FBI Thread

"Thibault, whose communication with the committee could now be used as evidence in the broader impeachment inquiry, left the FBI in August 2022 as allegations against him began to make headlines, though he said through his legal counsel at the time that the move was a planned retirement and nothing more."

So knowing a friend of a friend of an "associate" of Trump gets you decades in Federal prison?

...prosecutors asked him what role then-President Donald Trump played in getting the Proud Boys to attack the Capitol. He said the prosecutors, accompanied by FBI agents in the Miami jail where Tarrio was being held at the time, showed him messages that he exchanged with a second person, who in turn was connected to a third person who was connected to Trump. Tarrio said he told the investigators that he didn’t know the third person. He refused to name the people who prosecutors said allegedly connected him to Trump. -WaPo

EXCLUSIVE: Married FBI lawyer Lisa Page - who had an affair with boss Peter Strzok while investigating Donald Trump's Russia ties - has DIVORCED her husband​

  • Affair between Page and ex FBI agent Peter Strzok was exposed through the release of sneery texts disparaging Trump on FBI-provided cellphones
Lisa Page, the Trump-bashing ex-FBI lawyer who had an affair with a senior official she worked with investigating Russiagate, has split from her husband of 15 years, DailyMail.com can reveal.

Divorce papers filed in the District of Columbia Superior Court show the 44-year-old's divorce from non-profit executive Joseph Burrow, 46, was finalized on June 29.

Page blamed 'unhappy and irreconcilable differences' when she asked a DC judge to grant her a divorce in May, just days before the anniversary of their 2008 wedding in Naples, Italy.

The secret trysts between her and Peter Strzok, one of the Bureau's top counter-intelligence agents, derailed the entire investigation they worked on with ex-Special Counsel Robert Mueller.


The secret trysts between Page and Peter Strzok, one of the Bureau's top counter-intelligence agents, derailed the entire investigation they worked on with ex-Special Counsel Robert Mueller


EXCLUSIVE: Married FBI lawyer Lisa Page - who had an affair with boss Peter Strzok while investigating Donald Trump's Russia ties - has DIVORCED her husband​

  • Affair between Page and ex FBI agent Peter Strzok was exposed through the release of sneery texts disparaging Trump on FBI-provided cellphones
Lisa Page, the Trump-bashing ex-FBI lawyer who had an affair with a senior official she worked with investigating Russiagate, has split from her husband of 15 years, DailyMail.com can reveal.

Divorce papers filed in the District of Columbia Superior Court show the 44-year-old's divorce from non-profit executive Joseph Burrow, 46, was finalized on June 29.

Page blamed 'unhappy and irreconcilable differences' when she asked a DC judge to grant her a divorce in May, just days before the anniversary of their 2008 wedding in Naples, Italy.

The secret trysts between her and Peter Strzok, one of the Bureau's top counter-intelligence agents, derailed the entire investigation they worked on with ex-Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

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The secret trysts between Page and Peter Strzok, one of the Bureau's top counter-intelligence agents, derailed the entire investigation they worked on with ex-Special Counsel Robert Mueller

States need to quit screwing around and indict these agents using RICO laws. They interfered with a federal election and possibly committed treason too.

"A top FBI agent involved in the Hunter Biden investigation couldn’t recall or refused to answer several questions related to IRS whistleblower claims that the probe into the first son was impeded by the Justice Department.

A transcript of FBI Special Agent Thomas Sobocinski’s closed-door testimony before the House Judiciary Committee last week, reviewed by The Post, reveals that the Justice Department detailed what Sobocinski could and couldn’t talk about with lawmakers a day before his Sept. 7 interview.

“Specifically, the Department has authorized [Sobocinski] to discuss U.S. Attorney [David] Weiss’ authority, as well as the October 7th, 2022, meeting, subject to some constraints around the ongoing investigation issue,” Sara Zdeb, a deputy assistant attorney general, informed congressional investigators before questioning began, referencing a letter to Sobocinski signed by Associate Deputy Attorney General Bradley Weinsheimer."
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"A top FBI agent involved in the Hunter Biden investigation couldn’t recall or refused to answer several questions related to IRS whistleblower claims that the probe into the first son was impeded by the Justice Department.

A transcript of FBI Special Agent Thomas Sobocinski’s closed-door testimony before the House Judiciary Committee last week, reviewed by The Post, reveals that the Justice Department detailed what Sobocinski could and couldn’t talk about with lawmakers a day before his Sept. 7 interview.

“Specifically, the Department has authorized [Sobocinski] to discuss U.S. Attorney [David] Weiss’ authority, as well as the October 7th, 2022, meeting, subject to some constraints around the ongoing investigation issue,” Sara Zdeb, a deputy assistant attorney general, informed congressional investigators before questioning began, referencing a letter to Sobocinski signed by Associate Deputy Attorney General Bradley Weinsheimer."

Are all these people from Balkan states or something? With names like those no wonder they have problems remembering facts. However, you get a strong feeling the FBI is facing a wave of amnesia in general.

FBI sued after allegedly losing hundreds of thousands in rare coins during raid​

Jeni Pearsons says FBI may have stolen $2,000 from her safe deposit box: 'They took it or lost it'​

Two Americans are alleging the FBI lost or stole their property after seizing it through a "shady" process.

"All we know is that their property was in a box and safe before the FBI broke into the box," Joe Gay, an attorney with the nonprofit law firm Institute for Justice, told Fox News. "Once the FBI broke into the box, we honestly don't know exactly what happened."

"We don't know if they lost it. We don't know if somebody pocketed it and walked away," he continued. "We have no way to know."

The Institute for Justice filed two lawsuits Friday on behalf of clients who had property seized from their safety deposit boxes in a March 2021 FBI raid on U.S. Private Vaults, a Beverly Hills–based company. After prevailing in court, and the FBI agreeing to return their property, both Don Mellein and Jeni Pearsons discovered some of their property was missing and suspect the FBI's haphazard raid or sticky fingers are to blame.


EXCLUSIVE: Married FBI lawyer Lisa Page - who had an affair with boss Peter Strzok while investigating Donald Trump's Russia ties - has DIVORCED her husband​

  • Affair between Page and ex FBI agent Peter Strzok was exposed through the release of sneery texts disparaging Trump on FBI-provided cellphones
Lisa Page, the Trump-bashing ex-FBI lawyer who had an affair with a senior official she worked with investigating Russiagate, has split from her husband of 15 years, DailyMail.com can reveal.

Divorce papers filed in the District of Columbia Superior Court show the 44-year-old's divorce from non-profit executive Joseph Burrow, 46, was finalized on June 29.

Page blamed 'unhappy and irreconcilable differences' when she asked a DC judge to grant her a divorce in May, just days before the anniversary of their 2008 wedding in Naples, Italy.

The secret trysts between her and Peter Strzok, one of the Bureau's top counter-intelligence agents, derailed the entire investigation they worked on with ex-Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

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View attachment 579190
The secret trysts between Page and Peter Strzok, one of the Bureau's top counter-intelligence agents, derailed the entire investigation they worked on with ex-Special Counsel Robert Mueller

Every time I see this post I envision Strzok thinking " Man, she got thick"
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Trump Supporters Now a Special Target of the FBI; They Have Their Own Cute Name and Everything​


As the 2024 presidential election looms, the FBI has created a new class of "domestic violent extremists" to track and place under surveillance: Donald Trump supporters. This new category, AGAAVE ("anti-government, anti-authority violent extremism"), was created to capture people motivated by political or social issues, not just ideology (Newsweek).

Classified numbers seen by Newsweek substantiate the FBI public claims while also showing that a significant part of the increases in 2020 and 2021 were related to protests after the murder of George Floyd and during COVID as well the elections and January 6. That said, the data show clearly that the main targets of the investigations and cases open were of Trump supporters. While the number of investigations in 2021 almost doubled from 2020 to around 9,000, the number of "full investigations" that led to arrests was only 1,446, not much more than the number of 1,146 January 6 protesters who have been charged with a crime, according to the Justice Department.

I'd just point out that this explains the mindless, Inspector Javert-like behavior of the FBI in rounding up random grandmothers for walking on the Capitol lawn on January 6 or other nefarious behavior. They were joking the numbers to create a fact-set that justifies treating conservative Americans, in general, and Trump supporters, in particular, as a specific danger to the country.

A surprise to.....................no one.

Report: FBI Eyes Trump Supporters Ahead of '24 Vote​

Well. Considering LG stated that elected representatives that voted a certain way should be under a full scale investigation, I’m not surprised that the lefties at the FBI are planning to target citizens that may vote a certain way. This is how the lefties think and operate.
Hey director wray, if you want to get close to the biggest threat to our democracy then have your boys attend these pro-palestinian rallies in the US. There they will see people living in our country that support terrorism. By definition a domestic terrorist.

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"For instance, Brady testified that the FBI required 17 higher-ups to sign off on requests, “mostly at the headquarters level” where there was always a “choke point” that caused delays.

The FBI didn’t even open the assessment until March 2020, and the process had to be renewed every 30 days, via this unprecedented 17-person signoff.

FBI agents “had to go pens down sometimes for two or three weeks at a time before they could re-engage and take additional steps because they were still waiting on, again, someone within the 17-chain signoff to approve,” Brady said.

He was forced to go to the deputy attorney general’s office repeatedly to clear the logjams — at least five or six times in nine months.

FBI HQ also refused Brady’s request for a copy of their Domestic Investigations and Operations Guide, so he could pinpoint the deviations from procedure, and he was forced to scrounge a redacted copy from a public website.

In Delaware, Assistant US Attorney Lesley Wolf resisted all cooperation. Brady’s team’s requests for a briefing of what they had found were refused multiple times."
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So are we going to talk about the event in Henderson Tennessee that looks like an FBI execution of a disabled Veteran? Or is that a Nah? They still won't say what this was about.

If everything is on the up and up why won't they release the reasons?
I still can't find anything more on this story. no official word from the FBI.

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