Even More Obamacare Follies

So I went in to local medical facility to have (hopefully) minor diagnostic scan per doc' orders and I'm in the large waiting area. The paperwork they have you do takes roughly all of 2 minutes. Not exaggerating.

NONE of it is insurance related -- they do that themselves. Its stuff like allergies and meds.

Late 40s fellow, looks like probably a contractor, comes in to the front desk, apologizing for having missed his first appointment as he just forgot. Who forgets that?

Anyway, they give him the same batch of paperwork. He spends 30 seconds on it, brings it back, and complains they don't need it, and they say, no, we need that from everybody, and the tool walks back to his chair, muttering loudly, that he has to fill it out because of Obamacare.

That kind of ignorance is disgraceful, and his comments were a direct effort to incite reaction from others based on politics. And of course the moron was so wrong its hard to even describe how wrong he was.

I wanted to punch him right in the ovaries.
What does a contractor look like? Just another scumbag that you look down on because he doesn't wear a suit?
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So I went in to local medical facility to have (hopefully) minor diagnostic scan per doc' orders and I'm in the large waiting area. The paperwork they have you do takes roughly all of 2 minutes. Not exaggerating.

NONE of it is insurance related -- they do that themselves. Its stuff like allergies and meds.

Late 40s fellow, looks like probably a contractor, comes in to the front desk, apologizing for having missed his first appointment as he just forgot. Who forgets that?

Anyway, they give him the same batch of paperwork. He spends 30 seconds on it, brings it back, and complains they don't need it, and they say, no, we need that from everybody, and the tool walks back to his chair, muttering loudly, that he has to fill it out because of Obamacare.

That kind of ignorance is disgraceful, and his comments were a direct effort to incite reaction from others based on politics. And of course the moron was so wrong its hard to even describe how wrong he was.

I wanted to punch him right in the ovaries.

Mangina ultrasound?
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There are fewer and fewer people going into primary care due to the lack of money (reimbursement)) moving forward.. Long wait lines ahead
So I went in to local medical facility to have (hopefully) minor diagnostic scan per doc' orders and I'm in the large waiting area. The paperwork they have you do takes roughly all of 2 minutes. Not exaggerating.

NONE of it is insurance related -- they do that themselves. Its stuff like allergies and meds.

Late 40s fellow, looks like probably a contractor, comes in to the front desk, apologizing for having missed his first appointment as he just forgot. Who forgets that?

Anyway, they give him the same batch of paperwork. He spends 30 seconds on it, brings it back, and complains they don't need it, and they say, no, we need that from everybody, and the tool walks back to his chair, muttering loudly, that he has to fill it out because of Obamacare.

That kind of ignorance is disgraceful, and his comments were a direct effort to incite reaction from others based on politics. And of course the moron was so wrong its hard to even describe how wrong he was.

I wanted to punch him right in the ovaries.

He's your typical democrat low IQ voter
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Mission failure. good job

"As of this week, nine of the law’s 23 state co-ops — nonprofit health-insurance companies set up to help people enroll in Obamacare — have collapsed. Over 600,000 people who enrolled in co-op health plans will lose their insurance at the end of this year. Many of them were forced into the co-ops to begin with when Obamacare canceled their private insurance policies in 2013, meaning they will have lost their health insurance twice because of the law."

Obamacare: Failing Co-ops Point to a Fundamental Flaw | National Review Online
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Mission failure. good job

"As of this week, nine of the law’s 23 state co-ops — nonprofit health-insurance companies set up to help people enroll in Obamacare — have collapsed. Over 600,000 people who enrolled in co-op health plans will lose their insurance at the end of this year. Many of them were forced into the co-ops to begin with when Obamacare canceled their private insurance policies in 2013, meaning they will have lost their health insurance twice because of the law."

Obamacare: Failing Co-ops Point to a Fundamental Flaw | National Review Online

And Joe Biden wants this agenda piece of crap to be pushed forward by the next Democratic hopeful as President.
Libs complain about the $5 million on the "hildabeast witch trial", yet, never a peep about the billions blown, wasted, and unaccounted for concerning this gigantic fleecing of a law.
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Libs complain about the $5 million on the "hildabeast witch trial", yet, never a peep about the billions blown, wasted, and unaccounted for concerning this gigantic fleecing of a law.

Taxpayers have spent over 7 million just on travel expenses for Barry and Mooch, where's their outrage over that ?
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Mission failure. good job

"As of this week, nine of the law’s 23 state co-ops — nonprofit health-insurance companies set up to help people enroll in Obamacare — have collapsed. Over 600,000 people who enrolled in co-op health plans will lose their insurance at the end of this year. Many of them were forced into the co-ops to begin with when Obamacare canceled their private insurance policies in 2013, meaning they will have lost their health insurance twice because of the law."

Obamacare: Failing Co-ops Point to a Fundamental Flaw | National Review Online

and...most people don't know or have forgotten this is just the 10th month of "compliance" mandated upon employers. I don't think they can comply and no one knows it . It wont be exposed until year end and in tax season when the fines are levied.
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