Fauci is a fraud

This video deserves it's own thread

Like Tara reid and the bakers dozen that accused Donnie, it's funny how these smears come out when it's politically convenient. Though I have no evidence to support it, given the political albatross this guy has been to the White House - it wouldn't surprise me to find out this was a hit job sanctioned by the current admin. Undermine the public's confidence and use it as a wedge to dismiss him, that's what I'd do it I was trump..
Like Tara reid and the bakers dozen that accused Donnie, it's funny how these smears come out when it's politically convenient. Though I have no evidence to support it, given the political albatross this guy has been to the White House - it wouldn't surprise me to find out this was a hit job sanctioned by the current admin. Undermine the public's confidence and use it as a wedge to dismiss him, that's what I'd do it I was trump..

Fauci has been sent to sit in the corner of the room.
Like Tara reid and the bakers dozen that accused Donnie, it's funny how these smears come out when it's politically convenient. Though I have no evidence to support it, given the political albatross this guy has been to the White House - it wouldn't surprise me to find out this was a hit job sanctioned by the current admin. Undermine the public's confidence and use it as a wedge to dismiss him, that's what I'd do it I was trump..
Dont really care what you think
This video deserves it's own thread

Holy @#$%!
Like Tara reid and the bakers dozen that accused Donnie, it's funny how these smears come out when it's politically convenient. Though I have no evidence to support it, given the political albatross this guy has been to the White House - it wouldn't surprise me to find out this was a hit job sanctioned by the current admin. Undermine the public's confidence and use it as a wedge to dismiss him, that's what I'd do it I was trump..
Maybe but she drops a lot of bombs that I would be interested to see some refutation. This goes way beyond just "get rid of Fauci."

Sheltering in place, wearing masks, staying away from each other, no public contact with people or the environment, are all wrong!?

Holy @#$%!
Holy @#$%!

Maybe but she drops a lot of bombs that I would be interested to see some refutation. This goes way beyond just "get rid of Fauci."

Sheltering in place, wearing masks, staying away from each other, no public contact with people or the environment, are all wrong!?

Holy @#$%!

I get it, none of those things make sense when trying to slow and prevent the spread of a virus.
Like Tara reid and the bakers dozen that accused Donnie, it's funny how these smears come out when it's politically convenient. Though I have no evidence to support it, given the political albatross this guy has been to the White House - it wouldn't surprise me to find out this was a hit job sanctioned by the current admin. Undermine the public's confidence and use it as a wedge to dismiss him, that's what I'd do it I was trump..
I hope you would see this woman's career as a brilliant scientist was destroyed because of the truth of her work. The reason all this came out was fauci being in the limelight. He's literally "the" vaccine pusher. He first wouldn't approve her research until one of his acquaintances took the work and published it. That was just the lightweight evil. It got worse from there.
I hope you would see this woman's career as a brilliant scientist was destroyed because of the truth of her work. The reason all this came out was fauci being in the limelight. He's literally "the" vaccine pusher. He first wouldn't approve her research until one of his acquaintances took the work and published it. That was just the lightweight evil. It got worse from there.

Maybe. I think my theory is just as plausible.
I get it, none of those things make sense when trying to slow and prevent the spread of a virus.
I get it but then you have real doctors, working now within this epidemic saying that what is being recommended is absolutely wrong. And they made some sense presenting why it's wrong. They seem to agree with Sweden's take on how to deal with this.

It's very upsetting to think that all we have sacrificed was for nothing and may have made matters worse.

That got my attention.
Screw science. Screw Fauci. It is all a world domination plot by those out to get Trump.

For the most powerful man on the planet, Trump would like to believe that he is a pu$$y and there are legions of people more powerful. Everyone is out to get him. Even the people he has hired. It is bizzarro world
I’m not sure why Fauci gets so much praise. He’s been all over the place and had failed to send consistent messaging. Personally, I don’t believe much of what he says and it has nothing to do with politics.
predicting a disease isn’t easy work
predicting a disease isn’t easy work

Of course not. But when you move in the course of a month from saying no big deal to using the high end death number from an unproven model?

My point is he gets lionized and praised as the scientist yet im not sure exactly what he brings to the table. Some people treat him like his word is infalible and questioning him makes one a Trump nut hugger.
Of course not. But when you move in the course of a month from saying no big deal to using the high end death number from an unproven model?

My point is he gets lionized and praised as the scientist yet im not sure exactly what he brings to the table. Some people treat him like his word is infalible and questioning him makes one a Trump nut hugger.
Speaking for myself, I in no way think he is infallible. I also understand that, as a scientist, he will always recommend what will “save” the most lives without understanding the economic pain/death that will occur. It’s why he should be part of the planning team and not the only voice in the room. His resume and career are proof he should be leading the science part of the discussion
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Both certainly are. There is a need for more information, that's for sure.

There is a lot here that doesn't add up.

Wait, I thought we were too busy with the virus to allow information gathering.

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