Even More Obamacare Follies

In less than two years over 33% have failed..... Did anyone with an ounce of intelligence not see this coming? They wanted them to fail and for costs to increase..... They're screwing the public into single payor submission. ......bunch of damn good for nothing socialist bastards
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and...most people don't know or have forgotten this is just the 10th month of "compliance" mandated upon employers. I don't think they can comply and no one knows it . It wont be exposed until year end and in tax season when the fines are levied.

I hope a ton of people get screwed come tax time..... Especially those that voted for democrats that rammed this POS down our throats.
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In less than two years over 33% have failed..... Did anyone with an ounce of intelligence not see this coming? They wanted them to fail and for costs to increase..... They're screwing the public into single payor submission. ......bunch of damn good for nothing socialist bastards

Amen to that!!!!
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Not to worry. Get ready for more cash based systems to develop. I know several physicians that are setting up this type of system among their local network of providers. It will actually be better care, cost effective, and cut the insurance and government out of healthcare.

Who is not surprised that the exact opposite outcome is occurring than what they wanted. The government is terrible at these big programs.

No matter how bad they want to be in charge of our healthcare they never will be able to do it without going full bore Commy.
Yep. It is coming, imo that good be good or it could be a disaster.

Disaster. We don't have the infrastructure for it yet such as doctors, specialists and other healthcare providers. Watered-down care and costs will rise significantly for those of us who will actually be paying for it (It will be government run after all).
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Disaster. We don't have the infrastructure for it yet such as doctors, specialists and other healthcare providers. Watered-down care and costs will rise significantly for those of us who will actually be paying for it (It will be government run after all).

Granny and I were foster parents to a couple of children that had the Tenn care Medicaid. It paid for 100% of all doctor visits, all prescriptions, all test. It is by far the best insurance I know of for the insured. I would love to be able to be able to purchase it. Now for what it pays to the providers, I don't know how it is, it may be terrible.
Granny and I were foster parents to a couple of children that had the Tenn care Medicaid. It paid for 100% of all doctor visits, all prescriptions, all test. It is by far the best insurance I know of for the insured. I would love to be able to be able to purchase it. Now for what it pays to the providers, I don't know how it is, it may be terrible.

It pays terribly. So bad that many physicians refuse to see patients that have it.
Let's see - sign ups through the exchanges are now expected to be 40% of what CMS projected less than a year ago and they under-report the premium increase significantly.

Who didn't see this coming?
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My premiums jumped over $370/month for my upcoming renewal..... This bill is a damn disgrace. I'm mad enough to go to jail over this POS legislation.
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Annual enrollment starts for me soon. No really significant changes with mine... OOP maximum went down about 700 bucks. Other than that it's pretty much the same.

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