Fauci is a fraud

Just kind of watched the OP video.

You know that kind of thing is on the up and up when they say a scientist was arrested and show footage of a SWAT team moving in in the darkness. Very accurate portrayal, I'm sure.

Says the one on his bike and snappy helmet. GTFO of the middle of the road child


My dog stuffs his face into the bushes in front of my house trying to catch "something", every time I let him out.

Though I have zero evidence to support it and despite mountains of studies show that magic gnomes aren't real, Sam the Cocker clearly thinks it's a magic fairy, therefore garden gnomes are real.

If anyone can give me advice on how to explain to Sam how I can "prove" the nonexistence of something, I'd appreciate it.

My dog stuffs his face into the bushes in front of my house trying to catch "something", every time I let him out.

Though I have zero evidence to support it and despite mountains of studies show that magic gnomes aren't real, Sam the Cocker clearly thinks it's a magic fairy, therefore garden gnomes are real.

If anyone can give me advice on how to explain to Sam how I can prove the nonexistence of something, I'd appreciate it.

I can tell you no one GAF about you or your dog. Is your dog autistic? Then STFU
Just kind of watched the OP video.

You know that kind of thing is on the up and up when they say a scientist was arrested and show footage of a SWAT team moving in in the darkness. Very accurate portrayal, I'm sure.
Yea, no way that would happen to someone considered non-violent.

Maybe you should teach your dog not to eat his own 💩

Waive off dude, this isn't your day.

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Waive off dude, this isn't your day.


And it's the day you can say that it's disproven that vaccines don't cause autism. But your welcome to continue to prop up your spuds mcgardengnome and wonder woman responses as evidence
And it's the day you can say that it's disproven that vaccines don't cause autism. But your welcome to continue to prop up your spuds mcgardengnome and wonder woman responses as evidence

You make the claim, the burden of proof is yours.

My responses to you aren't evidence, they're mocking your inability to recognize how dumb yours is. That and the fact you keep trying to redirect the conversation away from what I now suspect is the creeping realization that you've foisted a dumb argument and are looking to save face.
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You make the claim, the burden of proof is yours.

My responses to you aren't evidence, they're mocking your inability to recognize how dumb yours is. That and the fact you keep trying to redirect the conversation away from what I now suspect is the creeping realization that you've foisted a dumb argument and are looking to save face.

The fact that you brought your dog mating your gnomes to the conversation says all this board needs to know about you so STFU. You can't disprove your dog doesn't eat his own 💩 or the gnomes 💩. I started the conversation by saying that I couldn't prove it did but you thought it was more important to talk about gnomes and dogs doing god knows what. But you do you should let's hope a family member or a close friend never has the conversation with you about their otherwise healthy child suddenly developing Autism after they have been vaccinated with 8 shots at one time.

My dog stuffs his face into the bushes in front of my house trying to catch "something", every time I let him out.

Though I have zero evidence to support it and despite mountains of studies show that magic gnomes aren't real, Sam the Cocker clearly thinks it's a magic fairy, therefore garden gnomes are real.

If anyone can give me advice on how to explain to Sam how I can "prove" the nonexistence of something, I'd appreciate it.
Lol about your dog. My dog stuffed his face in one of my neighbors azaleas they had around their mailbox the other day and out flew a duck.
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The fact that you brought your dog mating your gnomes to the conversation says all this board needs to know about you so STFU. You can't disprove your dog doesn't eat his own 💩 or the gnomes 💩. I started the conversation by saying that I couldn't prove it did but you thought it was more important to talk about gnomes and dogs doing god knows what. But you do you should let's hope a family member or a close friend never has the conversation with you about their otherwise healthy child suddenly developing Autism after they have been vaccinated with 8 shots at one time.

You really have no idea what argument is being made do you?

I hate ad hom's, so don't take this as an insult but rather more of an observation - I think you're really too dumb to argue with.
You really have no idea what argument is being made do you?

I hate ad hom's, so don't take this as an insult but rather more of an observation - I think you're really too dumb to argue with.

Well stop talking DA. Go back to you 💩 eating puppy
1. Charlottesville, I live in Virginia and that was a dark day here. NEITHER side should have been here and he's right there are good people on both sides of the ORIGINAL argument. However, you had 2 extreme groups show up in the Alt Right and Antifa. It was like mixing gas and fire, it didn't go well.

2. The press for the most part is the enemy because of their deceitfulness ( All news outlets, foxnews included ), they drive divide in this country because of their hatred for one person.

3. Muslims, there was a threat to this country coming from countries where the primary religion was Islam. He simply halted travel from these countries until he could do some vetting and put restrictions on immigration.

4. Both sides have whack jobs, the right has the Alt right and the left has Antifa

5. Paranoia/ Reopening etc., if you have ever read his book Trump likes to operate in chaos due in large part because it keeps people from getting stagnant in their work leading to underwhelming performance.

6. He didn't cheer on the Michigan "militia", which by the way if you knew anything about me or did some simple research on Volnation you would know that I am 100% against arm protest and protest in general.

7. Small %, so you are insinuating that I blindly follow Trump. I can tell you like I've said many times, Trump is the least tactful president in American history, he is not well spoken and he is a self centered a$$hole. I like most of his policies but there are several I don't agree with. I can tell you that people like me are not a small % and are the reason Trump will probably win November. But to make this really clear for you, since your mental capacity is that of a 8 year old, I don't like any politician. I believe they are all FOS, bought and driving agendas of the rich and wanna be's.

Now back to the original point, you have still yet to point out anything Trump has done that would make him a Nazi or comparable to Hitler.

There there feel better?. In your view I haven’t. In my view I did. More people in this country side with my view than do yours as you will see again in 2020 as was the case in 2018. Trump is unfit to serve
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