F all of them

Coaching isn't rocket science. The ones that get in it are the guys willing to put in all he long hours. It take a long time and a bit of luck to end up with a good head coaching gig. I think it's funny when people act like a coach has some sort of crazy skill set or talent. The reality is a whole lot of the fans in the crowd have a great mentality capacity and higher overall intellectual level than a coach. If the entire stadium is booing they likely have a reason to do so. As far as the game being in hand already...it's a mind set more than anything else. These are young kids looking at the coach to creat a culture and identity. You'd likely never see urban Meyer or Saban basically leaving points on the field in the first half of a game. Every possession is a chance to help creat that foot on the throat mentality

True. Pretty much every message board yokel is capable of coaching a P5 college football program. Shoot, if we had 420 coaching the team right now we'd be the back to back national champs.
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Anyone who boos our team, ever, under any conditions, deserves the bird and a good ole "F off."

Boos do not come with name tags. When you boo from the stands, you boo the players, too. You boo the entire team.

Booing is disloyal, selfish and childish. Always.

And I don't care if dozens of VolNation readers are guilty of it, and toss hate my way for saying this. Shame on you.
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Coaching isn't rocket science. The ones that get in it are the guys willing to put in all he long hours. It take a long time and a bit of luck to end up with a good head coaching gig. I think it's funny when people act like a coach has some sort of crazy skill set or talent. The reality is a whole lot of the fans in the crowd have a great mentality capacity and higher overall intellectual level than a coach. If the entire stadium is booing they likely have a reason to do so. As far as the game being in hand already...it's a mind set more than anything else. These are young kids looking at the coach to creat a culture and identity. You'd likely never see urban Meyer or Saban basically leaving points on the field in the first half of a game. Every possession is a chance to help creat that foot on the throat mentality

So. If Tyson would have beat up little kids, he would have been a better fighter?

I mean, bc , apparently, Tennessee slapping a middling FCS team around in garbage time of the 1st half builds a better football team?

So. Where you thinking of coaching next season? A&M is probably opening up. Ole Miss is in bad shape, but I'm sure you can get it all back on track. Anyone been interviewing you?
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Yes our coach said it to a fanbase that needed it and now like Peyton told the team , stick together bc the media has wrote us off and as a fanbase I promise you now is the time for optimism and so when our team takes the feild, to the opposite team , f all of them and I mean frig bc I don't talk dirty ! My prediction for vols vs bama ! Ut 38 bama 24

Our fan base deserved for butch to say it. I was yelling at the TV, "hell yeah! Tell 'em, Butch!" It disgusts me when any fan base boos it's own team (that includes the coaches). Our fan base needs to have our team's back at all times. What did we (the fans) do to win the game? We drove and paid some money to do what we want to (watch a game). These young men and the coaches have invested hours upon hours each week into preparing to win the game. I'm sure doing lots of hard work they don't always like doing, but they sacrificed nonetheless. Then a bunch of gutless wonders have the nerve to boo them when they make a mistake. I bet none of the boo birds would stand face to face with DKjr and boo in his face.

Sorry. This is one of my pet peeves and unfortunately, a large segment of our fanbase acts this way. I'm sure this post will draw the ire of many on volnation claiming the price of admission gives them the right to say what they want. There is a difference between what we can say and what we SHOULD say. If you can't be supportive, be quiet. It makes the same point without antagonizing your own team.

Alright. I'm done now. Go Vols!
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Our fan base deserved for butch to say it. I was yelling at the TV, "hell yeah! Tell 'em, Butch!" It disgusts me when any fan base boos it's own team (that includes the coaches). Our fan base needs to have our team's back at all times. What did we (the fans) do to win the game? We drove and paid some money to do what we want to (watch a game). These young men and the coaches have invested hours upon hours each week into preparing to win the game. I'm sure doing lots of hard work they don't always like doing, but they sacrificed nonetheless. Then a bunch of gutless wonders have the nerve to boo them when they make a mistake. I bet none of the boo birds would stand face to face with DKjr and boo in his face.

Sorry. This is one of my pet peeves and unfortunately, a large segment of our fanbase acts this way. I'm sure this post will draw the ire of many on volnation claiming the price of admission gives them the right to say what they want. There is a difference between what we can say and what we SHOULD say. If you can't be supportive, be quiet. It makes the same point without antagonizing your own team.

Alright. I'm done now. Go Vols!

That's the spirit!

Release the Beast!
After last season, I entered the off season highly skeptical of how team 121 would do in 2017.

As time has progressed, viewing the spring game, and getting tidbits about how fall practice is progressing, I must say I am now cautiously optimistic that we could completely surprise everyone and have a tremendous season. This is one of the beauties of being downplayed by the media...our opponents might tend to overlook us. We obviously have the talent. We will just need our playmakers to make plays when they count...in the clutch. Of course good coaching decisions will need to play a role, too.

After struggling through the Dooley years, it does seem Butch has at least brought the mentality back to the Vols to make plays in the clutch (2016 GA game). We suffered some close losses over the last couple of years (OK and FLA in 2015), but last year that seemed to have turned around a bit. Part of the learning curve for these kids is to learn how to win in a highly, highly competitive league. It's not like Friday nights in high school. Team 121 has guys who were part of those close losses in 2015 and part of the close wins in 2016. I believe this team is mentally tough, excited, and ready for the challenge.

Go Big Orange!!!

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This thread reminds me.. where has TerryPedigo went too? Haven't seen him lately.

And heck yeah mink.. let's go!!
So. If Tyson would have beat up little kids, he would have been a better fighter?

I mean, bc , apparently, Tennessee slapping a middling FCS team around in garbage time of the 1st half builds a better football team?

So. Where you thinking of coaching next season? A&M is probably opening up. Ole Miss is in bad shape, but I'm sure you can get it all back on track. Anyone been interviewing you?

First of all it's a different sport so not apples to apples. Secondly, the crowd booed because they've seen this script too many times before. Butch has take foot off the gas the last couple of years over and over especially at the end of the first half against all of our rivals. So it was a cumulative effect that led to the crowd reaction. And anyone that can't see it is crazy. Even the players see it. And players almost ever question their coach in public. But juwan Jennings came unglued at butch at the end of a half last year (I think it was against uga).
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Yep. I could do it like most. Didn't wanna take the pay cut for the $3mil/yr salary tho. This is one heck of a post man. :crazy:

Ya because ever single person that goes into coaching immediately makes 3 million. Lol. It takes about 15-20 years, a bunch of moves, and a bunch of luck to land at a major school as head coach.
If you're serious with that comment you really should keep your day job. You were probably lucky to get it
This thread reminds me.. where has TerryPedigo went too? Haven't seen him lately.

And heck yeah mink.. let's go!!

TerryPedigo is stuck at a Best Budget Hotel in southern Georgia. Coming home from the 2015 Florida game, he found a potential roommate at a rest stop, fella named Barry.

Well, Barry left Terry with the bill, which Terry couldn't pay. See, as soon as Terry fell asleep, Barry called in a threesome of local hookers, and they spent the entire night partying around Terry's prone body.

The next morning, Barry and the gals rang up over $12,000 in room service, long distance, and other charges, then skated.

Terry has been there washing dishes to pay off the room bill ever since. 23 months and counting.

And he's looking for a roommate for the trip home, once he finally settles his debt.

Go Vols! Go TerryPedigo!
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After last season, I entered the off season highly skeptical of how team 121 would do in 2017.

As time has progressed, viewing the spring game, and getting tidbits about how fall practice is progressing, I must say I am now cautiously optimistic that we could completely surprise everyone and have a tremendous season. This is one of the beauties of being downplayed by the media...our opponents might tend to overlook us. We obviously have the talent. We will just need our playmakers to make plays when they count...in the clutch. Of course good coaching decisions will need to play a role, too.

After struggling through the Dooley years, it does seem Butch has at least brought the mentality back to the Vols to make plays in the clutch (2016 GA game). We suffered some close losses over the last couple of years (OK and FLA in 2015), but last year that seemed to have turned around a bit. Part of the learning curve for these kids is to learn how to win in a highly, highly competitive league. It's not like Friday nights in high school. Team 121 has guys who were part of those close losses in 2015 and part of the close wins in 2016. I believe this team is mentally tough, excited, and ready for the challenge.

Go Big Orange!!!

I can dig it!

Go Vols!

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