Along with the Caitlyn Jenner thing, the Michael Sams coverage during the draft and subsequent kiss really turned me off to ESPN. I really don't care if you're gay or straight, just keep it out of my face please. I tuned in for draft coverage not to be inundated or conditioned to accept something that has been recognized in the Bible as something Unholy.
So here we are, do we go against something we have been told our whole lives or accept it for what it is?
I am bumping my own earlier post on this. I saw it again last night on ESPN, right after brackets came out. Male host asking female about her thoughts on UCLA and she made inane, generic comments about defense. It was obvious in 3 seconds she knew none of the players' names, or anything about the subject matter.
Just so tiresome.
Funny how the Bible is usually brought up when discussing homosexuality, as if that's the only thing the Bible considers "unholy".
Pre-marital sex is also considered unholy in the Bible. Somehow no one holds it against Tom Brady, Larry Bird, Steve Garvey, or a good portion of the NFL/NBA/MLB. How many illegitimate kids did Travis Henry have when he helped win you guys a national title? Pretty sure none of you cared how many.
Racists argue several Bible passages say interracial relationships are unholy. Go ahead and reserve my unholy place in hell for thinking Halle Berry, Olivia Munn and Jessica Alba are all smoking hot...oops, looks like I violated one of the commandments right there...
Gotta love that selective Bible
Funny how the Bible is usually brought up when discussing homosexuality, as if that's the only thing the Bible considers "unholy".
Pre-marital sex is also considered unholy in the Bible. Somehow no one holds it against Tom Brady, Larry Bird, Steve Garvey, or a good portion of the NFL/NBA/MLB. How many illegitimate kids did Travis Henry have when he helped win you guys a national title? Pretty sure none of you cared how many.
Racists argue several Bible passages say interracial relationships are unholy. Go ahead and reserve my unholy place in hell for thinking Halle Berry, Olivia Munn, Rashida Jones, Zoe Saldana and Jessica Alba are all smoking hot...oops, looks like I violated one of the commandments right there...
Gotta love that selective Bible
Don't want to get into what "racist" think is in the bible, but I still struggle to see the sports content value of watching Bruce Jenner receive the courage espy in his new evening gown. Trying to make the connection between sports and "coming out" is a stretch I lot of folks would find hard to absorb.
I quit listening to ESPN because of its hard left stance. Anyone who thinks it's not an ultra liberal organization is not listening. I'm not mad at them, but it's my right to stop listening. As for the guy who says it's a selective bible stance against homosexuality, they didn't give Steve Garvey or Travis Henry an award for pre marital sex like Caitlyn Jenner. I'm against all behavior that is condemned in the Bible , but homosexuality seems to be the one most celebrated , therefore it gets the most critism
You can always choose not to watch the ESPYs if Bruce Jenner in drag bothers you...problem solved right there. It's not as thought he/she/it hosts the 11pm SportsCenter every night.
I was merely pointing out the hypocrisy of using the Bible when it fits your particular area of discomfort/disagreement (homosexuality), but ignoring the Bible when it's in direct conflict with other "sins" that don't make people as uncomfortable, to the point where those transgressions are all but ignored (pre-marital sex).
If you don't like drag queens, just say you don't like drag queens.
Leave the Bible out of it...unless you treat all sins/commandments referenced in the Bible (and the sinners who commit/violate them) exactly the same. Otherwise you're a hypocrite.
You qualified everything about my comments but why sports content and "drag queens" are one and the same to ESPN.
I did stipulate, leaving the expression "racist" and "bible" out of it. So, my comments weren't going there.
My issue isn't how often ESPN repeats themselves or you can always turn it off. I legitimately asked you, what sport has to do with "drag queens"?
You are welcome to take another shot at it.
"hide yo kids, hide yo wife" because we are sensitive little snowflakes who can't deal with a gay smooch
ESPN = (The) Entertainment (and) Sports Programming Network
Therefore ESPN reserves the right to fill airtime based on what they consider "entertainment", even if it means giving a meaningless award to a former world class athlete who wants to be a drag queen four decades removed from his greatest athletic accomplishment.
NFL wise, I would Imagine ESPN got burned on the anti-American douche QB from the 49's.
I wouldn't watch a game with him in it, even if it was against the Titans, Broncos or Cowboys!
I did the same with Brandon Marshall playing for the Broncos and complained to Air Academy Federal Credit Union until they withdrew his lucrative sponsorship.
Credit union with ties to military ends deal with Broncos LB after he kneels during anthem
Bottom line, ESPN sucks now, but if our teams are playing on ESPN/ESPN2/ESPNU, etc...we're watching ESPN.
Exactly. And live sports is what ESPN wants you to watch as that's where they make up most of their ad revenue. If you were to ask an ESPN exec whether he'd rather you watch a random college football game between 2 MAC schools or that night's Sportscenter, he would pick Maction every time.