Fans Leaving Early?

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We stayed until the last possession, but our seats are in the shade. I walked down into the sun on the way out and it was oppressively hot. I won't rag on anyone for cutting out a little early today.
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I was at the game it was so dam hot I'm surprised people wasn't passing out. It was extremely hot
I think they're just trying to not show too much of the playbook

Same here. Pretty Vanilla after we go up a few scores.

Fans were leaving due to extreme humid conditions and heat. Covered upper deck looked pretty full. Someone I know ended up in ER after passing out and falling. Older person.

Explains fans leaving.
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Watching here in ATL and wondering why so many fans decided to leave early. The stadium looks pretty empty on the top. The game is NOT over. They could still come back. We need to get some fan endurance. After too much losing recently, I think we've forgotten a game has 4 complete quarters. "For what?"

Well at least they went.
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I was at the game. It was like sitting on the face of the sun. We left with our 4 year old (his first UT game) early 4th quarter because we were getting pretty burned. SEC game...we stay till 0:00.
I was at the game. It was like sitting on the face of the sun. We left with our 4 year old (his first UT game) early 4th quarter because we were getting pretty burned. SEC game...we stay till 0:00.

Please turn in your fan card at the front desk. J/k. It was miserably humid. :)
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When they showed the crowd everyone was fanning..... I bet it was miserably hot in the sun
Ever notice it's always those sitting home on the couch in the AC who start these threads every week?

was just coming to post this. My wife and her 3 friends were there and left early. They drove in, did all the pregame in the heat and sat in the game, then when our team packed it in early, they left to go to Calhouns for a cold drink and AC.
If people want to complain, then go to the game yourself and sit there until its over.
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I stayed the whole game but I'm paying for it. Can completely understand why fans wouldn't stay the entire game in the late summer heat to watch the Arkansas State Red Wolves.
Unless you're sitting in 95 degrees and oppressive humidity with the sun beating down on you, you wouldn't understand how hot it was.
Watching here in ATL and wondering why so many fans decided to leave early. The stadium looks pretty empty on the top. The game is NOT over. They could still come back. We need to get some fan endurance. After too much losing recently, I think we've forgotten a game has 4 complete quarters. "For what?"

Hot as a mofo
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I was at the game. It was like sitting on the face of the sun. We left with our 4 year old (his first UT game) early 4th quarter because we were getting pretty burned. SEC game...we stay till 0:00.

What kind of lessons are you teaching your 4 yr old. He will grow up to be a weak minded fan which leads to a mediocre football program.

You should be ashamed of yourself:)
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I could tell fans were not much of a factor was super humid and hot. People were dehydrated from early tailgating?
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Hot as a mofo

No kidding. It was miserable. Hot, humid, the sun beating down on you, and no breeze. I don't blame people for leaving early at all. Especially on the east side of the stadium where most of the early exits were seated.
It was the heat. I was there and stayed till the end. My seat was in the shade though so I was very fortunate that I didn't cook.
When they showed the crowd everyone was fanning..... I bet it was miserably hot in the sun

Our seats were facing east and for a bit it was hot as hell.. Felt bad for those facing the sun full blast. Lots of students were the ones leaving. Don't put blame on all the fans. At least just over 99,000 showed up.
I drove up for the game last week and screamed my voice out the entire time. Couldn't work it out to get tickets this time.
It was extremely hot. My gf and I kept moving up rows to stay in the shade. I still think a lot of people left way too early. Personally, I'm not walking out of that stadium until the Tennessee Waltz, close game or blowout either way.
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Miserable hot!! We stayed until after Tennessee waltz too. Then hit academy sports and Hound dogs.. Headed to cracker barrel.. Great long day. AC in car is awhhhhh.
I was there and left midway thru the 4th.. By then I was pretty well crispy.. I'm used to heat at work but it I have to say it was hot..
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