
After DeSantis signed legislation stripping business owners of their rights I can't see how anyone could support him either.

I have to confess to not being aware of this. But would love to take a look at a link.
Your next president did a great podcast with the author of EuroTrash. I’ve yet to read the book, but plan on doing so soon. Brings up a lot of points I’ve made before about the left’s irrational love of Europe.

1. Europe is poorer than American

2. European healthcare has worse outcomes than America

3. Europe is more racist than America

4. European countries have less progressive taxes than American as measured by effective rates

The name of the book tells me everything I need to know about the author. Pass.

I've literally never heard anybody on the left say that Europe is wealthier than us or less racist, and nobody cares how progressive the taxes are when the safety net is so substantial (and we shouldn't want progressive taxes, so aren't they doing it right?). Sounds like a bunch of strawmen. Keep fighting the good fight on health care, though.
Europe is overrated by many. But they do have a few things in their favour. Much better passenger train service, no speed limit on most of the autobahn, less trash and graffiti (although this unfortunately is now changing), better beer (Germany and Belgium at least). Plus HEINO
Oh…..and ABBA is back!!!!!!!!
Thank you. But im not sure this article relates to HOG88s concern that Desantis trampled on business owners.
Hog is a corporations=people.

I admit it is hard to distinguish between a regulation on a corporation and that regulation impacting the owner(s) right to self determinate their own company.
Europe is overrated by many. But they do have a few things in their favour. Much better passenger train service, no speed limit on most of the autobahn, less trash and graffiti (although this unfortunately is now changing), better beer (Germany and Belgium at least). Plus HEINO
View attachment 414511
Oh…..and ABBA is back!!!!!!!!
IMO the best beer in the world comes out of Belgium.
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The name of the book tells me everything I need to know about the author. Pass.

I've literally never heard anybody on the left say that Europe is wealthier than us or less racist, and nobody cares how progressive the taxes are when the safety net is so substantial (and we shouldn't want progressive taxes, so aren't they doing it right?). Sounds like a bunch of strawmen. Keep fighting the good fight on health care, though.

The left 100% propagates the lie that we too could have a leftist utopia if only the rich in our country paid more. So the fact that our tax system is already more progressive is worth pointing out.
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Hog is a corporations=people.

I admit it is hard to distinguish between a regulation on a corporation and that regulation impacting the owner(s) right to self determinate their own company.

Corporations all the way down to single proprietorships are owned by people who have rights, they also pay taxes so their rights should be protected the same as the individual.
Please explain.

It matters because it's completely relevant to that topic (Trump, 2A, and red flag laws). He supports the very thing that you disqualify Crenshaw for, but somehow you had absolutely no recollection that Trump did this. I'll be looking forward to you donating to Trump's opponent in 2024.
The article states that Desantis pushed for a complete ban on mandates and the legislature was unwilling to take it that far. I must be missing something.
Yea he didn't get everything he wanted but it still lays out restrictions on business owners crafting their own policy
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