ESPN is imploding

‘Member when you used to like what ESPN brought to sports? Stuart Scott, Rich Eisen, Chris Berman, Bill Simmons. I ‘member. Those names they’re cutting look more like sports being brought to ESPN instead of the other way around. Maybe they’ll remember where their value came from and go find some young hungry sports journalists. UT has a good program if they need help finding one.
They won’t. They’ll go woker than before.
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Just because some of you perceive them to be a "woke" business, you want to believe that Disney is about to go bankrupt. They're not.

Macroaxis lists their probability of bankruptcy at less than 1%. This also gives a thorough financial analysis of the company.

What is Walt Disney Probability Of Bankruptcy? DISN.BA | Macroaxis

Yahoo! Finance even considers Disney to be a good investment.

Is Disney a Good Investment in 2023?

Some of the posts on here are wishful thinking ... emanating from modern day tribal politics. It's the "Go Woke, Go Broke" crowd on here. It's a gross over-simplification.
I don’t believe they’re about to go bankrupt. Never have. But they are a woke company. There’s no disputing that. And you don’t go through rounds of layoffs the way they have unless you are hemorrhaging money.
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Love Max and was sooooo bummed when HBO cancelled boxing, as he, Jim Lampley, Harold Lederman, Larry Merchant and Michael Buffer were the top show on TV (IMO) back in the day.

Not a Stephen A fan, so hope Max gets picked up by a great station/team as he certainly deserves it.
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I don’t believe they’re about to go bankrupt. Never have. But they are a woke company. There’s no disputing that. And you don’t go through rounds of layoffs the way they have unless you are hemorrhaging money.
ESPN is in a revenue decline, but they are still profitable for Disney.


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