Fauci is a fraud

Speaking for myself, I in no way think he is infallible. I also understand that, as a scientist, he will always recommend what will “save” the most lives without understanding the economic pain/death that will occur. It’s why he should be part of the planning team and not the only voice in the room. His resume and career are proof he should be leading the science part of the discussion

Maybe he’s got a good resume. I really don’t know. But I’m not impressed with what I’ve seen from the COVID panic.
Screw science. Screw Fauci. It is all a world domination plot by those out to get Trump.

For the most powerful man on the planet, Trump would like to believe that he is a pu$$y and there are legions of people more powerful. Everyone is out to get him. Even the people he has hired. It is bizzarro world

Doublethink: the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and believing them both. - George Orwell

When I was a kid, 1984 was a work of dystopian fiction. Now it is an essential guidebook for understanding the cognitive distortions of those cheering on the obvious disaster that is Trumpsoc.

Though I suppose doublethink really grew under Obama, who was at the same time both a weak and incompetent community organizer AND a cunning and powerful figure prophesying Biblical cataclysm who would take everyone's guns and replace the Constitution with sharia law.
Doublethink: the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and believing them both. - George Orwell

When I was a kid, 1984 was a work of dystopian fiction. Now it is an essential guidebook for understanding the cognitive distortions of those cheering on the obvious disaster that is Trumpsoc.

Though I suppose doublethink really grew under Obama, who was at the same time both a weak and incompetent community organizer AND a cunning and powerful figure prophesying Biblical cataclysm who would take everyone's guns and replace the Constitution with sharia law.

I am not sure what you are attempting to convey with this gobblygook.
I’m not sure why Fauci gets so much praise. He’s been all over the place and had failed to send consistent messaging. Personally, I don’t believe much of what he says and it has nothing to do with politics.

Because he’s not Trump and wasn’t appointed by Trump.
It was a matter of time before the science deniers resorted to discrediting the scientists on personal grounds.

Anything to distract from the science.
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2 million? Gtfo fear mongering just like your climate change predictions.

climate change? Are you trying to shoehorn another argument in here? LOL

Read carefully.

In the April 16 White House briefing, President Trump again said, as he often has before, that “models predicted between 1.5 and 2.2 million deaths” if we had not endured the various economic shutdowns imposed by the Governors of 42 States. The severity and breadth of those statewide shutdowns was initially encouraged, and is now justified, by just one dramatic statistic. That number was the 2.2 million U.S. deaths supposedly at risk from COVID-19.

The famed 2.2 million estimate first reached viral status in the March 31 White House briefing by Doctors Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx. They displayed a graph with two bell‐shaped epidemic curves placed on top of each other. Both curves estimate deaths per day which rise to a peak and then fall.

The steeper of the two curves was painted black and marked “Pandemic Outbreak: No Interventions.” It showed an estimated total of 1.5 to 2.2 million deaths from COVID-19 in what appears to be a relatively short period. The White House graph showed no dates, but the source of that now‐famous 2.2 million estimate (as explained later) predicted U.S. deaths would keep rising until June 20.

@FLVOL69 Spoiler alert

The second “flattened” curve rises more slowly but also peaks later (in, say, August) with a more prolonged period of deaths than the steep curve (where more deaths happen more quickly). The flatter curve is labeled “With Interventions” and also 100,000 to 240,000 deaths. Contrary to the delayed timing shown in the lighter graph, the architects of that more‐delayed or flattened curve believe COVID-19 deaths have already peaked.

Based on the two curves, President Trump repeatedly remarked that State government mitigation plans saved two million lives – the difference between one curve’s estimate of 2.2 million and the other’s very different estimate of roughly 200,000. The graphs certainly do create that impression, although White House briefings by Fauci and Birx never spelled it out. They instead emphasized that the goal of “flattening the curve” was merely to buy time and avoiding overwhelming the hospitals, saving some lives (but not two million) by not running out of hospital beds and ventilators.

Blowing up the Hannity bullet points isn't even a challenge anymore. Blame Fauci though, it's the smart play.
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climate change? Are you trying to shoehorn another argument in here? LOL

Read carefully.

In the April 16 White House briefing, President Trump again said, as he often has before, that “models predicted between 1.5 and 2.2 million deaths” if we had not endured the various economic shutdowns imposed by the Governors of 42 States. The severity and breadth of those statewide shutdowns was initially encouraged, and is now justified, by just one dramatic statistic. That number was the 2.2 million U.S. deaths supposedly at risk from COVID-19.

The famed 2.2 million estimate first reached viral status in the March 31 White House briefing by Doctors Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx. They displayed a graph with two bell‐shaped epidemic curves placed on top of each other. Both curves estimate deaths per day which rise to a peak and then fall.

The steeper of the two curves was painted black and marked “Pandemic Outbreak: No Interventions.” It showed an estimated total of 1.5 to 2.2 million deaths from COVID-19 in what appears to be a relatively short period. The White House graph showed no dates, but the source of that now‐famous 2.2 million estimate (as explained later) predicted U.S. deaths would keep rising until June 20.

The second “flattened” curve rises more slowly but also peaks later (in, say, August) with a more prolonged period of deaths than the steep curve (where more deaths happen more quickly). The flatter curve is labeled “With Interventions” and also 100,000 to 240,000 deaths. @FLVOL69 Spoiler alert Contrary to the delayed timing shown in the lighter graph, the architects of that more‐delayed or flattened curve believe COVID-19 deaths have already peaked.

Based on the two curves, President Trump repeatedly remarked that State government mitigation plans saved two million lives – the difference between one curve’s estimate of 2.2 million and the other’s very different estimate of roughly 200,000. The graphs certainly do create that impression, although White House briefings by Fauci and Birx never spelled it out. They instead emphasized that the goal of “flattening the curve” was merely to buy time and avoiding overwhelming the hospitals, saving some lives (but not two million) by not running out of hospital beds and ventilators.

Blowing up the Hannity bullet points isn't even a challenge anymore. Blame Fauci though, it's the smart play.

From 2 million to 200 thousand and then it was downgraded again. My point is their models of Fauci/Birk were way the **** off and we’re nowhere near the 200 thousand deaths here. Where are the the statistics for flu and pneumonia deaths this season? There’s a 99% survivability rate and I for one like those odds.
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From 2 million to 200 thousand and then it was downgraded again. My point is their models of Fauci/Birk were way the **** off and we’re nowhere near the 200 thousand deaths here. Where are the the statistics for flu and pneumonia deaths this season? There’s a 99% survivability rate and I for one like those odds.

You didn't read it did you? The prediction was 2M with no intervention, trump is out there patting himself on the back about it. There was intervention and the forecast was 200k by August, we're at 70k now - looks like the White House models that Birx and Fauci presented weren't far off as the numbers are still rising with three months to go before August.

In your zeal to paint Fauci as the bad guy, you're dismissing context and the fact that Donnie Exotic is still thumping his chest over the success of the interventions that you are ironically blaming for the models being wrong. LOL

Move on to the next Fauci done it scenario, this ain't it chief.
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You didn't read it did you? The prediction was 2M with no intervention, trump is out there patting himself on the back about it. There was intervention and the forecast was 200k by August, we're at 70k now - looks like the White House models that Birx and Fauci presented weren't far off as the numbers are still rising with three months.

In your zeal to paint Fauci as the bad guy, you're dismissing context and the fact that Donnie Exotic is still thumping his chest over the success of the interventions that you are ironically blaming for the models being wrong. LOL

Move on to the next Fauci done it scenario, this ain't it chief.

With or without intervention it’s still BS numbers, Sweden says hello 👍
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You didn't read it did you? The prediction was 2M with no intervention, trump is out there patting himself on the back about it. There was intervention and the forecast was 200k by August, we're at 70k now - looks like the White House models that Birx and Fauci presented weren't far off as the numbers are still rising with three months to go before August.

In your zeal to paint Fauci as the bad guy, you're dismissing context and the fact that Donnie Exotic is still thumping his chest over the success of the interventions that you are ironically blaming for the models being wrong. LOL

Move on to the next Fauci done it scenario, this ain't it chief.

70k is an incorrect figure as well
You didn't read it did you? The prediction was 2M with no intervention, trump is out there patting himself on the back about it. There was intervention and the forecast was 200k by August, we're at 70k now - looks like the White House models that Birx and Fauci presented weren't far off as the numbers are still rising with three months to go before August.

In your zeal to paint Fauci as the bad guy, you're dismissing context and the fact that Donnie Exotic is still thumping his chest over the success of the interventions that you are ironically blaming for the models being wrong. LOL

Move on to the next Fauci done it scenario, this ain't it chief.

The only Corona discussion in August will be about the beer 😂

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