ESPN segment on Tyler Bray

Here is the truth. Before the season he was projected as a top five pick based on raw skills. He has an arm that can do things only few in the league can. He can change arm angles and throw accurately, he can throw the deep ball with great velocity, and he has a lightning quick release. When he was getting praised in the off season this is largely what they were looking at. They also were projecting that his football understanding would grow and mature. It didn't. That's why he wasn't drafted. He has zero mental tools, and he lacks the will power to change his deficiencies. He has the football IQ of a high schooler. He doesn't understand checks, moving the chains, and he overlya relies on overwhelming talent from his wr to save him. His footwork is at times abysmal and his short to intermediate inaccuracy displays this. He is the most talented qb to grace neyland stadium ever in terms of physical ability. He is just a brick.
Here is the truth. Before the season he was projected as a top five pick based on raw skills. He has an arm that can do things only few in the league can. He can change arm angles and throw accurately, he can throw the deep ball with great velocity, and he has a lightning quick release. When he was getting praised in the off season this is largely what they were looking at. They also were projecting that his football understanding would grow and mature. It didn't. That's why he wasn't drafted. He has zero mental tools, and he lacks the will power to change his deficiencies. He has the football IQ of a high schooler. He doesn't understand checks, moving the chains, and he overlya relies on overwhelming talent from his wr to save him. His footwork is at times abysmal and his short to intermediate inaccuracy displays this. He is the most talented qb to grace neyland stadium ever in terms of physical ability. He is just a brick.

This (mostly). TB was physically one of the best QBs in the country and we hoped he would become mentally capable of playing the position. Instead, he depended on his WRs with a sandlot gambler style that got what it deserved. High risks bring high losses as many times as they bring victories, and the losses are devastating. Watching him at Gruden's camp was frustrating. You could see a young man that had darn near zero ability to express himself clearly or to understand what was being explained, and absolutely zero enthusiasm or drive. Gruden explained how the offense didn't win a few games in crunch time (GA, SC, Ms State) because TB didn't make the right read pre- or post-snap. The defense sucked, but TB clearly wasn't exactly the "winner" we thought he would be.
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A lot of turnovers came late in the game with us throwing down field, etc.. trying to get back in it.

Most of the SEC games our D looked like the "C" team vs. the top unit in some sort of exhibition. Most of the time there was NO pressure and unbelievably there were still guys 10+ yards open.

We did turn it over a lot with the gunslinger mentality at QB but the offense could move the ball.

Look at all those zero's we forced on defense...

OKAY! the defense was TERRIBLE! It's all the defense's fault.

We played 8 SEC games last year.

We lost 7 of those games.

We won the TO battle in 1 game, Missouri and there were no turn overs by either UT of UK in that game...we won that one, lost at Missouri.

Every other SEC game our offense turned the ball over more than the other team.

2 TO's to 0 vs. UF, lost by 17
4 TO's to 3 vs. UG, lost by 7
2 TO's to 0 vs. MSU, lost by 10
2 TO's to 1 vs. UA, lost by 31
2 TO's to 1 vs. SC, lost by 3
3 TO's to 1 vs. VU, lost by 23

As bad as the D was, we weren't exactly protecting the ball...we won the TO battle once in SEC games, Missouri and lost by 3. We had 1 game where both teams had none, UK and we won.

Then there's the drive charts, shall we go there? 3 and outs?
A lot of turnovers came late in the game with us throwing down field, etc.. trying to get back in it.

I say most teams that turn the ball over 2,3,4 times a game are gonna lose most of the time, even with a good defense.

Most of the SEC games our D looked like the "C" team vs. the top unit in some sort of exhibition. Most of the time there was NO pressure and unbelievably there were still guys 10+ yards open.

I agree here, but what does that have to do with Bray's abilities? Not getting drafted has nothing to do with our defense.

We did turn it over a lot with the gunslinger mentality at QB but the offense could move the ball.

You say gunslinger mentality, I say he didn't know what to do so he just winged it. Further, he ignored coaches instructions in some instances and did what he wanted, not because he was so talented, but because he didn't care to understand the concepts or the philosophy his coaches tried to teach.

Look at all those zero's we forced on defense...

This (mostly). TB was physically one of the best QBs in the country and we hoped he would become mentally capable of playing the position. Instead, he depended on his WRs with a sandlot gambler style that got what it deserved. High risks bring high losses as many times as they bring victories, and the losses are devastating. Watching him at Gruden's camp was frustrating. You could see a young man that had darn near zero ability to express himself clearly or to understand what was being explained, and absolutely zero enthusiasm or drive. Gruden explained how the offense didn't win a few games in crunch time (GA, SC, Ms State) because TB didn't make the right read pre- or post-snap. The defense sucked, but TB clearly wasn't exactly the "winner" we thought he would be.

This over and over and over!!:hi:
This (mostly). TB was physically one of the best QBs in the country and we hoped he would become mentally capable of playing the position. Instead, he depended on his WRs with a sandlot gambler style that got what it deserved. High risks bring high losses as many times as they bring victories, and the losses are devastating. Watching him at Gruden's camp was frustrating. You could see a young man that had darn near zero ability to express himself clearly or to understand what was being explained, and absolutely zero enthusiasm or drive. Gruden explained how the offense didn't win a few games in crunch time (GA, SC, Ms State) because TB didn't make the right read pre- or post-snap. The defense sucked, but TB clearly wasn't exactly the "winner" we thought he would be.

You described the Dooley administration moreso than Bray.
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