Is this column expressing condemnation or tacit praise?
When bombs exploded on Friday in a compound of government office buildings in the heart of Oslo, I assumed, as did pretty much everyone, that the perpetrators were Islamic terrorists.
Not everyone made this assumption, Bruce.
But over the course of the dayas the bombings were overshadowed by the gunning down of dozens of young people at a Labor Party youth camp on a nearby island, Utøyait emerged that these atrocities were not the work of an international jihadist organization.
As the deaths of less than twenty persons were overshadowed by the deaths of more than fifty? Is "overshadowed" and the connotation attached to such a term really the term one should use in this situation?
Well, Muslim terrorists usually bomb buildings and infrastructure; they have rarely gone on shooting sprees (that is something more often associated with radical white persons, right?).
Instead, the perpetrator was a 32-year-old Oslo native named Anders Behring Breivik. He was motivated by a hostility to multicultural policies that, in his view, are leading his country down the path to Islamization. His response was a murderous rampage that has taken the lives of at least 92 people.
It came as stunning news that Norway had been attacked by a blond, blue-eyed, anti-Islamic terrorist. It should not have been: Several of us who have written about the rise of Islam in Europe have warned that the failure of mainstream political leaders to responsibly address the attendant challenges would result in the emergence of extremists like Breivik.
Of course, lets remove at least part of the burden of blame from Breivik and place it on those persons who should have put anti-Muslim policies in place already...
But I was stunned to discover on Saturday that Breivik was a reader of my own work, including my book "While Europe Slept: How Radical Islam Is Destroying the West from Within."
Stunned that an anti-Muslim radical had read your anti-Muslim radical texts? Hmm...I am not making the connection; that said, I am glad that you, Bruce, have plugged your book in this op-ed.
In comments posted in 2009 on a Norwegian blog, Breivik expressed admiration for my writings, but criticized me for not being a cultural conservative (although he was pleased that I was not a Marxist, either).
Props to you Bruce for being a right-wing radical who has inspired a mass murderer; thank goodness you are not a Marxist.
Later on Saturday came news of a 1,500-page manifesto, entitled "2083: A European Declaration of Independence," that Breivik had recently written and posted online. The first half, in which he indicts the European cultural elite for permitting Islam to take root in Europe, makes it clear that he is both highly intelligent and very well read in European history and the history of modern ideas.
Anyone who hates an entire group of individuals due to their religious observances is "highly intelligent"...
In the second half he describes himself as having revived the Knights Templar. He also outlines in extreme detail how he and his fellow anti-jihadists can acquire weapons, ammunition and body armor and thereupon proceed to use "terror as a method for waking up the masses" to the danger posed by Islam. This makes it clear he is completely insane.
Maybe I have not looked hard enough; however, I do not ever recall the term "insane" as being connected to any Islamist militants. They, of course, are always fully aware of everything they are doing and making a sane, yet atrocious, choice to destroy lives. A radical-right Christian terrorist though...insane; obviously does not know what he is doing.
In his manifesto, which is written in such good English
Paraphrase: 'I love this guy!'
that one wonders whether he had the assistance of a native speaker, Breivik quotes approvingly and at length from my work, mentioning my name 22 times.
'And, he loves me! my book, it's great!'
It is chilling to think that blog entries that I composed in my home in west Oslo over the past couple of years were being read and copied out by this future mass-murderer in his home in west Oslo.
It is also chilling to see the way he moves from a legitimate concern about genuine problems to an unspeakably evil "solution."
'The murder is bad, but the motive is solid. Muslims need to pack their bags and **** of Europe, stat.'
In bombing those government buildings and hunting down those campers, Breivik was not taking out people randomly. He considered the Labor Party, Norway's dominant party since World War II, responsible for policies that are leading to the Islamization of Europeand thus guilty of treason.
The Oslo bombing was intended to be an execution of the party's current leaders. The massacre at the campwhere young would-be politicians gathered to hear speeches by Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg and former Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtlandwas meant to destroy its next generation of leaders.
During the hours when I thought that Oslo had been attacked by jihadists, I wept for the city that has been my home for many years. And I hoped Norwegian leaders would respond to this act of violence by taking a more responsible approach to the problems they face in connection with Islam.
'When it was Islam that was the culprit, I wept; yet, I was glad that this might finally be the impetus for Norway, and Europe, to rid themselves of Islam.'
When it emerged that these acts of terror were the work of a native Norwegian who thought he was striking a blow against jihadism and its enablers, it was immediately clear to me that his violence will deal a heavy blow to an urgent cause.
'Come on, Breivik; think tactical patience here. I want the Muslims gone as much as you do, but now people might not automatically assume that every terrorist act is the act of Muslims. Oh boy...I'm going to have to right another book which now will point out that this is simply an outlier and that all terrorists are still Muslims.'
Norway, like the rest of Europe, is in serious trouble.
You are correct, Bruce. Norway is in serious trouble because a radical, right-wing, Christian terrorist just destroyed the Prime Minister's Office and killed over 90 persons.
Millions of European Muslims live in rigidly patriarchal families in rapidly growing enclaves where women are second-class citizens, and where non-Muslims dare not venture.
Has Bruce ever ventured to Appalachia? Arizona? Montana?
I do give him props for trying to make his anti-Islam cause out to be a feminist cause, though...
Surveys show that an unsettling percentage of Muslims in Europe reject Western values, despise the countries they live in, support the execution of homosexuals, and want to replace democracy with Shariah law. (According to a poll conducted by the Telegraph, 40% of British Muslims want Shariah implemented in predominantly Muslim parts of the United Kingdom.)
Uganda re: execution of homosexuals (Uganda is a Christian nation). Oh, and I do think I have heard Christians express that the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah was righteous; that is at best tacit support of the execution of homosexuals.
Muslim gay-bashing is driving gays out of Amsterdam.
Christian gay-bashing is perfectly fine, though.
Muslim Jew-bashing is driving Jews out of Gothenburg, Sweden. And let's not forget about the shameful trials of politician Geert Wilders in the Netherlands and historian Lars Hedegaard in Denmark, which demonstrate how the fear of Muslim wrath is squelching the freedom of speech of those who dare to criticize Islam.
Muslim wrath? Are we bringing this up right after Christian wrath led to the deaths of 90 plus persons?
There is reason to be deeply concerned about all these things, and to want to see them addressed forcefully by government leaders who care about the preservation of individual liberty and human rights. But this cause has been seriously damaged by Anders Behring Breivik.
The cause, in and of itself, is damaged, Bruce. It is a sh*tty cause.
In Norway, to speak negatively about any aspect of the Muslim faith has always been a touchy matter, inviting charges of "Islamophobia" and racism. It will, I fear, be a great deal more difficult to broach these issues now that this murderous madman has become the poster boy for the criticism of Islam.
Bruce Bawer: Inside the Mind of the Oslo Murderer -
It is not allowed to use Breivik as the poster-boy for the criticism of Islam; however, it is perfectly acceptable to single out the small percentage of Muslims who tolerate terrorism, gay-bashing, Jew bashing, and 'patriarchal families' as the 'poster-boys' of Islam?
This may not be dancing in the street celebrating; however, this is hardly a condemnation of the acts and it is certainly an attempt to justify the ends that Breivik was trying to accomplish.