I don't mind expansion, but I DO mind not maintaining regional integrity! As I've said countless times before, any school that is not east of the Mississippi River and south of the Mason-Dixon line has NO BUSINESS being in the SEC! That means Arkansas, that means Missouri, that means Texas, Texas A&M, and Oklahoma! I'd gladly trade those schools for FSU, Miami, Clemson, North Carolina, NC State, Virginia, and Virginia Tech.
You gotta figure at some point the configuration/expansion will get so ridiculous that they'll have to go to geos for scheduling. I don't like the expansion, but the two things I like about the expansion are that there won't be many "dud" weekends in SEC slate...most every weekend will have some legit matchups. Also, like that us and Auburn aren't starting w/ 2 probable losses on our schedule every year...UGA/Bama. Love playing them, but glad the schedule difficulties are being spread pretty evenly across the board.
It's not a league in any traditional sense anymore: Just an excessively large number of teams lumped together for money. And it will get even larger and more ridiculous before long....
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A sad day. Oklahoma, Texas, Texas A&M, Missouri, are not SEC. Go back to the Big 12. 16 teams, what does it take 10 yrs or more to play every team home and away? What yearly traditional games will be destroyed? Fans of South Carolina have to travel 1,067 miles to Norman; 1,162.5 miles to Austin, TX., and 1038.1 miles to College Station. How many times will SEC/ESPN put Texas and Oklahoma on TV, depriving other real SEC fans the opportunity to watch their team? The destruction continues.
I don't mind expansion, but I DO mind not maintaining regional integrity! As I've said countless times before, any school that is not east of the Mississippi River and south of the Mason-Dixon line has NO BUSINESS being in the SEC! That means Arkansas, that means Missouri, that means Texas, Texas A&M, and Oklahoma! I'd gladly trade those schools for FSU, Miami, Clemson, North Carolina, NC State, Virginia, and Virginia Tech.
now I agree
OK, it's The Next Day ...

Georgia and Alabama are still the dominant teams in the SEC.

Texas and OU haven't sniffed a natty in 20 and 25 years respectively. They also haven't faced elite SEC-caliber competition since the glory days of Royal and Switzer.

What, exactly, has changed?
Except that they’ve beaten UT in football 2 of the last 3
If you look back at Dannyman’s posts I suspect he’s not really a UT fan. Among his other great posts in his 18 posts was the statement that Hooker wouldn’t get drafted. Probably too much for him to actually go back and look at the scores before he posts.
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Well paid menagerie?
SUSKC - (South United States Kinda* Conference) in the NcFL - (National College Football League), but it will have to be approved by the NcFLPU - (National College Football League Players Union)... we don't want any strikes.

SUSKC... It just means more...(Pause) MONEY !!!

The "Kinda" is inserted just in case we want to add other teams not in the South side of the United States.... Does Alaska have a college team...They've got oil money up there don't they... did that pipeline thingie ever get approved ??!!??
Land Thieves and Steers. Their lucky to have been invited to the SEC. How would they have faired as members of the bloated B1G?
Financially and otherwise, the SEC threw them a lifeline. May they have a rude awakening in competition and enjoy the benefits of belonging to the SEC.
I get the history and tradition, but they haven't necessarily gone up against the most challenging schedules. OU consistently goes 10-2 or 11-1 but hasn't won anything important since 2000. Texas has just recently shown a pulse after decades of mediocrity in a mediocre conference. Parity among teams in the BIG 12 was nonexistent. The days of consistently winning double digit games in a season are over, especially for OU.

Welcome to the middle tier of the most competitive football conference in the land. Maybe the other sports are something to get excited about? I wouldn't know.
I love that they assembled the Avengers of SEC YouTube Comedy for that video.

Same.........like seeing Josh and Matt join in. SEC Shorts has lost it's touch though, few chuckles here, but nothing like the ribbing and down right beat downs of old. i.e. "The Fairy Godmother" and others. Still, when SEC Shorts comes around..........it's FOOTBALL TIME!!!! (also, at 43 years old, I agree with this clip in that I'll be buying CFB 25'.........one of the first I've bought in years).
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