The Running Man
Ben Richards "Killian I'll be Back."
Damon Killian "Only in a rerun."
Ben Richards "I don't do requests."
Ben says to Killian in response to him saying the words you bastard drop dead.
Priceless that Killian does use a serious cliche response after being exposed as a liar.
" Ladies & Gentlemen, if you just bear with us, we are experiencing technical difficulties."
I enjoy that Ben says this before the action starts since it fits perfectly. "It's Showtime."
A memorable 1 liner by Ben after he killed the stalker Sub Zero.
"Killian, here's your Subzero, now plain zero."
I hugely enjoy that Ben is Captain Obvious since he says an utter accurate statement about who Killian is
"I seen you before. You're the ******* on TV."
Again Ben RIchards is Captain Obvious because of saying why he and Amber are not in Hawaii.
I had the shirt for it, but you ****ed it up.
Ben says in resposne to Damon Killian long monologue to Ben about giving persons what they want with The Running Man deadly game show.
"Well, I haven't been in show business as long as you have, Killian. But I'm a quick learner. So I'm going to give the audience what *I* think they wan"
Damon Killian uses a long entertaining monolgue to justify The Running Man tv game show.
?You look pissed, Ben. Believe me, you got every right to be. But hey, will you just let me explain. This is television, that's all it is. It's nothing to do with people, it's to do with the ratings. For fifty years, we've told them what to eat, what to drink, what to wear... for Christ's sake, Ben, don't you understand? Americans love television. They wean their kids on it. Listen. They love game shows, they love wrestling, they love sports and violence. So what do we do? We give 'em *what they want*! We're number one, Ben, that's all that counts, believe me. I've been in the business thirty years."