ESPN segment on Tyler Bray

OHHH MY i could have sworn i just saw someone compare Bray to Marino and Farve in the same paragraph .

I don't actually doubt Bray might BECOME a good or even Great NFL QB . At this point , he is not .
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Just got around to seeing the Gruden Camp with Bray..."win games from the neck up" indeed...brutal.
I'm with you. Saw many many occasions of Marino throwing through a tight window when the dump off was open. Favre, too, but he had a lot more that didn't get through.

You just compared Bray to two hall of famers. If anybody was a hall of famer then sure they could make that throw. The whole point is bray thinks he is a famer but doesn't work, think, or play like one.
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It's also easy to point out that Bray wasn't really pressured, yet he still didn't make it past his first two reads, both of whom were triple covered, and both of whom had helped clear out the middle of the field.

dang, with 6 people covering 2 receivers, how was everyone else not open???
The Bills' offseason focus has been so quarterback-centric that of the 30 draft-eligible prospects they brought in to Buffalo, nine were quarterbacks. All totaled, the team's brass has met with and worked out at least 10 quarterback prospects - many of them twice (Barkley, Smith, Oklahoma's Landry Jones, Florida State's E.J. Manuel and Tennessee's Tyler Bray).
If he goes undrafted he is not able to come back because he hired an agent correct?

That is correct. Hire an agent and you are done.

On the actual topic at hand, Bray probably has one of the best arms in this draft. He can really sling the ball and is surprisingly accurate on the long ball as well. At 6'6" 230 lbs, Bray is a prime specimen. He reminds me of Jay Cutler honestly. Which I am sure I will take some slack for some where down the line. Oh well.

Bray goes in the 3rd or 4th round to either the Jets, Raiders, Browns, Bears, Lions or Jags.... just some bold predictions to throw out there.
I know its been said in this thread already, but I just saw the video. He gives himself a 7-8 on preparation. How can any person drafted do this with something they have complete control over? If it was, "tyler rate your speed" or something that is less controlable give yourself a 7-8. But preparation? Geez this kid just doesn't get it. Just say i was a 7-8 and I made a big change and all last year I would rate myself at a 10. Give me something!

It explains a lot of his performance against good competition
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I know its been said in this thread already, but I just saw the video. He gives himself a 7-8 on preparation. How can any person drafted do this with something they have complete control over? If it was, "tyler rate your speed" or something that is less controlable give yourself a 7-8. But preparation? Geez this kid just doesn't get it. Just say i was a 7-8 and I made a big change and all last year I would rate myself at a 10. Give me something!

It explains a lot of his performance against good competition

He was being honest?

What do you want him to say? Lie?

First rule in fixing a problem, is admitting you have a problem.
12 months ago, who would have thought that Bray was possibly going to be undrafted but we would have a JUCO that had never played a down in the SEC to go in the 1st round?
He was being honest?

What do you want him to say? Lie?

First rule in fixing a problem, is admitting you have a problem.

Too honest IMO. That is why he went from a 2-3 rounder, to a 4-5 rounder with some people saying he might go undrafted. If you are going for a job interview and they ask you to rate your work ethic and you give that kind of answer....good luck getting the job. Yes to fix it you have to admit it, and I gave an example of that in my previous comment. Admit you HAD a problem, and that you have taken the steps to correct it. Thats what they want to hear
Umm the honey badger will see playing time next year and will def start on special team Tyler will be holding a clip board at best. Now explain to me how McShay is an idiot for saying yes he would draft the one guy who clearly produces

ok so the honey badger who did not do a single day of workouts on his own, got horrible combine numbers in almost every category, and could not bench press a pillow is going to see playing time?

Damn.. I knew I should have entered the draft this year.
ok so the honey badger who did not do a single day of workouts on his own, got horrible combine numbers in almost every category, and could not bench press a pillow is going to see playing time?

Damn.. I knew I should have entered the draft this year.

You think he won't?

His play speaks for itself imo
He was being honest?

What do you want him to say? Lie?

First rule in fixing a problem, is admitting you have a problem.

I guess every nfl team agreed with for bray, but people who act and do things like he did get what's coming to them at some point
Summary: Tons of natural talent with bad decision making and maturity issues. They think someone will take a shot at him in the 3 to 5 round. McShay said if he were a gm he would not draft him at all because you cant trust him.
McShay was singing his praises prior to the start of last season. Way to turn on a player just because the team he plays on has the worst defense in their entire football history.

That's what these azzhats do. They pump sunshine up their buts when they are playing for a winning team, and they do nothing but fault find when they come from a team that had a disappointing season.

Don't believe me? Look at the whole damn draft. EJ Emanual was the only QB who came from a team with a decent record. He got drafted in the 1st Rd, while all the others slid and slid well below where they should have.

If Tyler Wilson came out last year, he would be a 1st Rd question about it. Same with Barkley.
How many times can someone blame defense for Bray's problems? Qb's are drafted (or not) based on their offensive film. Offensive players are not drafted based on defensive game film. Good grief.
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How many times can someone blame defense for Bray's problems? Qb's are drafted (or not) based on their offensive film. Offensive players are not drafted based on defensive game film. Good grief.
The defense deserves a TON of blame. Had Wilcox stayed we would have fielded at least a decent defense. He had less to work with the season before and did much better with what he had than Sunseri. With a decent defense, we win 5 more games and go to a BCS bowl. That would have put Tyler Bray in a much different light with NFL teams and draftniks. Easy to look at it negatively after the fact, but this team had the offense to win most of it's games....period.

Pundits tend to focus on and over-emphasize any perceived flaws when the player came from a losing program. I already stated how the entire draft this year is a classic case study in that regard.

They were gushing over some of the same players, this time last year. But after a disappointing season, they suddenly have an epiphany, and decide the guy is mush now.

I always take their comments with a grain of salt. They were the same with Locker. They heaped praise on him after his Junior year...even claiming he should be the first player taken in the draft. They changed their tune when his team did much worse his Senior year.

They also overlooked all of Colin Kaepernick's credentials/accomplishments a few years ago, and had him rated like the 5th best prospect (2nd-3rd Rd grade). Why? Cause he played for a smaller program at Nevada.

Turns out, he was the best QB in the entire class....just as I thought he would. I was really wanting the Titans to take him, rather than Locker. These pundits/draftniks are wrong about as often as they are right.
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His sideline antics hurt him know the scouts discussed his attitude and etc. with Dooley and guess is they told them he was an attitude problem on top of his other issues
OKAY! the defense was TERRIBLE! It's all the defense's fault.

We played 8 SEC games last year.

We lost 7 of those games.

We won the TO battle in 1 game, Missouri and there were no turn overs by either UT of UK in that game...we won that one, lost at Missouri.

Every other SEC game our offense turned the ball over more than the other team.

2 TO's to 0 vs. UF, lost by 17
4 TO's to 3 vs. UG, lost by 7
2 TO's to 0 vs. MSU, lost by 10
2 TO's to 1 vs. UA, lost by 31
2 TO's to 1 vs. SC, lost by 3
3 TO's to 1 vs. VU, lost by 23

As bad as the D was, we weren't exactly protecting the ball...we won the TO battle once in SEC games, Missouri and lost by 3. We had 1 game where both teams had none, UK and we won.

Then there's the drive charts, shall we go there? 3 and outs?
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