That's actually a somewhat fairly recent trend, isn't it? When they first started the NFL division blogs section (I forget the was maybe somewhere in like the 2003-2006 range?), Khuharsky had to cover / make the articles for all 4 teams in the AFC South Blog.
And I don't think that the folks who get all worked up over the political stuff realize how bad that will be for sports in general.
Even those who agree with the social justice stuff don't want to hear about it on a sports network.
How does Disney/ABC/ESPN not realize that this does not sell?
I know that horse has been beaten way too many times, but the political stuff isn't why these layoffs are happening. This is about cord-cutting, plain and simple.
A lot of outlets will pick up some of these personalities. I'd watch for FS1. They've been picking off ESPN.
ESPN should have gone the route of streaming services like Netflix and HBO Now and offered a subscription fee monthly that gives access to all their networks without requiring a cable subscription, or a tiered system where for basic you get ESPN/ESPN2/ESPNU and premium you get them all, or something to that effect. Unless of course that would violate any contracts with cable providers.
That's the problem. I imagine that your suggestion is where the industry is headed. But it can't go there right now because of existing contracts. ESPN is simply going to have to take their lumps until they are in a position to start offering direct streaming options. At that point, the cable/satellite bundle will be totally dead.