Ex-KGB Agent Says Russia Cultivated Trump As An ASSet for 40 years

If Trump weren't elected, he would not pass a security clearance to work in the White House mail room. Independent of what the former Soviet agent is saying, a large body of evidence convinced our counter intelligence professionals years ago that Trump was a highly compromised Russian asset.
If a frog had wings it’s ass wouldn’t bump the ground when he jumped. If Trump weren’t president there’s nothing indicating he’d need a clearance anyway. Next dumbass “point”?
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Yeah the kgb was bringing Trump up for 40 years 😂
They’re both f****** stupid, watching you try to act like one is “not as far fetched” is what’s funny. Just stfu before you make yourself look any more dumb than you already do.

You're comparing the existence of angels to the existence of honest lawyers, you flea picking simian.
Don't buy into it, but it's nowhere near the lunacy of lasers causing the California forest fires.

You go from being gullible to just plain ****ing stupid when you cross that line.
I was specifically asked about that possibility by several people on here and pointed out that physics pretty much precludes that from being a possibility due to the distance involved affecting beam divergence and the power it would take to over come that. It wasn’t bought into here really at all. Yes it was a stupid statement.
Lol, just another ex-KGB spy revealing insidious plans for american infiltration.

I'm just wondering why some of our, 'bless their special heart's ', liberals suddenly find the newest one credible.
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There is a huge difference between statements from a career professional in position to know and wildly false fabrications from an unknown crackpot.

Do you understand the concept of disinformation to sew doubt or cause friction between factions? The soviets were masters.
Here is your path. It is the path for useful idiots and traitors.

"I don't see this making any difference in how any of us feel about him, whether it's true or not." DinkinFlicka
I tell you what, your intelligence is just awe-inspiring. I love how carelessly you throw around the word, “traitor” while calling people idiots. You must be a very unhappy person and I feel sad for you man, I really do. Here’s a thought, LET IT GO!
Why should I want to believe it? Why do I believe it? Because it is consistent with a large body of believable evidence. A better question would be why do you not believe that large body of evidence. You know that he incited sedition and called for a mob to attack the Capitol during a joint session of Congress, to overturn the election. He did that in front of God and everybody. How can you not believe what you know is true? The reality is that our own counter intelligence professionals warned us about Trump years ago. If he hadn't been elected, Trump would not have received a security clearance to work in the White House mail room.
Look at how Trump approved of that attack to stop a voting process!
Flashback: Nancy Pelosi praised unionists storming Wisconsin State Capitol

Oh wait, that was Pelosi. My bad!
A child might try to escape responsibility for his own misconduct by speaking about something another person did.
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I tell you what, your intelligence is just awe-inspiring. I love how carelessly you throw around the word, “traitor” while calling people idiots. You must be a very unhappy person and I feel sad for you man, I really do. Here’s a thought, LET IT GO!

Carelessly? No.

Definition of traitor

1: one who betrays another's trust or is false to an obligation or duty
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Change the name to Obama and have one of the Red Hats post it and most of the board would believe it was absolute truth.
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Change the name to Obama and have one of the Red Hats post it and most of the board would believe it was absolute truth.
“What about......some speculation on something I made up that fits my beliefs but I have no way of proving it while at the same time not addressing the fact that my what about would still be bull ****.“

You’re better than that Zep.

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