ESPN segment on Tyler Bray

Someone made the comment on here a couple of months ago that Bray's problem was Dooley's coaching, and that he would have been much better with a different staff. I responded that I didn't get the feeling that it would make any difference who Bray's coaches were. He does what he wants when he wants to do it.

I'm glad to see someone on here sees it the way I do. Its kind of like being the new mgr of a biz and having to deal with one of the owners lazy bratty kids on staff. They do what they want, and causes issues with the other employees. As the QB bray had the power to be the player to disrupt all plans. Everyone bashes Dooley as if bray is someone that respects his coaches/authority/others. People say "sit him" but who was going to play?? Bray was the only horse Dooley had to ride because Kiffin left 0 QBs on the roster. Bray stayed cause he only had 2 other offers, San Diego st and Fresno st, why?? For all his natural talent and only those 3 scholly's?? Coaches must have seen something coming out of HS. Kiffin either missed it or saw himself in Bray.

I've said it a bunch...I would have liked to have seen Dooley coach without bray, and when he finally purged the team of all the negativity. Players he brought in and fit his plan. To bad the guy never had the shot and gets bashed for it still.

Some of you guys are really twisting the facts to defend Bray. Throwing it harder would not have helped. His responsibility was to take the checkdown.

Yeah its been said by an AD insider on here that the coaches would get furious with Bray cause he wouldn't check down as the play was designed. He would always go for the big play and would throw off the gameplan. The kid did what he wanted cause he knew Dooley couldn't bench him cause who was going to replace him? Bray had no competition to keep him in check and he took advantage of it pt blank.
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Whatever his work ethic and intelligence is, I don't get what the benefit of him coming back for his senior year would have been. New coach . . . I'll fitting offense . . . New receivers . . . New TE . . . Likely have his stats go down and win about the same. What was the upside supposed to be?
Nothing if he doesn't change. Everything if he had.

YouTube...archive our shame for history. :finger3:
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Revisionist are fun aren't they? You just disregard that 5 star safety that's lurking don't you?

Nope just notice the 4 star QB throwing the ball and the 5 star WR running the route.

There are gonna be a lot of better players on D in the NFL. You can't be scared to throw his way just because he's good.
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Nope just notice the 4 star QB throwing the ball and the 5 star WR running the route.

There are gonna be a lot of better players on D in the NFL. You can't be scared to throw his way just because he's good.
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You shouldn't be scared to throw at good defenders. You should be smart and throw to the guy that is completely uncovered.
What do you mean it's easy after the fact to pin point the check down. That's his job to know that crap. It's not hind sight, it should have been foresight. I can't believe that I am agreeing with Bama crapeater either.

Maybe the checkdown was the right throw, but I'm just stating the obvious. The game looks different down on the field and it's easy to read a defense from overhead and see who is about to come open . . . especially on a replay when you know the outcome of the play.

He's a QB with confidence in his arm throwing to elite receivers on a bad team where he has to make everything happen. It's not hard to understand why he wouldn't try that throw.
Nope just notice the 4 star QB throwing the ball and the 5 star WR running the route.

There are gonna be a lot of better players on D in the NFL. You can't be scared to throw his way just because he's good.
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Throw to a wide open check down who could run for days or throw into a nonexistent window? Son you must be a Madden football expert. How do you explain not throwing to a wide open WR?

The question is not should he have thrown it harder, it's why did he not throw it to the check down?

Why are you defending him? Also, there's a huge difference between fearing and respecting the safety. You have to respect the safety or you will throw stupid picks like.....uh, your boy did.
You shouldn't be scared to throw at good defenders. You should be smart and throw to the guy that is completely uncovered.

My point was Pig was open, if he made a better throw its an easy TD whether its a middle schooler or Ed Reed out there. He had single safety so it wasn't an awful decision, just not a great throw.
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Throw to a wide open check down who could run for days or throw into a nonexistent window? Son you must be a Madden football expert. How do you explain not throwing to a wide open WR?

The question is not should he have thrown it harder, it's why did he not throw it to the check down?

Why are you defending him? Also, there's a huge difference between fearing and respecting the safety. You have to respect the safety or you will throw stupid picks like.....uh, your boy did.

A fast WR on a LB with a single safety. Son you must be the definition of an armchair QB because that is a match up nightmare for a defense. And guess what. IT WAS OPEN TOO AND OPEN EARLIER. Just a bad throw, son.
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Having now had the chance to view the entire program, I must say, in the strongest possible terms, that whoever was responsible for editing this snippet (Gruden's QB Camp: Tyler Bray - ESPN Video - ESPN) really gave ammunition to the "ESPN hates Tennessee" crowd; he/she absolutely selected excerpts which gave the worst possible impression of Bray.

Gruden was very fair and even in his analysis, unlike the editor who pieced together this film clip. Like so many of us, Gruden marveled at Bray's physical talent but pointed out the obvious need for more work on the mental side of the quarterback position, specifically mastering his progressions and playing with consistency and discipline. Incidentally, if you take Bray's comments at face value, he didn't even know what Tennessee's colors were prior to our recruitment of him, but he was captivated by the game-day experience. It was somewhat reminiscent of Heath Shuler's initial reaction to UT. Gruden also was very complimentary of Tennessee and made it a point of emphasis to note how much coaching at the University of Tennessee meant to him personally and in terms of his career.


My point was Pig was open, if he made a better throw its an easy TD whether its a middle schooler or Ed Reed out there. He had single safety so it wasn't an awful decision, just not a great throw.
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Bro, he was not open.
A fast WR on a LB with a single safety. Son you must be the definition of an armchair QB because that is a match up nightmare for a defense. And guess what. IT WAS OPEN TOO AND OPEN EARLIER. Just a bad throw, son.
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You can't answer my question, why not throw it to the wide open check down who could run for days?

Your option was a pick. Answer my question. Btw, Gruden agrees with me. I'm out yell down and tell mom and dad hi.
You can't answer my question, why not throw it to the wide open check down who could run for days?

Your option was a pick. Answer my question. Btw, Gruden agrees with me. I'm out yell down and tell mom and dad hi.

Don't talk to me like a little kid, prick. Get over whatever sense of internet entitlement you have that makes u think ur better than everyone else you old geezer because no one gives a d**n about how important u think u are. Open or not, PIG WAS OPEN FIRST. Therefore, IT WAS HIS FIRST OPTION. And once again, IT WAS A PICK BECAUSE HE LOBBED IT. IF IT WAS A BULLET, ITS A TD. Go mow your lawn so you can get your mind off being miserable all the time.

Edit: Congrats on being first on my ignore list. As much douchebaggery that goes on this site, you have topped it all
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Don't talk to me like a little kid, prick. Get over whatever sense of internet entitlement you have that makes u think ur better than everyone else you old geezer because no one gives a d**n about how important u think u are. Open or not, PIG WAS OPEN FIRST. Therefore, IT WAS HIS FIRST OPTION. And once again, IT WAS A PICK BECAUSE HE LOBBED IT. IF IT WAS A BULLET, ITS A TD. Go mow your lawn so you can get your mind off being miserable all the time.
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Smokey is incapable of having a conversation with someone with whom he disagrees without losing his composure and resorting to childish insults.

That said, you are wrong. Howard was not open. He did not have separation. A harder throw would still have been defended. You cannot make the case that Bray made the right read.
Smokey is incapable of having a conversation with someone with whom he disagrees without losing his composure and resorting to childish insults.

That said, you are wrong. Howard was not open. He did not have separation. A harder throw would still have been defended. You cannot make the case that Bray made the right read.

Made the right read, not really but using Brays gunslinger mindset, he had enough of a window to make the throw if it was on a line. Unless I'm imagining a different play, which I will admit is possible, he had enough separation. I will go back and watch that play if I can find it again, and if I feel I was wrong, I'll admit it.
Don't talk to me like a little kid, prick. Get over whatever sense of internet entitlement you have that makes u think ur better than everyone else you old geezer because no one gives a d**n about how important u think u are. Open or not, PIG WAS OPEN FIRST. Therefore, IT WAS HIS FIRST OPTION. And once again, IT WAS A PICK BECAUSE HE LOBBED IT. IF IT WAS A BULLET, ITS A TD. Go mow your lawn so you can get your mind off being miserable all the time.

Edit: Congrats on being first on my ignore list. As much douchebaggery that goes on this site, you have topped it all
Posted via VolNation Mobile

Cowards cower.

You don't like it that I and Mr. Gruden agree he made a terrible read. Boo hoo, you still didn't acknowledge why he doesn't take the safe play and check down to a wide open Lane. Instead, you cower and throw a load of crap trying to distract from the fact that you can't explain why he didn't throw check down. All you say is he threw to an open wr, but said wr was double covered. If you throw Lane, we have te ball 10 to 15 yards closer to the endzone.

All of this happened because you are defending a poor decision made by Bray. The same guy that won a SEC game last year. Also, the same guy that didn't know his reads with Gruden and Gruden had to tell him his reads. Good job.

Lastly, if being on your ignore list means you disagree with me, then I can live with that.
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Smokey is incapable of having a conversation with someone with whom he disagrees without losing his composure and resorting to childish insults.

That said, you are wrong. Howard was not open. He did not have separation. A harder throw would still have been defended. You cannot make the case that Bray made the right read.

Dude we said the same thing.

I did say it first, but we said the same thing.

You're not a writer either.
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Made the right read, not really but using Brays gunslinger mindset, he had enough of a window to make the throw if it was on a line. Unless I'm imagining a different play, which I will admit is possible, he had enough separation. I will go back and watch that play if I can find it again, and if I feel I was wrong, I'll admit it.

I'm with you. Saw many many occasions of Marino throwing through a tight window when the dump off was open. Favre, too, but he had a lot more that didn't get through.

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