money even when being down. The rest sure, i could see how they might not be able to keep up(have they ever? they're bottom feeders for a reason). It's not like they were planning 200 million worth of stadium renovations. With the current deal all big 12 schools stand to make 20-30 mil per school on top of all the other source of revenue I just frankly dont see how the standard of living and budgets are going to take a dive or put them in much of worse position than they are in now.

I have heard the sky is falling efforts about recruiting. I dont follow the other schools but Stoops has never pulled in a class ranked below 15, OU (And texas for that matter) will be just fine in terms of recruiting. Thought this was a tennessee forum, not a sec forum or am I in the wrong place here? I dont care about the other schools in the big 12 so i cant comment as to all these things except to say its working for them as is. Recruits want to win rings and trophies and go to the nfl, my university offers that, and that's what matters to me. But with regard to the draft, while the big 12 has the least amount of schools compared to the other power conferences, they put out nearly as many draftees as most as the other power conferences. I think they had the lowest in '14, but had even in '13 and '12 as many as or were only a couple players shy of having as much as the big 10 and pac 12 etc despite having less teams and less eligible players for the draft. I think texas being down over the past few years has really given the perception that big 12 sucks and that's fair but not entirely accurate. All the big wigs really care about is money, and where money is concerned, big 12 is doing fine.

Don't feel sorry for OU, OU is doing fine and arent going anywhere, they have what they need to succeed.

Good you'll like it, the stadium is much better than it was 15 years ago. I'd sit on the west side though, the band is really loud and annoying on the east side sometimes.
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Did anyone else read the comments? Wow their fans could easily be as dumb as Bama fans. None of the comments I saw contained a complete sentence. Plus I'm pretty spell check costs extra for their phones.

I'm reading it now,it is pretty damn dumb :)
Well, you know, sometimes you cant tell if someone is trolling or if they really believe what they are saying. I do it too, with my stupidly covert sarcasm (sometimes its overtly dripping).
I've lived in TX for 30yrs, I knew the right buttons to push. :)

Who is to say the big 12 wont have a tv network in the years to come? I am not so concerned about the financial efficacy of the rest of the universities in the big 12, but OU has a tv deal of their own which brings in revenue, and texas also has a tv deal of their own too, and that brings in another revenue stream for them. For OU and for Texas, I dont think money will ever be an issue (especially at texas), they are two very rich programs that make money even when being down. The rest sure, i could see how they might not be able to keep up(have they ever? they're bottom feeders for a reason). It's not like they were planning 200 million worth of stadium renovations. With the current deal all big 12 schools stand to make 20-30 mil per school on top of all the other source of revenue I just frankly dont see how the standard of living and budgets are going to take a dive or put them in much of worse position than they are in now.

This highlights the problems for the BDF, no one cares about the conference as whole it's all about the top 2 programs.

As things stand right now, a conference network is a non-starter. TX's contract for the LHN prohibits them from participating and a network without TX isn't worth anything.

I have heard the sky is falling efforts about recruiting. I dont follow the other schools but Stoops has never pulled in a class ranked below 15, OU (And texas for that matter) will be just fine in terms of recruiting. Thought this was a tennessee forum, not a sec forum or am I in the wrong place here? I dont care about the other schools in the big 12 so i cant comment as to all these things except to say its working for them as is. Recruits want to win rings and trophies and go to the nfl, my university offers that, and that's what matters to me. But with regard to the draft, while the big 12 has the least amount of schools compared to the other power conferences, they put out nearly as many draftees as most as the other power conferences. I think they had the lowest in '14, but had even in '13 and '12 as many as or were only a couple players shy of having as much as the big 10 and pac 12 etc despite having less teams and less eligible players for the draft. I think texas being down over the past few years has really given the perception that big 12 sucks and that's fair but not entirely accurate. All the big wigs really care about is money, and where money is concerned, big 12 is doing fine.
You should be worried about recruiting. OU is ranked 15 on rivals the last 2 yrs and that's the highest ranking in your conference. The talent, especially the TX talent, is looking elsewhere. The product on the field is the most important thing.

Good you'll like it, the stadium is much better than it was 15 years ago. I'd sit on the west side though, the band is really loud and annoying on the east side sometimes.
Going with some friends that are alums so not sure where I'll be sitting. I'm sure it will be in enemy territory. ;)

I have to provide the tickets next year.
I've lived in TX for 30yrs, I knew the right buttons to push. :)

This highlights the problems for the BDF, no one cares about the conference as whole it's all about the top 2 programs.

Sorry, I reserve "our conference is great" drivel for the bottom feeders of the conferences. Sure, I like to root on the Big 12 teams during bowl season, that's always good, but other than that, conference superiority doesn't mean anything other than bragging rights. Meh. I would rather worry about what's on my plate. Big 12 could put one team in a bowl and as long as it's OU I'm as happy as a fat kid at baskin robbins. That's an sec thing really and that's cool, you can have it, nobody is stopping you.

As things stand right now, a conference network is a non-starter. TX's contract for the LHN prohibits them from participating and a network without TX isn't worth anything.

Maybe, I dont know. I dont see any of this money so it doesnt matter to me.

You should be worried about recruiting. OU is ranked 15 on rivals the last 2 yrs and that's the highest ranking in your conference. The talent, especially the TX talent, is looking elsewhere. The product on the field is the most important thing.

I'll worry about the sky falling when I see it start to fall. I agree the product on the field is very important, and OU isnt having any problems.. They beat a team full of nfl talent and 5 stars so it looks the Xs and Os are as important as the jims and the joes. Recruiting wise, texas will be back as a perennial top 5 recruiter very soon. It's only recently that they havent been able to dominate their state like they historically have. These things are cyclical, but again, so long as OU's recruiting isnt hurting, the rest of the league can eat dirt for all I care. A lot of big time recruits waver between OU and texas, and texas being down is a good thing for OU. OU will always always always recruit well in texas, even during the 90s when they were getting beat by 50 points to nebraska. That's just a fact of life, just like texas, a&m, arkansas and a handful of other schools, they will always recruit well in texas. Texas is probably the deepest well of talent in the country.

Going with some friends that are alums so not sure where I'll be sitting. I'm sure it will be in enemy territory. ;)

I have to provide the tickets next year.

Alums can be anywhere but if he has had tix a while he may have some good seats on the west side. Good luck! If it's a day time game the west is the best, no sun in the ole eyes.
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The point you're missing in all of the conference talk is the reason why we have a playoff today - the all SEC 2012 BCS Championship matchup of LSU vs Bama.

Okie State couldn't get into the game because everyone knew Bama was better and because the SEC is tougher than the Big 12.

I hate all SEC schools - don't take pride in any other Conf school's success.

I find it laughable that so many of the other P5 conference coaches and fans constantly try to explain why the SEC is overrated as a conference.

Why deny it? It just draws more attention to a pointless argument.

When the SEC or any Conf gets 2 teams into the playoff is when it will matter. Especially if your team is #5.
Nobody wants to see two teams from the same conference in the national championship, how blech. Well, i take that back, I would accept it if it were as a result of a playoff.

Osu would have gotten in, no questions asked had they beaten iowa state; they were solid that year, as good as anyone. As good as bama or lsu? Guess we'll never know. But that's why we play the game!

Well, truth is the sec is over rated as a conference. They usually have the best couple of teams though. They are extremely top heavy, and the bottom half arent exactly setting the world on fire. Incredibly good at the top, very average as you get to the bottom. I think that is the point. I read that the parity between the top half and the bottom half is the biggest of all the P5s. It's kind of sad when the bottom 7 are winless against the top 7.

When any conf gets 2 teams in the playoff, it will matter? The conference debate will matter? Why? you arent getting in by conference reputation, you get in because the committee determines you deserve it. They already said they arent taking historical matchups, results, previous years teams to determine who is good enough to play THIS year. If by proxy of your conference schedule, your overall SOS is the difference between you getting in and not, thats great! You might have something there, but again, not as a result of reputation, but actual outcome of games played.
Nobody wants to see two teams from the same conference in the national championship, how blech. Well, i take that back, I would accept it if it were as a result of a playoff.

Osu would have gotten in, no questions asked had they beaten iowa state; they were solid that year, as good as anyone. As good as bama or lsu? Guess we'll never know. But that's why we play the game!

Well, truth is the sec is over rated as a conference. They usually have the best couple of teams though. They are extremely top heavy, and the bottom half arent exactly setting the world on fire. Incredibly good at the top, very average as you get to the bottom. I think that is the point. I read that the parity between the top half and the bottom half is the biggest of all the P5s. It's kind of sad when the bottom 7 are winless against the top 7.

When any conf gets 2 teams in the playoff, it will matter? The conference debate will matter? Why? you arent getting in by conference reputation, you get in because the committee determines you deserve it. They already said they arent taking historical matchups, results, previous years teams to determine who is good enough to play THIS year. If by proxy of your conference schedule, your overall SOS is the difference between you getting in and not, thats great! You might have something there, but again, not as a result of reputation, but actual outcome of games played.

You're such a joker.

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