Ex-KGB Agent Says Russia Cultivated Trump As An ASSet for 40 years

the left laughs at the q believers while actually believing this crap 😂

There is a huge difference between statements from a career professional in position to know and wildly false fabrications from an unknown crackpot.
Why should I want to believe it? Why do I believe it? Because it is consistent with a large body of believable evidence. A better question would be why do you not believe that large body of evidence. Simple. You don't want to believe it. You know that he incited sedition and called for a mob to attack the Capitol during a joint session of Congress to overturn the election. He did that in front of God and everybody. How can you not believe what you know is true?

Child please.gif
Why should I want to believe it? Why do I believe it? Because it is consistent with a large body of believable evidence. A better question would be why do you not believe that large body of evidence. Simple. You know that he incited sedition and called for a mob to attack the Capitol during a joint session of Congress to overturn the election. He did that in front of God and everybody. How can you not believe what you know is true?
there is a large body of evidence supplied by the Russians, and now a russian spy comes out and backs up that body of evidence.......yeah.
there is a large body of evidence supplied by the Russians, and now a russian spy comes out and backs up that body of evidence.......yeah.

I don't think it is even possible for you to not know about the large body of evidence which is independent of Russian sources.
If I don’t meet your definition of a patriot then I know I’m on the right path.

Here is your path. It is the path for useful idiots and traitors.

"I don't see this making any difference in how any of us feel about him, whether it's true or not." DinkinFlicka
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I do not belive the accusation at all, but I will admit something that I have not been forthright in my commentary over the years.
Was Trump complict with Putin in some regard? I think at least possibly.

What common objective would Trump and Putin have for complicity? Sovereignty as a nation state.
Not to the detriment of our nation, but to the global system of finance and trade by the corporations and a complicit fed bureacracy and elect financed by the corporations. We see it in tech censorship and even this Gamestop drama.
The DC fightback against Trump seemed too virulent to be believeable. Character attacks from the DC crowd are hypocritical nausea.

MAGA was always nationalism vs globalism.
Why should I want to believe it? Why do I believe it? Because it is consistent with a large body of believable evidence. A better question would be why do you not believe that large body of evidence. You know that he incited sedition and called for a mob to attack the Capitol during a joint session of Congress, to overturn the election. He did that in front of God and everybody. How can you not believe what you know is true? The reality is that our own counter intelligence professionals warned us about Trump years ago. If he hadn't been elected, Trump would not have received a security clearance to work in the White House mail room.
You believe it because you’re a naive clown and the liberal media told you to
Why should I want to believe it? Why do I believe it? Because it is consistent with a large body of believable evidence. A better question would be why do you not believe that large body of evidence. You know that he incited sedition and called for a mob to attack the Capitol during a joint session of Congress, to overturn the election. He did that in front of God and everybody. How can you not believe what you know is true? The reality is that our own counter intelligence professionals warned us about Trump years ago. If he hadn't been elected, Trump would not have received a security clearance to work in the White House mail room.

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the left laughs at the q believers while actually believing this crap 😂

To act like this **** is even remotely comparable to some of the schizo nonsense from Q is so farfetched that I can't begin to laugh hard enough.

The **** out of here with that.
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Why should I want to believe it? Why do I believe it? Because it is consistent with a large body of believable evidence. A better question would be why do you not believe that large body of evidence. You know that he incited sedition and called for a mob to attack the Capitol during a joint session of Congress, to overturn the election. He did that in front of God and everybody. How can you not believe what you know is true? The reality is that our own counter intelligence professionals warned us about Trump years ago. If he hadn't been elected, Trump would not have received a security clearance to work in the White House mail room.

Oh, you sweet summer child.
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You believe it because you’re a naive clown and the liberal media told you to

Perhaps you are lying about me because you feel your self image threatened by my posts. Maybe you lie whenever you feel like it, as does Trump. I really don't know why you do it. But for whatever reason, you are lying.
To act like this **** is even remotely comparable to some of the schizo nonsense from Q is so farfetched that I can't begin to laugh hard enough.

The **** out of here with that.

Yeah the kgb was bringing Trump up for 40 years 😂
They’re both f****** stupid, watching you try to act like one is “not as far fetched” is what’s funny. Just stfu before you make yourself look any more dumb than you already do.
Perhaps you are lying about me because you feel your self image threatened by my posts. Maybe you lie whenever you feel like it, as does Trump. I really don't know why you do it. But for whatever reason, you are lying.
Lol.... no.... you’re 100% a clown
If Trump weren't elected, he would not pass a security clearance to work in the White House mail room. Independent of what the former Soviet agent is saying, a large body of evidence convinced our counter intelligence professionals years ago that Trump was a highly compromised Russian asset.
To act like this **** is even remotely comparable to some of the schizo nonsense from Q is so farfetched that I can't begin to laugh hard enough.

The **** out of here with that.
That moment you realize you’re a sheep can be rough. Make no mistake, if you even remotely see the dots here..........
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