Whether we admit it or not, adding both Oklahoma and Texas was HUGE. It is probably the biggest Conference expansion in history because both are easily top 10 programs.

This isn't Missouri and A&M (no insults to both).
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Whether we admit it or not, adding both Oklahoma and Texas was HUGE. It is probably the biggest Conference expansion in history because both are easily top 10 programs.

This isn't Missouri and A&M (no insults to both).
I just can't get excited about it. They are great teams but it just reminds me that college football seems to be losing some of what made it so special. I felt the same way about A&M and Missouri.
I just can't get excited about it. They are great teams but it just reminds me that college football seems to be losing some of what made it so special. I felt the same way about A&M and Missouri.

Yeah but the way I see it, Big12 kind of starting to fall apart when Nebraska left. It hasn't been the same since Colorado and Nebraska left.
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Missouri really hasn't been that bad of an addition on the field. They are on par with an Ole Miss, South Carolina, etc.

My thought is Miss State adds less than Missouri and would remove Miss State next after Vandy. Mississippi is too small of a state to require two programs. Both have too much history to go and Miss State does pull its weight at times.

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SUSKC - (South United States Kinda* Conference) in the NcFL - (National College Football League), but it will have to be approved by the NcFLPU - (National College Football League Players Union)... we don't want any strikes.

SUSKC... It just means more...(Pause) MONEY !!!

The "Kinda" is inserted just in case we want to add other teams not in the South side of the United States.... Does Alaska have a college team...They've got oil money up there don't they... did that pipeline thingie ever get approved ??!!??
Dang. I'm glad you used blue font. And I took my heart meds.
Same.........like seeing Josh and Matt join in. SEC Shorts has lost it's touch though, few chuckles here, but nothing like the ribbing and down right beat downs of old. i.e. "The Fairy Godmother" and others. Still, when SEC Shorts comes around..........it's FOOTBALL TIME!!!! (also, at 43 years old, I agree with this clip in that I'll be buying CFB 25'.........one of the first I've bought in years).
Oh I disagree. They're still great, but the off-season doesn't give as much material. The fact that they dropped this was nice. Their stuff is fantastic and now an ingrained part of the season for me.
Coach Barnes and Tennessee now get some redemption chances against Oklahoma head coach Porter Moser who knocked us out of the NCAA Tournament with Loyola in 2018.
I don't mind expansion, but I DO mind not maintaining regional integrity! As I've said countless times before, any school that is not east of the Mississippi River and south of the Mason-Dixon line has NO BUSINESS being in the SEC! That means Arkansas, that means Missouri, that means Texas, Texas A&M, and Oklahoma! I'd gladly trade those schools for FSU, Miami, Clemson, North Carolina, NC State, Virginia, and Virginia Tech.
You gonna tell LSU they’re out?

Beyond all the posts about changes to our conference, I recognized on the SEC shorts video both Matt and Josh…. Both funny guys (way better than Funny Maine and even Uncle Lou).

Since the SEC Shorts included all the “guests” from the clip, I looked at Josh’s account (link below) and was actually a bit blown away by some of the clips over past 6 months. There’s several clips with Tony V and even one with Vescivi that are absolutely hilarious…worth scanning through if bored during this true off-season.


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