Favorite Conspiracy Theory

LOL Zionism?

The Federal Reserve - Zionist Jewish Private Bankers

This actually has some really good stuff.

People dont seem to understand that the Templars never went away they just changed their appearance.

By the way, I know the website is hate filled (and dont condone that part) I was simply using it for the time line part and it does have some viable facts minus the opinion sections.

I dont give a flip that the templars are jews and have nothing against that fact. It could be asians as far as I care but it just happens they are jews. I am more interested in the group, not the race.
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The Federal Reserve - Zionist Jewish Private Bankers

This actually has some really good stuff.

People dont seem to understand that the Templars never went away they just changed their appearance.

By the way, I know the website is hate filled (and dont condone that part) I was simply using it for the time line part and it does have some viable facts minus the opinion sections.

I dont give a flip that the templars are jews and have nothing against that fact. It could be asians as far as I care but it just happens they are jews. I am more interested in the group, not the race.

Hmmm interesting read. That brings to mind something else I have been seeing. Christian Zionism has risen in this country over the last couple of decades. John Hagee Hal Lindsey Chuck Missler etc all preach and promote it. I don't really have a opinion one way or another just amazed at how much it has taken root in some Evangelical circles.
The Federal Reserve - Zionist Jewish Private Bankers

This actually has some really good stuff.

People dont seem to understand that the Templars never went away they just changed their appearance.

By the way, I know the website is hate filled (and dont condone that part) I was simply using it for the time line part and it does have some viable facts minus the opinion sections.

I dont give a flip that the templars are jews and have nothing against that fact. It could be asians as far as I care but it just happens they are jews. I am more interested in the group, not the race.

No worries lol I'm not going to label you a Anti-Semite. I gave up name calling in Junior High. I listen to Alex Jones and even though he is out there on lots of things that doesn't mean he doesn't hit it home on lots of issues.
damn Joos causing all the world's problems

Wake up to the real threat. Its those damn Amish bringing America down.

No Guns, SUVs, plus they are Anti Death Penalty and Pacifists. Sounds like a Marxist conspiracy to me.
Ben bernanke is jewish and also a zionist and he does run the Federal Reserve.. thats not a conspiracy theory. Also not all Jews are zionists and not all zionists are Jews
I'm a firm believer in that; there is intelligent alien life out there somewhere. The universe is to large for us to be the only planet that happened to form sentient life.

I completely agree. If there is a civilization that is even a few thousand years more advanced than us then they would have the ability to come and do what they please and there is nothing we could do to stop it. If they wanted to remain undetected they could.

I agree with y'all about other intelligent life. However, if they visited, we would know about it without a doubt or we would not have a clue. It would not be privileged information.
I don't think Pearl Harbor is that much of a reach. You have FDR publicly saying he'll do everything in his power to keep us out of war, and behind the scenes he was doing everything he could to get involved. I just go with the stuff that's documented (like Rainbow Five) and it's enough to get me questioning it.

The Federal Reserve is the one I whole-heartedly believe. I don't really know what there is to dispute about the Creature from Jekyll Island. It just gets ignored.

What are you talking about?
What are you talking about?

The Fed is the Creature, and Jekyll Island is where the Fed was conspired. The term was popularized by the book titled The Creature from Jekyll Island.

A lot of good information in that book, but the author is a bit nutty so take his analysis with a grain of salt if you choose to read it.
Aliens are the fallen Angels of old. Satan's final deception is these Aliens/Angels to pose as the creators of man to deceive all to worship the beast.
Ron Paul has won every state in the GOP primary thus far, but the truth is being covered up by the GOP "establishment" and Fox News. Only Ron Paul supporters and Rachel Maddow can see what is going on because they have those cool shades Roddy Piper wore in "They Live".
Ron Paul has won every state in the GOP primary thus far, but the truth is being covered up by the GOP "establishment" and Fox News. Only Ron Paul supporters and Rachel Maddow can see what is going on because they have those cool shades Roddy Piper wore in "They Live".

It would've been funnier if you stuck with claims RP supporters truthfully make.
even funnier is talk of RP jumping to a 3rd party

Why is that funny? Because his chances would be slim? Because it's absurd to think he would go 3rd party? I don't get it.

Also, he's expressed interest in staying in the nomination race all the way to the end, so I'm thinking that puts a 3rd party bid out of the question.

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