F all of them

I'm confused? Why was this thread created?

This is a fan bashing thread. Classic off season banter.

True Fan vs Scam Fan

I've got no problem bashing Refs or fans. I prefer bashing opposing team fans, but the Boo-Birds deserve a ding or two. Nothing personal.

Who from Volnation was booing the Vols?
TerryPedigo is stuck at a Best Budget Hotel in southern Georgia. Coming home from the 2015 Florida game, he found a potential roommate at a rest stop, fella named Barry.

Well, Barry left Terry with the bill, which Terry couldn't pay. See, as soon as Terry fell asleep, Barry called in a threesome of local hookers, and they spent the entire night partying around Terry's prone body.

The next morning, Barry and the gals rang up over $12,000 in room service, long distance, and other charges, then skated.

Terry has been there washing dishes to pay off the room bill ever since. 23 months and counting.

And he's looking for a roommate for the trip home, once he finally settles his debt.

Go Vols! Go TerryPedigo!

Can't catch a break.
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I Like the enthusiasm. I do.

But I also believe that the opioid epidemic is really taking its toll on our nation.

I agree about the opioid epidemic. And I also consider myself very much the opposite of the Social Justice Warrior or someone who believes in censorship, especially when it applies to comedy and music.

That said, the opioid epidemic is a very real and very deadly and tragic problem indeed. And though I believe everything is on the table when it comes to jokes, some discretion should be applied as a general unwritten rule.

As an opioid addict who (by the grace of God) is in recovery and who has battled the addiction for 12 years now, I have endured the pain of in the neighborhood of 25-30 deaths of close friends, acquaintances, and associates in that time. All of them died either as a direct result of the drugs or from suicide, which is commonly the only way out of the cycle many addicts believe is available.

To add to that pain, I've watched as their families have mourned the loss of their sons and daughters, husbands and wives, mothers and fathers and others.

I've watched children of active addicts become addicts before they reached puberty and other children be taken from their parents and inserted into the foster system.

Countless people who I know are in jail, some in prison, and one is on death row.

I have caused my own family to live in a perpetual Hell, always worrying about me and constantly preparing themselves the best they can for a phone call from the morgue or a knock on the door by an officer. They've all but given up hope that their loved one will ever be stable enough to support his family and many have altered their own goals for their futures around me and my needs and inadequacies.

I am doing much better for now, but I am not and will never be able to let my guard down and declare myself healed. I have to stay on high alert at all times and remain vigilant and must do so every minute of every day for the rest of my life.

This is all from one addict. There are millions more. Imagine the suffering we've collectively seen as a community of outcasts.

Not looking for any kind of sympathy whatsoever for me. But I am asking for a little consideration for those who are innocent in the whole thing when making light of such a devastating topic. Use a little judgement and have a little class

And a sincere apology if I seem overly-sensitive about it all. Perhaps I am, though it doesn't change my convictions. Take it or leave it, we do live in the home of free speech after all and it would be the end of our culture as we know it if the day ever comes when we are censored at every turn in the attempt to avoid hurting anyone's feelings!
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I agree about the opioid epidemic. And I also consider myself very much the opposite of the Social Justice Warrior or someone who believes in censorship, especially when it applies to comedy and music.

That said, the opioid epidemic is a very real and very deadly and tragic problem indeed. And though I believe everything is on the table when it comes to jokes, some discretion should be applied as a general unwritten rule.

As an opioid addict who (by the grace of God) is in recovery and who has battled the addiction for 12 years now, I have endured the pain of in the neighborhood of 25-30 deaths of close friends, acquaintances, and associates in that time. All of them died either as a direct result of the drugs or from suicide, which is commonly the only way out of the cycle many addicts believe is available.

To add to that pain, I've watched as their families have mourned the loss of their sons and daughters, husbands and wives, mothers and fathers and others.

I've watched children of active addicts become addicts before they reached puberty and other children be taken from their parents and inserted into the foster system.

Countless people who I know are in jail, some in prison, and one is on death row.

I have caused my own family to live in a perpetual Hell, always worrying about me and constantly preparing themselves the best they can for a phone call from the morgue or a knock on the door by an officer. They've all but given up hope that their loved one will ever be stable enough to support his family and many have altered their own goals for their futures around me and my needs and inadequacies.

I am doing much better for now, but I am not and will never be able to let my guard down and declare myself healed. I have to stay on high alert at all times and remain vigilant and must do so every minute of every day for the rest of my life.

This is all from one addict. There are millions more. Imagine the suffering we've collectively seen as a community of outcasts.

Not looking for any kind of sympathy whatsoever for me. But I am asking for a little consideration for those who are innocent in the whole thing when making light of such a devastating topic. Use a little judgement and have a little class

And a sincere apology if I seem overly-sensitive about it all. Perhaps I am, though it doesn't change my convictions. Take it or leave it, we do live in the home of free speech after all and it would be the end of our culture as we know it if the day ever comes when we are censored at every turn in the attempt to avoid hurting anyone's feelings!

We're all Vols here. We got your back. Let's us know how we can help.

Go Vols!
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I agree about the opioid epidemic. And I also consider myself very much the opposite of the Social Justice Warrior or someone who believes in censorship, especially when it applies to comedy and music.

That said, the opioid epidemic is a very real and very deadly and tragic problem indeed. And though I believe everything is on the table when it comes to jokes, some discretion should be applied as a general unwritten rule.

As an opioid addict who (by the grace of God) is in recovery and who has battled the addiction for 12 years now, I have endured the pain of in the neighborhood of 25-30 deaths of close friends, acquaintances, and associates in that time. All of them died either as a direct result of the drugs or from suicide, which is commonly the only way out of the cycle many addicts believe is available.

To add to that pain, I've watched as their families have mourned the loss of their sons and daughters, husbands and wives, mothers and fathers and others.

I've watched children of active addicts become addicts before they reached puberty and other children be taken from their parents and inserted into the foster system.

Countless people who I know are in jail, some in prison, and one is on death row.

I have caused my own family to live in a perpetual Hell, always worrying about me and constantly preparing themselves the best they can for a phone call from the morgue or a knock on the door by an officer. They've all but given up hope that their loved one will ever be stable enough to support his family and many have altered their own goals for their futures around me and my needs and inadequacies.

I am doing much better for now, but I am not and will never be able to let my guard down and declare myself healed. I have to stay on high alert at all times and remain vigilant and must do so every minute of every day for the rest of my life.

This is all from one addict. There are millions more. Imagine the suffering we've collectively seen as a community of outcasts.

Not looking for any kind of sympathy whatsoever for me. But I am asking for a little consideration for those who are innocent in the whole thing when making light of such a devastating topic. Use a little judgement and have a little class

And a sincere apology if I seem overly-sensitive about it all. Perhaps I am, though it doesn't change my convictions. Take it or leave it, we do live in the home of free speech after all and it would be the end of our culture as we know it if the day ever comes when we are censored at every turn in the attempt to avoid hurting anyone's feelings!
Glad you overcame. Ive delivered that message several times.

Ill also say, i hope you get over the jokes or stay away from the interent. Everyone here is offended by something.
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TerryPedigo is stuck at a Best Budget Hotel in southern Georgia. Coming home from the 2015 Florida game, he found a potential roommate at a rest stop, fella named Barry.

Well, Barry left Terry with the bill, which Terry couldn't pay. See, as soon as Terry fell asleep, Barry called in a threesome of local hookers, and they spent the entire night partying around Terry's prone body.

The next morning, Barry and the gals rang up over $12,000 in room service, long distance, and other charges, then skated.

Terry has been there washing dishes to pay off the room bill ever since. 23 months and counting.

And he's looking for a roommate for the trip home, once he finally settles his debt.

Go Vols! Go TerryPedigo!

I heard it was something like that but didn't want to spread rumors.
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We're all Vols here. We got your back. Let's us know how we can help.

Go Vols!

Thanks brother!!! And I've got yalls' backs too!! One thing I've noticed about our fan base in general and even more so our community here on VolNation is that we truly do look out for each other..

We bicker and whine about each other and argue with each other and sometimes get downright pissed off at each other but when things get real I'd bet you'd have little chance of finding a more close-knit family of sports fans..

Maybe all the unbelievable grief we've shared together and some of the most miraculous highs that seem almost divinely inspired.. there might not be another fan base whose roller coaster has been as dramatic as ours in the last at least my 33 years...

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Thanks brother!!! And I've got yalls' backs too!! One thing I've noticed about our fan base in general and even more so our community here on VolNation is that we truly do look out for each other..

We bicker and whine about each other and argue with each other and sometimes get downright pissed off at each other but when things get real I'd bet you'd have little chance of finding a more close-knit family of sports fans..

Maybe all the unbelievable grief we've shared together and some of the most miraculous highs that seem almost divinely inspired.. there might not be another fan base whose roller coaster has been as dramatic as ours in the last at least my 33 years...


There was plenty of roller coaster last year to last me for all of 2017. I'd like to see us break a few teams off on our way to Atlanta in January.
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First of all it's a different sport so not apples to apples. Secondly, the crowd booed because they've seen this script too many times before. Butch has take foot off the gas the last couple of years over and over especially at the end of the first half against all of our rivals. So it was a cumulative effect that led to the crowd reaction. And anyone that can't see it is crazy. Even the players see it. And players almost ever question their coach in public. But juwan Jennings came unglued at butch at the end of a half last year (I think it was against uga).

Well said. It was accumulated frustration at Butch from several perceived (rightfully so imo) previous poor in-game coaching decisions in much more important games that led to losses. I'll add that I've been a fan of Tennessee football for nearly as long a Jones has been alive, certainly before he even knew the Vols existed....the program and its fans are much bigger and much more important than a short-lived caretaker....didn't much care for the gesture from a guy with paper thin skin insulting the masses who make his $4mm+ annual salary possible. I love the program and players....Jones is more than welcome to go eff himself.
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Booing there was embarrassing and the brilliant people doing it deserved a middle finger from the entire team

Team wasn't being booed for kicking the crap out of TN Tech at the time. Coach was being booed for kicking a field goal from the 2 yard line. Actually had nothing to do with either the Vol football players nor the game vs TnTech....it was a release of pent up frustration from thousands of fans with regards to the head coach and previous poor in-game decisions. Anybody who says otherwise is deluding themselves about why it happened.
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Team wasn't being booed for kicking the crap out of TN Tech at the time. Coach was being booed for kicking a field goal from the 2 yard line. Actually had nothing to do with either the Vol football players nor the game vs TnTech....it was a release of pent up frustration from thousands of fans with regards to the head coach and previous poor in-game decisions. Anybody who says otherwise is deluding themselves about why it happened.

This is my opinion:

If Butch Jones kicks a field goal:
"Butch has no killer instinct. Majors and Fulmer are somewhere shaking their heads at this joke. Oh how far Tennessee football has fallen"

If Butch Jones runs up score to 100:
"If Butch thinks running up the score on an fcs team is impressing anyone, hes wrong. Our coach needs to learn some class"

Predictable as the sunrise.
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This is my opinion:

If Butch Jones kicks a field goal:
"Butch has no killer instinct. Majors and Fulmer are somewhere shaking their heads at this joke. Oh how far Tennessee football has fallen"

If Butch Jones runs up score to 100:
"If Butch thinks running up the score on an fcs team is impressing anyone, hes wrong. Our coach needs to learn some class"

Predictable as the sunrise.

Well only one scenario has ever played out. The conservative one. How do you know he'd be criticized for running up the score? I for one would never criticize for that. And I heard it said a time or two that Saban and Meyer have that tendency but they stay llnseem to have a bit of support for their collective fan bases. And again, the crowd booed due to all the previous conservative play calling. We've run out the clock, when we had plenty of them me and good field position, against Uga, vandy, and usce multiple times.
Butch need to instill in the team a mindset that we are constantly going to attack. Wether it's at the end of a half, wether we're leading by a little or a lot, wether we're losing by a little or a lot, wether we're playing a good team or bad team...attack always. And never settle for mediocrity
Team wasn't being booed for kicking the crap out of TN Tech at the time. Coach was being booed for kicking a field goal from the 2 yard line. Actually had nothing to do with either the Vol football players nor the game vs TnTech....it was a release of pent up frustration from thousands of fans with regards to the head coach and previous poor in-game decisions. Anybody who says otherwise is deluding themselves about why it happened.

criers always have a reason. It was embarrassing. Period.
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The booing was totally unnecessary. We was already kicking the sh*t out of Tennessee Tech and our fans got upset cause Butch ran out of the clock? It would have been completely different if we was down one or two scores but being way ahead at halftime? It's stupid.

Maybe our fans are over sensitive and let's sh*t like that bother them too much?

You can criticize Butch for a lot of things but even most level headed fans wouldn't complain about running out the clock when the game is already decided before halftime.
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Team wasn't being booed for kicking the crap out of TN Tech at the time. Coach was being booed for kicking a field goal from the 2 yard line. Actually had nothing to do with either the Vol football players nor the game vs TnTech....it was a release of pent up frustration from thousands of fans with regards to the head coach and previous poor in-game decisions. Anybody who says otherwise is deluding themselves about why it happened.

I'm fine with the reason. Still out if line. Bush league, small time.

Show some class don't boo your own.
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In case ya'll didn't see it and don't see it. Butch got this. He's killing saban right now. Saban would have collapsed last season with this team. He would have melted into a puddle. Butch is out recruiting and out playing saban at the moment. Last year is what you call "growing pains",and if the only way you going to complain about growing pains is if you don't want UT to grow.
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Team wasn't being booed for kicking the crap out of TN Tech at the time. Coach was being booed for kicking a field goal from the 2 yard line. Actually had nothing to do with either the Vol football players nor the game vs TnTech....it was a release of pent up frustration from thousands of fans with regards to the head coach and previous poor in-game decisions. Anybody who says otherwise is deluding themselves about why it happened.

I have never liked booing the Vols or their coaches. It just isn't right. If you want to boo go to another stadium and boo but don't boo inside of Neyland, it just sends the wrong message.
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