Family survival plan (End of the world)

It's late there on the East coast, I know

But I hope more people jump on this thread eventually.

I already feel like talking with Kiddiedoc that I've gained some perspective that could help me one day.

I mean hell hahaha...
It's unbelievable actually give these thoughts real attention. But getting caught with your pants down sucks!

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It's late there on the East coast, I know

But I hope more people jump on this thread eventually.

I already feel like talking with Kiddoc that I've gained some perspective that could help me one day.

I mean hell hahaha...
It's unbelievable actually give these thoughts real attention. But getting caught with your pants down sucks!

It's Friday and there's football on, so I'm up.

I spent 4 years in Memphis including trauma call downtown. I am well familiar with gunshot wounds.
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I appreciate that brother.
I'm on the west coast, but in truth i can get my hands on quite a bit if need to.
I don't know the laws out there, but the DeadAir Wolfman is an amazing suppressor with interchangeability among several calibers.
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Close combat is a totally different discussion. If it got to that, you're looking at who's crazy and who misses with the hand cannon. Shotgun wins all day. You don't want to go to knives.

That being said, I have a kickA Ranger Assault Knife from Ontario that will take care of business. But, don't bring a knife to a gunfight.

My close combat training started with marine corprals that we shared a base with.
Then I took kempo, then different forms of jiu jitsu with weapons training. Boxing for footwork. I'm older now, but not old. A lot of muscle memory still there and I practice every week. Varies how much depending on availability.

Yeah a shotgun will definitely end the fight first haha.
My close combat training started with marine corprals that we shared a base with.
Then I took kempo, then different forms of jiu jitsu with weapons training. Boxing for footwork. I'm older now, but not old. A lot of muscle memory still there and I practice every week. Varies how much depending on availability.

Yeah a shotgun will definitely end the fight first haha.
OK, I'll just hope we are on the same team
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Holla if the ICBMs go off. I'm a good shot, can treat illness, and love to cook. Not a bad add to the survival team.

Just saying.
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That could work! There will no authorities to chase you down haha
There is some logic to it.

Rivers are the fastest unpowered mode of transport. Ride the river as far as you can on your way to the equator. Nuclear winter is a @#$%&. I'd stay close to home for any other type of apocalypse. But bombs dropping means head south. Nobody has any reason to bomb South America anyway.
It's Friday and there's football on, so I'm up.

I spent 4 years in Memphis including trauma call downtown. I am well familiar with gunshot wounds.
are you a pediatrician? Just curious because of your handle
There is some logic to it.

Rivers are the fastest unpowered mode of transport. Ride the river as far as you can on your way to the equator. Nuclear winter is a @#$%&. I'd stay close to home for any other type of apocalypse. But bombs dropping means head south. Nobody has any reason to bomb South America anyway.

So much uncertainty. This video is cool to look at. It kind of gives you the scope of what can happen.
And the numbers by the end are grossly underestimated if ask me.
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The citizens of the nations involved in ending the modern world will not find safe harbor in some foreign country. Real and fundamental resources (Food, shelter, clean water, etc) will not be shared with foreigners in a collapsing world.
The citizens of the nations involved in ending the modern world will not find safe harbor in some foreign country. Real and fundamental resources (Food, shelter, clean water, etc) will not be shared with foreigners in a collapsing world.
I don't think working government will be a thing anymore. And i expect our world population to be greatly diminished...if not total loss. Just my opinion, but we'd go from 7 Billion to less than 100 million world wide...
Scattered throughout pockets all around the world.

But you do raise a good point. If you speak a certain language in the after years (English ) you could be targeted. So I guess it's good I know another language.
I have taken the time to prepare the basics, food, shelter (underground basement), water (1,000 gal rainwater tank), communications (ham radio operator), power (solar powered generators), guns and ammo but I would probably share my stuff with others rather than shoot them. I know the reality of a bad situation, that twilight zone episode about the family with the shelter made an impression on me.
The radiation fallout from hits in major cities, oak ridge, etc would contaminate basically the entire water supply and would spread for hundreds of miles in the air in all directions. You would have a massive spike in malignancies, even in those not initially affected by radiation burn. Most of the major hospitals would be knocked out, and there would be no access to chemotherapy. Add in mass chaos, survival mode murder and robbery, no communication, and little to no security protection.

Heaven is a much more pleasant option.

It's a hard topic to discuss, but a real possibility. It forces us to think really hard about our eternity.
I agree
I have shot probably a thousand rounds recently without a jam. Clean and lube your firearms. Get a suppressor (mine is in ATF jail right now).

I'd take 1 trained shooter with a modern firearm over 10 archers anyday, all day.
You can bump that number up a few lol.
All good points

That's why I'm talking about it. And I'm definitely wanting to keep this a lite and kind of fun conversation lol

...but unfortunately there are some unbelievable inept people in charge of too much destructive power.

Failing to plan is planning to fail.

I have all non electral instruments in my survival bag save the portable solar panels that fold up. I have a compass that should still work in a Nuclear war?? I have knives and pepper spray for the mountain lions.
Water purifying system. I have hunted and killed game, and am more than a novice on botany. I know some plants that are edible.
I have custom made lead lined outfit, that should provide some protection. I have respirators...although the 2 year old would be problematic with thatšŸ˜”. Have a magnifying glass and stone. Ointment that works as healing and combustion uses.

My wife has been training in bow and arrow. She will carry that while I have the close range weapons.

I'm guessing you didn't go into your list extensively, but I would plan for easier ways to start fire. I see the magnifying glass in your post but those means would be last ditch. Fire/heat is everything in survival situations. Also, it would be worth it to read up on things to treat relatively minor illnesses. That knowledge would be invaluable for your family.
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