FBI Thread

"The FBI maintained more than 40 confidential human sources on various criminal matters related to the Biden family, including Joe Biden, dating back to his time as vice president, according to information obtained by Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa.

The confidential human sources "provided criminal information to the FBI relating to Joe Biden, James Biden, and Hunter Biden." Those confidential human sources were managed by multiple FBI field offices across the nation, including the FBI’s Seattle Field Office.

But Grassley learned that an FBI task force within the Washington Field Office sought to, and in some cases, successfully, shut down reporting and information from those sources by falsely discrediting the information as foreign disinformation. That effort "caused investigative activity to cease."

However, despite those efforts by the FBI task force, Grassley said in at least one instance, a confidential human source and its information had been vetted by multiple U.S. attorneys' offices, which found "no hits to known sources of Russian disinformation."

The revelations were laid out in a letter Grassley wrote to Attorney General Merrick Garland and FBI Director Christopher Wray ... The letter was exclusively obtained by Fox News Digital."
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Wait a minute... I haven't been keeping up with this particular story. Wasn't there some rumors about his ties to Turkey like a year or two ago? I could have sworn that there was a story posted in here around that time that had made allegations about him, but I can't seem to find that story. Can't find it on Google, either. But this doesn't sound like a new story. The timing is very suspicious. Not that I'm saying he is innocent, just wondering why they are now wanting to go after Eric Adams foreign ties all of a sudden but seem to drag their feet on Joe and Hunter Biden's foreign ties. Odd..
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I think this is being done because he voiced displeasure with Biden’s immigration policies. The FBI has dirt on every person on this country. Every single politician is dirty, so this seems like retribution.
I guess that is plausible. Seems like weak sauce if that is the case. I can't think of a better reason than that for now, but it really is interesting that they would seem to have a desire to go after him over Hunter Biden. Even though you can make the case that this is Biden's DoJ, we can also agree that Biden isn't really pulling the levers in this govt. I'm sure it would be of far more benefit for them to find a convenient way of pushing Biden aside with a scandal and make way for Gavin Newsome instead of triffling with Eric Adams.
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I think this is being done because he voiced displeasure with Biden’s immigration policies. The FBI has dirt on every person on this country. Every single politician is dirty, so this seems like retribution.

And an amateur move by "Mayor" Adams with his law enforcement background
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Wait a minute... I haven't been keeping up with this particular story. Wasn't there some rumors about his ties to Turkey like a year or two ago? I could have sworn that there was a story posted in here around that time that had made allegations about him, but I can't seem to find that story. Can't find it on Google, either. But this doesn't sound like a new story. The timing is very suspicious. Not that I'm saying he is innocent, just wondering why they are now wanting to go after Eric Adams foreign ties all of a sudden but seem to drag their feet on Joe and Hunter Biden's foreign ties. Odd..

There is a price to pay if you stray off the plantation and start running down the Biden admin and their policies (immigration in this case).
I guess the only option is to build the FBI a new $3.5B HQ building in Maryland.

From the article:

Despite no evidence being presented by mainstream media, Democrats, or intelligence agencies implicating Russia in providing these emails to WikiLeaks, it became evident that the DOJ’s narrative of Russian collusion was a fabricated deception aimed at misleading the American public.


remember the FBI is here to protect us....

"In a scathing ruling, McMahon wrote that the FBI invented the conspiracy and identified the targets. Cromitie and his co-defendants, she wrote, “would not have, and could not have, devised on their own a crime involving missiles that would have warranted the 25-year sentence the court was forced to impose.


McMahon called him “most unsavory” and a “villain” sent by the government to “troll among the poorest and weakest of men for ‘terrorists’ who might prove susceptible to an offer of much-needed cash in exchange for committing a faux crime.”

and remember the government isn't involved in framing otherwise innocent civilians and entrapping them into doing something they otherwise wouldn't have. to suggest that they are used to framing US citizens would be conspiratorial crazy talk.
Federal Bureau Of Illiterates

FBI Hired Barely Literate Candidates, Urged Fat Applicant To Continue Process, Report Alleges​

The FBI is reducing hiring standards to the point where it is considering overweight applicants and hiring barely literate agents, a group of current and former FBI agents and analysts allege.

In a report delivered to the House Oversight and Judiciary Committees, the FBI officials describe how Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) is being prioritized in the hiring process to the point where standards are being reduced for physical fitness, drug usage, finances, mental health, experience and integrity, the report states. (RELATED: Empower Oversight Accuses FBI Of Illegal Retaliation Against Suspended Whistleblower Marcus Allen)

“To more easily accommodate a larger pool of available applicants, FBI Special Agent hiring standards have been relaxed and requirements measurably lowered in categories that include physical fitness, illicit drug use, financial irregularities, mental health, full-time work experience, and integrity,” the report asserts. The New York Post first reported on the FBI hiring document.


more of the FBI ignoring the rights of the citizens. and note this is the 9th circuit ruling this.

"The FBI violated the Fourth Amendment when its agents rifled through the contents of more than 700 safe-deposit boxes in the aftermath of a March 2021 raid, a panel of federal appeals court judges ruled unanimously on Tuesday.

In doing so, the judges at the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals confirmed what innocent victims of the raid and their attorneys have been arguing for years: that the FBI overstepped the bounds of its warrant issued in the case and failed to follow proper protocol when federal agents cracked open safe-deposit boxes, ran the contents past drug-sniffing dogs, and tried to seize some of the money and other valuables found in the boxes."

and by "tried" they mean they actually did it, but another judge already made them give it back and the FBI was appealing that in this round. this article doesn't cover it, but others have said that the FBI hasn't actually returned most of what they illegally took despite court orders.
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more of the FBI ignoring the rights of the citizens. and note this is the 9th circuit ruling this.

"The FBI violated the Fourth Amendment when its agents rifled through the contents of more than 700 safe-deposit boxes in the aftermath of a March 2021 raid, a panel of federal appeals court judges ruled unanimously on Tuesday.

In doing so, the judges at the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals confirmed what innocent victims of the raid and their attorneys have been arguing for years: that the FBI overstepped the bounds of its warrant issued in the case and failed to follow proper protocol when federal agents cracked open safe-deposit boxes, ran the contents past drug-sniffing dogs, and tried to seize some of the money and other valuables found in the boxes."

and by "tried" they mean they actually did it, but another judge already made them give it back and the FBI was appealing that in this round. this article doesn't cover it, but others have said that the FBI hasn't actually returned most of what they illegally took despite court orders.

Totally unsurprising, but sad just the same.
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