Even More Obamacare Follies

Age won't help on rates. I was thinking you were in you mid-late 30's for some reason.

I wish you the best. All I know is shop and shop some more, you might get lucky.

Have you priced through the marketplace? If not I would check it out, you may find something there. In my zip code in TN it is showing pricing on several BCBS plans, a few Humana and United Health plans. It can't hurt to look.

I don't qualify for subsidy so going to the marketplace doesn't have any impact on my pricing. The plans inside the marketplace are the same, but those that qualify get subsidized rates.
I don't qualify for subsidy so going to the marketplace doesn't have any impact on my pricing. The plans inside the marketplace are the same, but those that qualify get subsidized rates.

Gotcha. I didn't realize the marketplace plans were the same plans one could purchase on the open market, my mistake...
50 is where I could tell a big difference. It was like the day I hit 50 my body started a slow downhill journey. By the time 60 rolled around it didn't matter...lol.

50 is what started my aches and pains. Reading glasses followed a few years afterward. Now, I'm getting cramps in my legs and numbness in my hands during the night. I'll be 66 in a month. Still feel young in the mind. Body, not so much.
I'm in device. My company passed the 3% onto the hospitals. Who do you think picks up that tab? This whole thing is a wealth distribution scam. I am also witnessing a rationing of technology. The folks with good insurance gets premium products. The folks with Medicare and Medicaid get crap that surgeons quit using years ago. It's sad but Obamacare only hurt the folks that voted for the idiots that passed it. I'm witnessing a race to the bottom.
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Could go some where with that, but I'll behave. I'm 45. There's no doubt the body starts to give out before the mind. I still feel relatively good, but the difference is definitely noticeable after 40 or so..

The aches and pains started just before I turned 50. I played unlimited league basketball (mainly college kids) until then. Then a set of three broken ribs earned by diving for a loose ball took a LOOOOOONG time to heal. Haven't played well since then.
I'm in device. My company passed the 3% onto the hospitals. Who do you think picks up that tab? This whole thing is a wealth distribution scam. I am also witnessing a rationing of technology. The folks with good insurance gets premium products. The folks with Medicare and Medicaid get crap that surgeons quit using years ago. It's sad but Obamacare only hurt the folks that voted for the idiots that passed it. I'm witnessing a race to the bottom.

Oh, but the ACA isn't that bad.....it amazes me how everyone thinks the government can take care of them
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Just renewed my insurance. Premium dropped by roughly 30 a paycheck pretax. Oop max went up by 400, deductible stated the same. UHC is who I have.
Just renewed my insurance. Premium dropped by roughly 30 a paycheck pretax. Oop max went up by 400, deductible stated the same. UHC is who I have.

UHC is making a big push in TN with company plans. BCBS of TN rates went through the roof this year so we switched to UHC also.
UHC is making a big push in TN with company plans. BCBS of TN rates went through the roof this year so we switched to UHC also.

Yea. We had bcbs three years ago. The rates and coverage were terrible compared to the uhc wet currently have.
True. We have it as well

We are still learning. We had Aetna, then the wife went to work at another facility that has these guys

Aetna dropped coverages and raised rates after obamacare. (Had to by law) United health seems to be in step (price wise) with where we were before obamacare.
Just finished my health care enrollment. Not as bad as Carl's, but it did go up.

Thanks King Putt, you azzhat. You socialists have my thanks as well.

Edit: Actually it went up $40/month for medical and $4 for dental.
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