Hole in Ozone Layer Shrinks 30 Percent | LiveScience
Thought it was suppose to be growing ... fast.
Just another hockey stick graph to make science look how ever Gore needs it to so he can profit the most of morons.
What does Gore have to do with the Ozone layer?
Hole in Ozone Layer Shrinks 30 Percent | LiveScience
Thought it was suppose to be growing ... fast.
Just another hockey stick graph to make science look how ever Gore needs it to so he can profit the most of morons.
"This year's ozone hole was less centered on the South Pole as in other years, which allowed it to mix with warmer air," van der A said. Because ozone depletes at temperatures colder than -108 degrees Fahrenheit (-78 degrees Celsius), the warm air helped protect the thin layer about 16 miles (25 kilometers) above our heads.
Gore is the one who has been flying all around the country in his G6 pushing the crap. The other thing is the ozone layer "thinning" wasn't even discovered until about the 1985. We have no way to know if it is meant to grow and shrink or what it is doing.
Global Warming is a scam to control the masses through other avenues.
It's chemistry. We know that ozone absorbs UV rays, and CFC's and their ilk prevent ozone from persisting. It isn't rocket science.
And again, this is totally separate from global warming.
I agree they are different but the media is lumping them together. I also believe the ozone layer is not thinning and noone can find actual evidence that it is. In fact it is thickening.
I agree they are different but the media is lumping them together. I also believe the ozone layer is not thinning and noone can find actual evidence that it is. In fact it is thickening.
Well ya, since CFC's have been banned for 20 years. Duh.
What do you base your "beliefs" on? What sort of data are you looking at?
I hope a family member of yours never gets cancer. You'd want to wait and get more data for a few years before accepting the diagnosis.
Cute. More one liners.
You're funny.
Actually my grandmother did die of cancer from smoking.
Anything else you'd like to add IP? because last I checked I was trying to have an adult conversation with you.