Family survival plan (End of the world)



Of course I can help you, Coach Heupel.
Oct 10, 2014
Ive taken a few survival courses. Went camping many times. My wife is new to it this year (camping).

We've all watched many of dystopian films I'm sure. one can be prepared emotionally for the end of how our world operates. This isn't a post to talk about whether the world the world deserves it or not. Because if it's happens then it really doesn't matter why.

I have a plan. And I want to hear everyone else's plan, if nukes go off around the world.
The people fleeing Russia from being drafted are like us. In the way that, they were detached from the actual war until they got called upon and stuff got real. So...if nukes start flying everybody is affected.

My plan is to hide on my buddies property down in the mountains of Mexico with my family and his family. He's well stocked with weapons. Natural source or water
Gas powered generators. Solar too
He is a farmer. His location gets ample amounts of rain throughout the year.

I think Mexico would actually not be targeted too heavily in such a confrontation as WW3.
COULD BE WRONG. But that's my plan.
Always told my wife and kids we're going back to the mountains of KY in the Cumberland Gap area. Plenty of caves with water, and hopefully there'd still be plenty of wildlife for food.
When do you get the special pre-nuk warning giving you enough time to drive to Mexico or anywhere else?
I've thought about that šŸ¤£. I'd hope we didn't get a direct hit here, and I'd have time to make my trip, 4 hours.
I've thought about that šŸ¤£. I'd hope we didn't get a direct hit here, and I'd have time to make my trip, 4 hours.
The radiation fallout from hits in major cities, oak ridge, etc would contaminate basically the entire water supply and would spread for hundreds of miles in the air in all directions. You would have a massive spike in malignancies, even in those not initially affected by radiation burn. Most of the major hospitals would be knocked out, and there would be no access to chemotherapy. Add in mass chaos, survival mode murder and robbery, no communication, and little to no security protection.

Heaven is a much more pleasant option.

It's a hard topic to discuss, but a real possibility. It forces us to think really hard about our eternity.
Always told my wife and kids we're going back to the mountains of KY in the Cumberland Gap area. Plenty of caves with water, and hopefully there'd still be plenty of wildlife for food.
I like that plan.

Do you all have a survival kit ready and packed?
I do.
By nature, I'm a planner. However, in this scenario my plan is to meet my God, not live in a place with that kind of havoc. I hope it doesn't come to this in my time, but I'm at peace with my plan if it does.
Buddy I respect that so much.

For me, I have a wife and 2 year old that I am compelled to fight and survive for.
When do you get the special pre-nuk warning giving you enough time to drive to Mexico or anywhere else?
Nothing is for certain.

However, it is only a 2 hour drive to Mexico for me and then 6..7 hours of a lot back road driving
What do you mean "it's not our home"?

You mean Heaven is? Or that humans were seeded here??šŸ˜
Not intending to get this moved to the PF, but:

19 If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. (John 15:19)
The radiation fallout from hits in major cities, oak ridge, etc would contaminate basically the entire water supply and would spread for hundreds of miles in the air in all directions. You would have a massive spike in malignancies, even in those not initially affected by radiation burn. Most of the major hospitals would be knocked out, and there would be no access to chemotherapy. Add in mass chaos, survival mode murder and robbery, no communication, and little to no security protection.

Heaven is a much more pleasant option.

It's a hard topic to discuss, but a real possibility. It forces us to think really hard about our eternity.
All good points

That's why I'm talking about it. And I'm definitely wanting to keep this a lite and kind of fun conversation lol

...but unfortunately there are some unbelievable inept people in charge of too much destructive power.

Failing to plan is planning to fail.

I have all non electral instruments in my survival bag save the portable solar panels that fold up. I have a compass that should still work in a Nuclear war?? I have knives and pepper spray for the mountain lions.
Water purifying system. I have hunted and killed game, and am more than a novice on botany. I know some plants that are edible.
I have custom made lead lined outfit, that should provide some protection. I have respirators...although the 2 year old would be problematic with thatšŸ˜”. Have a magnifying glass and stone. Ointment that works as healing and combustion uses.

My wife has been training in bow and arrow. She will carry that while I have the close range weapons.

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All good points

That's why I'm talking about it. And I'm definitely wanting to keep this a lite and kind of fun conversation lol

...but unfortunately there are some unbelievable inept people in charge of too much destructive power.

Failing to plan is planning to fail.

I have all non electral instruments in my survival bag save the portable solar panels that fold up. I have a compass that should still work in a Nuclear war?? I have knives and pepper spray for the mountain lions.
Water purifying system. I have hunted and killed game, and am more than a novice on botany. I know some plants that are edible.
I have custom made lead lined outfit, that should provide some protection. I have respirators...although the 2 year old would be problematic with thatšŸ˜”. Have a magnifying glass and stone. Ointment that works as healing and combustion uses.

My wife has been training in bow and arrow. She will carry that while I have the close range weapons.

Not a bad start. You'll have an advantage on 95%+ of the survivors. However, in the words of the great Iron Mike: "Everyone has a plan until they get hit in the mouth."

Personally. I think prep for power disruption, water contamination, food shortages, and civil unrest is more important. The chances of survival after nuclear holocaust are slim and not very palatable.

We have a decent food supply, reasonable arms, underground basement, live in a fairly secure neighborhood, and my profession makes me valuable if SHTF. I would like to add backup power supply. I also wish my wife would be willing to learn to shoot.

Bows are cool, but unless you are reenacting GOT, that's a worthless tool when everyone and their brother has an AR. I don't mean that in jest, bc I am interested in getting a B&A for the fun of learning archery.
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Not a bad start. You'll have an advantage on 95%+ of the survivors. However, in the words of the great Iron Mike: "Everyone has a plan until they get hit in the mouth."

Personally. I think prep for power disruption, water contamination, food shortages, and civil unrest is more important. The chances of survival after nuclear holocaust are slim and not very palatable.

We have a decent food supply, reasonable arms, underground basement, live in a fairly secure neighborhood, and my profession makes me valuable if SHTF. I would like to add backup power supply. I also wish my wife would be willing to learn to shoot.

Bows are cool, but unless you are reenacting GOT, that's a worthless tool when everyone and their brother has an AR. I don't mean that in jest, bc I am interested in getting a B&A for the fun of learning archery.

Ideally, in this scenario we make it to his basically secret hideaway, and survive there for a time . training and trying to keep up the land and its protective properties.

I spent some time in Oneida, TN. Just a beautiful..natural creation that is also built well for defense.
This place in Mexico is a lot like it. It's absolutely gorgeous to boot.

In regards to arrows and knives over guns. Guns are loud, and jam up if not cleaned properly. And eventually you run out of ammo
If we don't make it to the mountain ranch, or if the compund one day gets overrun by a gang of uncivil folk...then we need reliable weaponry, that doesn't give away our position.
I do have a shotgun and riffle. Also a hand gun....but ill only bring the hand gun and use it if necessary.
Ideally, in this scenario we make it to his basically secret hideaway, and survive there for a time . training and trying to keep up the land and its protective properties.

I spent some time in Oneida, TN. Just a beautiful..natural creation that is also built well for defense.
This place in Mexico is a lot like it. It's absolutely gorgeous to boot.

In regards to arrows and knives over guns. Guns are loud, and jam up if not cleaned properly. And eventually you run out of ammo
If we don't make it to the mountain ranch, or if the compund one day gets overrun by a gang of uncivil folk...then we need reliable weaponry, that doesn't give away our position.
I do have a shotgun and riffle. Also a hand gun....but ill only bring the hand gun and use it if necessary.
I have shot probably a thousand rounds recently without a jam. Clean and lube your firearms. Get a suppressor (mine is in ATF jail right now).

I'd take 1 trained shooter with a modern firearm over 10 archers anyday, all day.
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I have shot probably a thousand rounds recently without a jam. Clean and lube your firearms. Get a suppressor (mine is in ATF jail right now).

I'd take 1 trained shooter with a modern firearm over 10 archers anyday, all day.
I'll look into that.
Thank you
Close combat is a totally different discussion. If it got to that, you're looking at who's crazy and who misses with the hand cannon. Shotgun wins all day. You don't want to go to knives.

That being said, I have a kickA Ranger Assault Knife from Ontario that will take care of business. But, don't bring a knife to a gunfight.
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