Fauci is a fraud

70k is an incorrect figure as well
I would bet it is less than half of that since docs were encouraged to designate anyone that dies that tested positive for Corona-19 or had symptoms of Corona-19 be listed on the death certificate as dieing from the virus. Hospitals got paid more for medicare patients that they said had corona and on it goes.
I would bet it is less than half of that since docs were encouraged to designate anyone that dies that tested positive for Corona-19 or had symptoms of Corona-19 be listed on the death certificate as dieing from the virus. Hospitals got paid more for medicare patients that they said had corona and on it goes.

Why not guess none? It'd help the narrative that this isn't real more.

Funny how chi-NA lied about the scores of people that died, artificially keeping the numbers low - but the U.S., nope we're over reporting.
From 2 million to 200 thousand and then it was downgraded again. My point is their models of Fauci/Birk were way the **** off and we’re nowhere near the 200 thousand deaths here. Where are the the statistics for flu and pneumonia deaths this season? There’s a 99% survivability rate and I for one like those odds.
Their models were off because they had bad info from the WHO
Why not guess none? It'd help the narrative that this isn't real more.
So all we have to do is quote the "official" government statistics and believe them. If I dug into enough statistics and pointed out that with the proliferation of corana virus death rate that the death rate for the common flu went down drastically at the same time, what would that say to you?
Let me know when you find yours
So all we have to do is quote the "official" government statistics and believe them. If I dug into enough statistics and pointed out that with the proliferation of corana virus death rate that the death rate for the common flu went down drastically at the same time, what would that say to you?

That more testing capacity is necessary and/or social distancing and mitigations actions aren't just working for COVID but for the common flu as well?

When it comes to the narrative of how "we're doing" as a nation, follow the money. The party in charge has a vested interest in reopening the economy as fast as possible, deaths of old folks be damned.
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That more testing capacity is necessary and/or social distancing and mitigations actions aren't just working for COVID but for the common flu as well?

When it comes to the narrative of how "we're doing" as a nation, follow the money. The party in charge has a vested interest in reopening the economy as fast as possible, deaths of old folks be damned.
What is says to me is that people that died from the flu magically transitioned to corona flu before they died. It's all good though, as long as the local healthcare center made a few more bucks and this nasty virus keeps the economy closed a little while longer.
So all we have to do is quote the "official" government statistics and believe them. If I dug into enough statistics and pointed out that with the proliferation of corana virus death rate that the death rate for the common flu went down drastically at the same time, what would that say to you?
Interesting that as the Covid deaths went up the the total deaths stayed the same or even dropped.

What is says to me is that people that died from the flu magically transitioned to corona flu before they died. It's all good though, as long as the local healthcare center made a few more bucks and this nasty virus keeps the economy closed a little while longer.

I've heard those stories anecdotally repeated as well. I'm sure there were some ailments that were misclassified as COVID but I'd wager it's a small percentage.

I guess what we see depends on where we sit, the "we're all better now - let's get back to work" narrative doesn't even look good on paper. I suppose we'll find out soon enough.
That is even more telling.

Wonder what the source of that table was, math doesn't check out.

Try this one.


Provisional death counts may not match counts from other sources, such as media reports or numbers from county health departments. Our counts often track 1–2 weeks behind other data for a number of reasons: Death certificates take time to be completed. There are many steps involved in completing and submitting a death certificate. Waiting for test results can create additional delays. States report at different rates. Currently, 63% of all U.S. deaths are reported within 10 days of the date of death, but there is significant variation among jurisdictions. It takes extra time to code COVID-19 deaths. While 80% of deaths are electronically processed and coded by NCHS within minutes, most deaths from COVID-19 must be coded manually, which takes an average of 7 days. Other reporting systems use different definitions or methods for counting deaths.
It was a matter of time before the science deniers resorted to discrediting the scientists on personal grounds.

Anything to distract from the science.

You don’t have to be a science denier to question the great Fauci. It’s interesting how many people come to shout down the ones doing the questioning.
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Regardless of what you believe, these covid death count calculations are more confusing than Chinese arithmetic.
Conspiracy theorists abound!

The mental effects of CV-19 are possibly worse for the populous as a whole than actual deaths.
Of course not. But when you move in the course of a month from saying no big deal to using the high end death number from an unproven model?

My point is he gets lionized and praised as the scientist yet im not sure exactly what he brings to the table. Some people treat him like his word is infalible and questioning him makes one a Trump nut hugger.

This is so true. It's foolish to take Fauci's word as scripture at this point, not because he isn't a smart guy (I have no doubt that he is) but because he's been all over the map with this. I'm not blaming him for any of this (the blame lies with our communist friends in China), but the idea that only his opinion is valid is naive.
Speaking for myself, I in no way think he is infallible. I also understand that, as a scientist, he will always recommend what will “save” the most lives without understanding the economic pain/death that will occur. It’s why he should be part of the planning team and not the only voice in the room. His resume and career are proof he should be leading the science part of the discussion
I get what you're saying but I already had questions regarding him. As Dc pointed out he flipped on this stuff like a light switch. He seemed dirty months ago and seems to be extremely dirty now.
That more testing capacity is necessary and/or social distancing and mitigations actions aren't just working for COVID but for the common flu as well?

When it comes to the narrative of how "we're doing" as a nation, follow the money. The party in charge has a vested interest in reopening the economy as fast as possible, deaths of old folks be damned.
I thought the Republican base was old folks?
Conspiracy theorists abound!

The mental effects of CV-19 are possibly worse for the populous as a whole than actual deaths.

You're probably right given the amount of trust our Media and Congress have earned through their truths the past 3.5 years. There's abolutely no reason not to trust them now, so we must be crazy not to do so.

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