Ex-KGB Agent Says Russia Cultivated Trump As An ASSet for 40 years

Change Trump’s speech that supposedly incited an insurrection to any liberal and no one in DC or the MSM cares.

Can you give me your list of Democrat presidents--or any elected Democrat--who gave a speech repeatedly encouraging the audience to "fight" that was then immediately followed by a storming of the Capitol by audience members?

I'll hang up and listen for your response.
Can you give me your list of Democrat presidents--or any elected Democrat--who gave a speech repeatedly encouraging the audience to "fight" that was then immediately followed by a storming of the Capitol by audience members?

I'll hang up and listen for your response.
I can give you one who said to March peacefully and protest but you ignore that.
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Has the ex-KGB agent’s book hit the shelves of Barnes and Noble yet? It warms my heart to see former commies embrace capitalism.
Biden’s done more damage to American in the last three weeks. My goodness you guys are blind.
How have I done any of that? Enlighten me.

I have already done that in detail. How many more times must I do it? Five more times? Ten? Twenty more times? Fifty times? I suggest that you try reading my posts for the purpose of understanding them, instead of reading for the purpose of reacting badly without thinking and then saying something disparaging. Until you do that, any time I take from the many other things I could be doing will be totally wasted.

Russia is not a threat!

Russia hasn't been a threat since Gorbachev.

China on the other hand scares the living hell out me. Start focusing on China. They are the pissed off kid in the garage, working out for hours everyday, wearing baggy clothes to school, who eventually decides to start kicking azz and nobody sees it coming.

They are a legitimate threat in every aspect.
Has the ex-KGB agent’s book hit the shelves of Barnes and Noble yet? It warms my heart to see former commies embrace capitalism.

Like all of the former commie neoconservatives who took over during the Bush 43 Administration? Those guys are still around, lurking. I read a quote from one of them, offering money to Republicans who Trump is threatening to primary. Republican Party is in a lot of trouble.
Can you give me your list of Democrat presidents--or any elected Democrat--who gave a speech repeatedly encouraging the audience to "fight" that was then immediately followed by a storming of the Capitol by audience members?

I'll hang up and listen for your response.

Still not an insurrection...

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