Even More Obamacare Follies

Annual enrollment starts for me soon. No really significant changes with mine... OOP maximum went down about 700 bucks. Other than that it's pretty much the same.

You on a group plan through your employer?

If you're on an individual plan and don't qualify for any subsidy money..... You're screwed.
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That is disgusting.

What's disgusting is that if I don't change plans I'm paying $1200/month for a $6300 ded. plan... No Dr office copays ...... I go.... I pay..... Toward the ded.
I get a physical/year and a RX card $3 generic $35 brand.....

This is called getting f****d
You on a group plan through your employer?

If you're on an individual plan and don't qualify for any subsidy money..... You're screwed.

Group plan. To be fair, the company I work for has also been pretty good at keeping insurance cost low, so it's hard for me to compare. Wasn't sure how I would like the consumer driven plan they had switched over to two years ago. But I actually really like it.
What's disgusting is that if I don't change plans I'm paying $1200/month for a $6300 ded. plan... No Dr office copays ...... I go.... I pay..... Toward the ded.
I get a physical/year and a RX card $3 generic $35 brand.....

This is called getting f****d

6300 as the deductible?! Hell... Hate to see the OOP max on that.
What's disgusting is that if I don't change plans I'm paying $1200/month for a $6300 ded. plan... No Dr office copays ...... I go.... I pay..... Toward the ded.
I get a physical/year and a RX card $3 generic $35 brand.....

This is called getting f****d

1200/6300? **** that is ridiculous. I'm in a group plan through a large company. Our deductible is 1,000.
1200/6300? **** that is ridiculous. I'm in a group plan through a large company. Our deductible is 1,000.

That's what a lot of people don't see..... These individual plans are s***..... And I'm over paying like hell to subsidize those on the teet.

If you don't qualify for subsidy money you're bent over. People on these plans are avoiding medical care like the plague due to the out of pocket.
That's what a lot of people don't see..... These individual plans are s***..... And I'm over paying like hell to subsidize those on the teet.

If you don't qualify for subsidy money you're bent over. People on these plans are avoiding medical care like the plague due to the out of pocket.

I would do some insurance shopping. From your description of the policy, it isn't very good, may find something for less that pays better. It is simply good business sense to shop.
1200/6300? **** that is ridiculous. I'm in a group plan through a large company. Our deductible is 1,000.

I'm on a group plan, I'm currently being offered 2 plans:

one has a lower deductible of $1,000 for the family $500 invidivudal but no office copays, you pay until your deductible

the other is $4000 family / $2000 individual but $15 office co pays
I would do some insurance shopping. From your description of the policy, it isn't very good, may find something for less that pays better. It is simply good business sense to shop.

I've already looked at the numbers that health companies have made available, which at this point is United. Similar pricing, but the drug card isn't as good. Other providers are supposed to release their rates this week.

I think you guys are having a hard time believing what a person in my position is faced with. Last year I looked at every damn plan available. You can forget anything in the gold and silver categories.... The plans suck.... The coverage is basically major medical and I pay out the ass.
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I seriously feel your pain. I was facing the exact same situation. I had to get a job with a major company to avoid paying out the butt. They pay my plan which is like 1500 a month for my young family. It get calls from recruiters and it's the 1st thing I bring up which is insane
I've already looked at the numbers that health companies have made available, which at this point is United. Similar pricing, but the drug card isn't as good. Other providers are supposed to release their rates this week.

I think you guys are having a hard time believing what a person in my position is faced with. Last year I looked at every damn plan available. You can forget anything in the gold and silver categories.... The plans suck.... The coverage is basically major medical and I pay out the ass.

Gold and silver categories. You have one of the marketplace policies?
Obamacare Failing Two Years In | National Review Online

"Relatedly, the economics are shaky. According to a McKinsey & Co. analysis, last year health insurers lost $2.5 billion in the individual market that Obamacare remade. Obamacare co-ops that were supposed to enhance choice and lower costs have been failing, and almost all of them are losing money, a victim of the absurd rules (no industry executives on their boards, no raising capital in public markets, etc.) imposed on them by the law. The problem with Obamacare in a nutshell is that on one hand, by imposing motley regulations and mandates, it increases the price of health insurance, and on the other hand, by providing subsidies, it tries to hide the cost — but not enough."
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Obamacare Failing Two Years In | National Review Online

"Relatedly, the economics are shaky. According to a McKinsey & Co. analysis, last year health insurers lost $2.5 billion in the individual market that Obamacare remade. Obamacare co-ops that were supposed to enhance choice and lower costs have been failing, and almost all of them are losing money, a victim of the absurd rules (no industry executives on their boards, no raising capital in public markets, etc.) imposed on them by the law. The problem with Obamacare in a nutshell is that on one hand, by imposing motley regulations and mandates, it increases the price of health insurance, and on the other hand, by providing subsidies, it tries to hide the cost — but not enough."

If this is the case, why did I receive a refund on my health insurance this year?
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If this is the case, why did I receive a refund on my health insurance this year?

I can't speak to your personal insurance situation, but they are estimating 10 million people enrolled by the end of next year. That is a problem when the CBO based all of its budget numbers on 20 million enrollment.
I can't speak to your personal insurance situation, but they are estimating 10 million people enrolled by the end of next year. That is a problem when the CBO based all of its budget numbers on 20 million enrollment.

My carrier is Cigna. Apparently, they turned a profit. I am just questioning the article considering that a really large health insurer turned a profit in such dire times.
Gold and silver categories. You have one of the marketplace policies?

No. I don't qualify for subsidy, but the health companies still have the plans categorized as such. If you want to see expensive look in the gold and silver plan costs.

I'll post some of the prices once I get my hands on the rates. You'll learn quickly why I want to stomp every hand that signed this POS into law.
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