WOW is all I can say to the posters who believe AU will get kicked out of the SEC. Most likely the same chicken littles who claimed BP would go out of buisness because of the oil spill.
Let's look at it from a reality standpoint:
1- The NCAA will not give them the death penalty, just not going to happen.
Its not outside the realm of possibility that Auburn gets the death penalty. If everything mentioned in that article is true, the NCAA has more to lose than gain by not giving Auburn the death penalty. The NCAA makes BILLIONS off of being the worlds only professional sports league that pays less than .5% of the revenue to the atheletes.
That position requires enforcing the myth of athleticism. If you had a failed bank funneling TARP money to athletes via a guy with gambling franchises, the NCAA would pretty much have to give the Death Penalty and the Alabama politicians would have very little recourse. SMU had the most politically top heavy alumni in the state of Texas when they got the death penalty. It mattered not. The NCAA will protect its Anti-Trust exempt Multi-Billion dollar franchises by Death Penalizing a program like Auburn if it feels it has no other option to avoid further scrutiny by the Feds.
Death Penalty is possible, albeit extremely unlikely, even thought loss of accreditation is not possible. A whole lot of the Plains Burning post would have to be correct for it to happen, and as of now, its an internet posting with very few verifiable facts beyond already public information. It does, however, explain why the FBI got involved so fast if they were already investigating one of the players and by chance caught some of this on tape.