Family survival plan (End of the world)

My plan…the second we get word nukes are headed our way, I’m going to where I believe the epicenter of a blast zone would be (Oak Ridge) and wait for my immediate evisceration from this earth. I believe if we reach that point, multiple nukes will rain down and most places on earth would be uninhabitable for decades if not centuries. Nuclear fall out and radiation would spread far and wide.

I don’t think we have any real concept, nor do I want to, of how difficult it would be to survive after something like that. It wouldn’t be surviving, it would be a daily chaotic, gut wrenching experience as radiation ravaged the earth, water supply, crops and our bodies. The deaths from radiation poisoning would be incredibly and indescribably painful. For those that did survive and had any provisions to do so at all, we would see it bring out the worst in humanity as others would kill and steal from you in an effort to survive as well. There would be too many to fight off. It would ALL be futile.

I feel you on this.

Like you said there's no way anyone can anticipate it.

Guys, I have to be real with y'all. My friend over in Europe is almost at 20 years in military. Last time i was able to speak him, he said that his whole retirement steps and thoughts of life after are so clouded. He has stopped looking at property in Texas. It's strange talking to him,'s like he can't believe what's playing out right at the end of his career.

When I was showing my wife some self defense tactics to fight off bigger opponents she got excited because...her survival instincts kicked in and the energy spent to just entertain this type of thoughts and taking steps to survive is a trip for her. It's totally something new and out of the norm.

Los Angeles area is saturated with people!
The thought of all of those people...just GONE and us still living in that same takes our minds to all kinds of places.

I'm a big fan of fiction author Terry Brooks- who wrote Shannara books. FICTION, but he's good at giving vivid details of a dystopian world after Nuclear war- i don't think the whole mutant and demons part is real but it's still fun to read.
Ive taken a few survival courses. Went camping many times. My wife is new to it this year (camping).

We've all watched many of dystopian films I'm sure. one can be prepared emotionally for the end of how our world operates. This isn't a post to talk about whether the world the world deserves it or not. Because if it's happens then it really doesn't matter why.

I have a plan. And I want to hear everyone else's plan, if nukes go off around the world.
The people fleeing Russia from being drafted are like us. In the way that, they were detached from the actual war until they got called upon and stuff got real. So...if nukes start flying everybody is affected.

My plan is to hide on my buddies property down in the mountains of Mexico with my family and his family. He's well stocked with weapons. Natural source or water
Gas powered generators. Solar too
He is a farmer. His location gets ample amounts of rain throughout the year.

I think Mexico would actually not be targeted too heavily in such a confrontation as WW3.
COULD BE WRONG. But that's my plan.
If one nuke flies it would be a chain reaction of them all going off. There's not really a scenario of anyone surviving that, even in the mountains, with all the radiation in the atmosphere.

Some of these military bunkers are setup to be able to survive this scenario but eventually you still have to come outside at some point even if it’s a year or two later.
My plan is to die. Is that strange? I'm serious. I'm not really following the love of staying alive in this crappy situation so often described.

Food comes out of the ground. Deal with it. If you're not stockpiling seeds, you're not really a survivalist. Collecting guns is a fun hobby; feeding yourself is just plain ol' hard work. That's what I think. Little old ladies can do it easily, but they were used to it.
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My plan is to die. Is that strange? I'm serious. I'm not really following the love of staying alive in this crappy situation so often described.

Food comes out of the ground. Deal with it. If you're not stockpiling seeds, you're not really a survivalist. Collecting guns is a fun hobby; feeding yourself is just plain ol' hard work. That's what I think. Little old ladies can do it easily, but they were used to it.

I'm of the mind that as long as you are breathing things can get better. Once you stop, it's over.
My plan is to die. Is that strange? I'm serious. I'm not really following the love of staying alive in this crappy situation so often described.

Food comes out of the ground. Deal with it. If you're not stockpiling seeds, you're not really a survivalist. Collecting guns is a fun hobby; feeding yourself is just plain ol' hard work. That's what I think. Little old ladies can do it easily, but they were used to it.

Good points,

I actually have some seeds. But need a lot more...
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My plan is to die. Is that strange? I'm serious. I'm not really following the love of staying alive in this crappy situation so often described.

Food comes out of the ground. Deal with it. If you're not stockpiling seeds, you're not really a survivalist. Collecting guns is a fun hobby; feeding yourself is just plain ol' hard work. That's what I think. Little old ladies can do it easily, but they were used to it.

Also, to answer the first part.

How would you expect me to tell my wife and kid to just die, because it's too hard?

Not saying you're wrong, ultimately.

But how does a man just give up keeping his family alive? My answer is "he doesn't stop".
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If it’s nuclear I don’t think I have a plan other than hoping I’m in the initial blast, I think we’re all screwed if that happens. If its a situation that doesn’t include nuclear fallout I at least have a general idea. I actually took a voluntary class one time about end of the world scenarios, no grades involved or anything but it was fun. Some were goofy scenarios like zombies but others were more realistic. Anyway, our final assignment was describing where we would try to survive or describing the best location we thought there was. The best idea I had was a location with limited, preferably only one entrance, but an additional escape points. My only thought for this personally was my friends lake house. It’s up in the mountains, long dirt road entrance that has a gate. To the left is an incredibly steep fall off that you likely don’t survive if you go down. To the right is a near vertical wall of land heavily wooded, you could eventually make your way through, but it would be a chore. Then behind it is obviously all water. Any would be assailants would be mostly limited to one defensible entrance that given time could be secured more. They had their own gas tank for their boats, so you would have at least a limited gas supply that you could get you quickly out and away. The lake and wooded area provides food and water. Basically think of the 300, my main concern in that scenario other people who want resources of some kind, I want to fight them somewhere that even if there are more of them a than me, it limits their advantage.
If it’s nuclear I don’t think I have a plan other than hoping I’m in the initial blast, I think we’re all screwed if that happens. If its a situation that doesn’t include nuclear fallout I at least have a general idea. I actually took a voluntary class one time about end of the world scenarios, no grades involved or anything but it was fun. Some were goofy scenarios like zombies but others were more realistic. Anyway, our final assignment was describing where we would try to survive or describing the best location we thought there was. The best idea I had was a location with limited, preferably only one entrance, but an additional escape points. My only thought for this personally was my friends lake house. It’s up in the mountains, long dirt road entrance that has a gate. To the left is an incredibly steep fall off that you likely don’t survive if you go down. To the right is a near vertical wall of land heavily wooded, you could eventually make your way through, but it would be a chore. Then behind it is obviously all water. Any would be assailants would be mostly limited to one defensible entrance that given time could be secured more. They had their own gas tank for their boats, so you would have at least a limited gas supply that you could get you quickly out and away. The lake and wooded area provides food and water. Basically think of the 300, my main concern in that scenario other people who want resources of some kind, I want to fight them somewhere that even if there are more of them a than me, it limits their advantage.

What if it's a group of 30 people with weapons?
What if it's a group of 30 people with weapons?
I guess it could depend on your situation, but would likely be the time you use the boats and water to just escape. Just ensure you don’t leave keys to the others boats for them to easily chase you down. Worse case scenario would be a group that size finding you and also having access to get to you by boat. Would have way less time to escape or see them coming.
To paraphrase Mark Twain…I would go to Kentucky. Because everything gets there 20 years after the rest of the world 😂
No joke. My church growing up had outhouses until I was like a junior in high school 🤣
I'm guessing you didn't go into your list extensively, but I would plan for easier ways to start fire. I see the magnifying glass in your post but those means would be last ditch. Fire/heat is everything in survival situations. Also, it would be worth it to read up on things to treat relatively minor illnesses. That knowledge would be invaluable for your family.
It's going to do you no good to burn anything anyway. You will just be re-releasing any radiation that the wood had absorbed and will be inhaling the fumes into your body. So you're dead if you start a fire.

I read the OP but was giving suggestions about seeds. If nuclear bombs get dropped near me hopefully my wife wants a quickie before we burn up.
Absolutely. I started prepping about 10 years ago. We have a place to go but the last few years, I have come to the realization that there would be nothing to live for and I would probably go stand directly underneath a missile.
Read this book. It’s non-fiction, but was written with input from our military. It shows how quickly society will break down during a massive catastrophic event, and it is eye opening to how it will affect people, such as diabetics once they can’t get insulin anymore. This book changed the way I live, especially with having multiple plans of where to go and printed maps if multiple regions because traveling on primary roads would probably be shut down completely.

One Second After - Wikipedia
The wikipedia you posted was quite extensive.

And creative writing really helps flesh things out in a scenario. I'll try to read the actual book one day.

Securing, water, food, and shelter is always the base of operation.
Black Mountain, NC is a place ironically enough i feel could withstand an apocalyptic scenario like WW3.

Even just a little preparedness could mean the difference between your family surviving into the new era, or dying within the 30 days of the world ending.

My "world" has shrank. Because the number of people I care for have shrank. So there's a disturbing brightside to this situation for people like me.

I do have ONE foreseeable problem with my own personal survival plan. There's more women than men. Exactly 16 women to 3 men, not counting children. Some of These women are military veterans with scientific backgrounds. Sexual orientation of many them varies. But I'm married. The other 2 guys are my buddy in Mexico, and then another friend in Texas region whose into aquaponics, but he has no self defense training. So the women will be the "protecting" force.

How serious am I about this stuff you wonder?? 2 of the girls are both advanced in Biotech research making well over 130k per year. THEY invite me to the shooting ranges haha. You would think it would be the other way around.
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