Well they both basically had same results... In year 2, not yr 1. If Martin, in his 2nd yr, gets to tourney and loses, same as bad-boy Pastner. If he wins, good for him; doesn't make him better coach. He simply has one more NCAA win in same time period.
Yet CCM did it with many disadvantages...an ongoing investigation, not having Memphis in his backyard to pick from, a lesser basketball program, not having the benefit of being on the staff the previous year....the list goes on.
The list doesn't go on or you would have included them.
- Memphis' backyard was always easy pickins (flash forward to present); can't use that.
- Lesser program - agree
- Being on staff --- really helped keep the '09 UM recruits away from UK, didn't it? Whooosh! Gone.... Recruiting for Pastner's 1st yr started around May/June prior to the '09 season. Picked up DJ Stephens, 300lb bus Pierre Henderson-Niles (later kicked off team), and Elliot Williams. Yeah, those recruiting contacts came through big-time. HA!
BTO - You know "BB", but I'm realizing you don't know UM basketball like you think you do. To gain the advantage, you're mixing up 1st and 2nd years, mixing up coaches and their results, and making false deductions that I'm not gonna chase.