Fauci is a fraud

There there feel better?. In your view I haven’t. In my view I did. More people in this country side with my view than do yours as you will see again in 2020 as was the case in 2018

Tony Harris back in the house throwing up bricks
Yes. And if you don't like it I think you should confront them with your superior intellect

The bricks are in your pants bud. On the back side. And there are worth the same amount as all your opinions. And they came from the source of all your statements
I was just able to watch the video for the first time, I have said from the beginning Fauci is a POS and now it seems he should be locked up. He can’t be trusted, I knew from the start this thing was a hoax
There there feel better?. In your view I haven’t. In my view I did. More people in this country side with my view than do yours as you will see again in 2020 as was the case in 2018. Trump is unfit to serve
So is Biden for that matter, good lord some of you sheep on both sides just don't get it. Youre fans of people who don't give 2 sh!ts about you or your wellbeing
There there feel better?. In your view I haven’t. In my view I did. More people in this country side with my view than do yours as you will see again in 2020 as was the case in 2018. Trump is unfit to serve
Have you seen the average American citizen?

Isn't gain of function research pretty much the same as a fireman setting a fire so he can help put it out and look heroic? And isn't that first act arson which is illegal ... among other things? Pushing boundaries for research when controlled and done safely may make sense; pushing to create a virus that crosses species into one with no natural defense doesn't make sense. Why the hell are we not holding these "scientists" criminally responsible for fraudulent and negligent acts? Why are we not holding CDC and other funding organizations equally responsible?

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