Ex-KGB Agent Says Russia Cultivated Trump As An ASSet for 40 years

You expect people to believe that the KGB (Russia) wasted time and money for 40 years on a private citizen with zero access to sensitive information?
I'm just here for the reactions to the news.
The Guardian is a very independent, real newspaper, funded largely by small contributions from its readers. Dismissing its reporting as liberal is just another way of shooting the messenger. Soviet/Russian intelligence services are highly trained to recruit and cultivate long term assets. "At the time it started, which was around 1980, the Russians were trying to recruit like crazy and going after dozens and dozens of people. Trump was the perfect target in a lot of ways: his vanity, narcissism made him a natural target to recruit. He was cultivated over a 40-year period, right up through his election.” After Trump lost more money than any other businessman in the United States, American banks stopped loaning the huge amounts of money to him that he needed. It is a known fact that he turned to the German Deutsche Bank for hundreds of millions of dollars in loans. The loans he obtained from the German bank were underwritten by a Russian State bank. One has to be little better than a fool to believe that Trump was not greatly beholden to Russia and therefore influenced by Russia. Those who support Trump might fancy themselves as patriots, but they are not. "I don't see this making any difference in how any of us feel about him, whether it's true or not." (DinkinFlicka) Key word is "feel."
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The Guardian is a very independent, real newspaper, funded largely by small contributions from its readers. Dismissing its reporting as liberal is just another way of shooting the messenger. Soviet/Russian intelligence services are highly trained to recruit and cultivate long term assets. "At the time it started, which was around 1980, the Russians were trying to recruit like crazy and going after dozens and dozens of people. Trump was the perfect target in a lot of ways: his vanity, narcissism made him a natural target to recruit. He was cultivated over a 40-year period, right up through his election.” After Trump lost more money than any other businessman in the United States, American banks stopped loaning the huge amounts of money to him that he needed. It is a known fact that he turned to the German Deutsche Bank for hundreds of millions of dollars in loans. The loans he obtained from the German bank were underwritten by a Russian State bank. One has to be little better than a fool to believe that Trump was not greatly beholden to Russia and therefore influenced by Russia. Those who support Trump might fancy themselves as patriots, but they are not. "I don't see this making any difference in how any of us feel about him, whether it's true or not." (DinkinFlicka) Key word is "feel."
Lying from foreign spies is more prevalent than them creating assets. You are buying this because you want to believe it.
Wonder if this is sourced partially from the ex FBI lawyer who just escaped a prison sentence and admitted to forging emails to kick off the original Russian hoax investigation..

Maybe Trump should get probation too and everyone be done with it.
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So Russia spent 40 years grooming him, gets him into the WH with $400k in FB ads, but can't be bothered to spend a little more to keep their man in office another 4 years?

Russia's as good at espionage as the insurrectionists were at insurrecting.
And just think they were also fundamental in outing their asset while he was in office by giving Steele all his information and then hosting a Department of State approved meeting at Trump tower.

This is the issue with conspiracies, they spiral and start contradicting themself.
So Russia spent 40 years grooming him, gets him into the WH with $400k in FB ads, but can't be bothered to spend a little more to keep their man in office another 4 years?

Russia's as good at espionage as the insurrectionists were at insurrecting.

I haven't tuned into CNN today, are they running with this yet?
I haven't tuned into CNN today, are they running with this yet?
Probably back to the days of circular references.

A reporter starts a rumor, someone official hears it and comments they they heard it from somewhere, probably another "expert". Then the reporter gets to quote the official for the rumor they started, validating their own bs.
The Guardian is a very independent, real newspaper, funded largely by small contributions from its readers. Dismissing its reporting as liberal is just another way of shooting the messenger. Soviet/Russian intelligence services are highly trained to recruit and cultivate long term assets. "At the time it started, which was around 1980, the Russians were trying to recruit like crazy and going after dozens and dozens of people. Trump was the perfect target in a lot of ways: his vanity, narcissism made him a natural target to recruit. He was cultivated over a 40-year period, right up through his election.” After Trump lost more money than any other businessman in the United States, American banks stopped loaning the huge amounts of money to him that he needed. It is a known fact that he turned to the German Deutsche Bank for hundreds of millions of dollars in loans. The loans he obtained from the German bank were underwritten by a Russian State bank. One has to be little better than a fool to believe that Trump was not greatly beholden to Russia and therefore influenced by Russia. Those who support Trump might fancy themselves as patriots, but they are not. "I don't see this making any difference in how any of us feel about him, whether it's true or not." (DinkinFlicka) Key word is "feel."
If I don’t meet your definition of a patriot then I know I’m on the right path.
Lying from foreign spies is more prevalent than them creating assets. You are buying this because you want to believe it.

Why should I want to believe it? Why do I believe it? Because it is consistent with a large body of believable evidence. A better question would be why do you not believe that large body of evidence. You know that he incited sedition and called for a mob to attack the Capitol during a joint session of Congress, to overturn the election. He did that in front of God and everybody. How can you not believe what you know is true? The reality is that our own counter intelligence professionals warned us about Trump years ago. If he hadn't been elected, Trump would not have received a security clearance to work in the White House mail room.
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