Fauci is a fraud

Good, pharmaceutical companies should have some legal protections from complications from vaccines. How is that statement remotely congruent with Fauci also being a "population control guy"? Perhaps I'm missing your rationale here, because vaccines keep populations alive.

In truth, his life's work has been developing therapies to help people live and suddenly he's vilified because his opinions aren't in line with a politician who more than anything in this world wants to remain in power.

Fascinating to watch the trump supporters mind get from a to z.

Bill Gates’ Vaccine Crime Record: 496,000 Paralyzed Children In India And More - SGT Report

Its more fascinating how you gov sheep have no problems seeing people's liberty being taken from unconstitutional edicts from fascist leaders
That website reads like the Onion and Info Wars had a baby.
SGT Report is the corporate propaganda antidote. Providing exclusive original content and interviews with some of the best known voices in the world of economics and precious metals. SGT Report is your daily source for truth in a time of universal deceit. And as the global economic outlook continues to deteriorate,

SGT Report urges its readers to prepare for seismic shifts in the global financial system – and to prepare for the end of the US Dollar’s reign as the world’s reserve currency.​
So basically it's an ad site for gold
The FDA has rigorous standards for a drug to get to market. Heck, aspirin probably wouldn't be approved if it had to meet FDA guidelines on side effect profiles these days. We can either live with the risks and the knowledge that drugs and vaccines could have side effects or we can start using thoughts and prayers as treatments for disease. Not a lot of middle ground.
The minute the fda approved use of biological material from animals, thermisol, aluminum and many other adjuvants in vaccines they opened the floodgates of issues. Most parents and doctors can't even tell you what's inside the vaccines and drugs they take. A typical 18 month old is scheduled to get 8 shots at one time. While each shot may not cause issues, it has never been studied what can happen when given 8 at one time. Why has that study never been done?
Most flu studies are done against another vaccine. No control group. Makes a multitude of side effects lessened when comparing a group with problems against a group problems.
My stance is fully informed concent, does a 9 month old need the hepatitus vaccine series? No, they don't. If i had it to do all over again I would refuse certain vaccines at certain times knowing what I know now. Not allowing parents to make those decisions for their children's sakes and then making it mandatory for school admission is nothing less than a contract with the.gov. I follow your rules and my kids get their education. I don't get the vaccine schedule and you can refuse to allow children to attend even though we pay taxes for that specific gov service.
It is undeniable what problems have become prevalent since the vaccine schedule amped up. Asthma, autism, seizures, autoimmune. There is correlation.
Nuremburg rules, made for a reason. The cost should not outweigh the benefit#4.
The minute the fda approved use of biological material from animals, thermisol, aluminum and many other adjuvants in vaccines they opened the floodgates of issues. Most parents and doctors can't even tell you what's inside the vaccines and drugs they take. A typical 18 month old is scheduled to get 8 shots at one time. While each shot may not cause issues, it has never been studied what can happen when given 8 at one time. Why has that study never been done?
Most flu studies are done against another vaccine. No control group. Makes a multitude of side effects lessened when comparing a group with problems against a group problems.
My stance is fully informed concent, does a 9 month old need the hepatitus vaccine series? No, they don't. If i had it to do all over again I would refuse certain vaccines at certain times knowing what I know now. Not allowing parents to make those decisions for their children's sakes and then making it mandatory for school admission is nothing less than a contract with the.gov. I follow your rules and my kids get their education. I don't get the vaccine schedule and you can refuse to allow children to attend even though we pay taxes for that specific gov service.
It is undeniable what problems have become prevalent since the vaccine schedule amped up. Asthma, autism, seizures, autoimmune. There is correlation.
Nuremburg rules, made for a reason. The cost should not outweigh the benefit#4.

So you're an anti-vaxxer?
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Sounds like she is a pragmatic-vaxxer.

If that's the case, then she'd be agreeing with me that one can either accept the risks or one may rely on thoughts and prayers. Pragmatism, is about sensible action not theoretical considerations.

Vaccinating yourself and/or your kids and bitching about it isn't really a convincing position.
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If that's the case, then she'd be agreeing with me that one can either accept the risks or one may rely on thoughts and prayers. Pragmatism, is about sensible action not theoretical considerations.

Vaccinating yourself and/or your kids and bitching about it isn't really a convincing position.
Choosing which ones and when you take them is,right?
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Choosing which ones and when you take them is,right?

Everyone has a choice, don't want vaccines for your crotch spawn? Cool. Plan on homeschooling.

Pragmatism may suggest starting a savings account for a "unexpected" funeral.
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Everyone has a choice, don't want vaccines for your crotch spawn? Cool. Plan on homeschooling.

Pragmatism may suggest starting a savings account for a "unexpected" funeral.

Or the additional costs for autism?
Everyone has a choice, don't want vaccines for your crotch spawn? Cool. Plan on homeschooling.

Pragmatism may suggest starting a savings account for a "unexpected" funeral.
You should save for an unexpected funeral as well as a blown engine, storm damage and a ton of other stuff.

Now as far as my "crotch" spawn. It is time for her Hpv vaccine. We ultimately decided to do it, but if you think it is as easy as being a vaxxer vs an anti-vaxxer you may want to read up on some of the severe complications that can happen and get back to me.
Proof? Yeah it's called science and a completely fabricated study that started this nonsense

I can't just like you can't prove nor disprove this. I merely suggested that people who have otherwise healthy cognitive 18 month olds have the opinion that the 8 vaccines at one time could be the reason.
Surely mercury based items can't be a bad thing
I can't just like you can't prove nor disprove this. I merely suggested that people who have otherwise healthy cognitive 18 month olds have the opinion that the 8 vaccines at one time could be the reason.
And they only think that because of the now discredited study that created the link and a playboy bunny who spread it (pun intended)
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And they only think that because of the now discredited study that created the link and a playboy bunny who spread it (pun intended)

I know one thing sure glad I am not in that position. Imagine that a study being discredited. Who was responsible for the "discrediting"?
Just kind of watched the OP video.

You know that kind of thing is on the up and up when they say a scientist was arrested and show footage of a SWAT team moving in in the darkness. Very accurate portrayal, I'm sure.
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