Define Rino. That is not my Political Nature.
Equality in Legal applications and Politics are things of the Past. It is all Politics and you may need to adjust vs stating that's unfair.
At one point you state you are not boned up on what's going on and then you state you want equal justice for both parties. Yet you haven't taken the time to look into the current situation with Trump or you fail to see the Facts as they are plainly stated.
IYO, Most Corrupt, I laugh. Biden Staff in just incompetent. Yet you think Trump's was not Corrupt? I laugh again.
Liz not my problem, I don't care. She is doing her job does not affect me.
Trump never got a Chance, there you go again playing the victim. Trump is the Deep State...LOL...His wheeling and dealings.
Govt is too big...
Trump stated he wanted to Drain the Swamp but in Essence he filled it up.
Rino as in Bush/Chaney/McCain type of Republican.
You think this country is great right now. Lol. Get real. These fools have made a mockery of this country. A worldwide embarrassment of a banana republic. Russia, China, Iran and others are using the democrats own words against this country. The Obama and Biden ambassadors go overseas and trash America every chance they get.
So you are ok with the adjusted notion of our branches of government and unelected bureaucrats playing political games in our republic? If not, get rid of them or at least cast your vote. It's a threat to every one of us.
Do I need to see all the "evidence"? In this case, no I don't need the play by play reality television version. The truth will eventually reveal itself without reveling in feces.
You seem to be waiting with bated breath for the next leak, planted evidence, Jan 6 bombshell, Ukraine phone call of withholding funds, Russia collusion hoax, etc.
Trump is not getting anything different than McCain, Romney, etc, but he won't comply. You can call him deep state if it makes you feel better. It's not what you're called, it's what you answer to. For McCain, Romney, et al, they all bowed at the knee of democrats calling people racists to gain political power. They know that alone has broken most of their political opponents. They will destroy the republic if that's what they got to do.
You think this is all incompetence from the Biden Administration? That is your first problem. Set your standards higher as a "conservative republican".
So to end, I find Trump's personality somewhat cringeworthy and I do wish he would just stfu sometimes but the issue is not Trump. He is a symptom of what we're seeing. Dig deeper and the root cause is in the answer to the question in the above paragraph.