Fentanyl Now Leading Cause of Death For Ages 18-45

I asked you at 109 PM to show me an article saying pot was just as bad as other drugs. Not really moving any goal posts. Or is this comment implying that since I like soccer I’m a pot head? You know my favorite player is Messi. He’s from Argentina,which is on the same continent as Columbia. I must like cocaine too.
I asked you at 109 PM to show me an article saying pot was just as bad as other drugs. Not really moving any goal posts. Or is this comment implying that since I like soccer I’m a pot head? You know my favorite player is Messi. He’s from Argentina,which is on the same continent as Columbia. I must like cocaine too.

What are you even taking about? I’m not trying to justify pot being better or worse than something else…you are. I just get tired of hearing the same old bs about weed being better than alcohol when that’s not entirely true.
Still more relevant than your fentanyl laced weed claim
Lol you’ll never accept facts but it really doesn’t matter. The educated people I work with who experience it everyday know. Like I said, I’ll be happy to give you a tour one day and you can ask them yourself.
Lol you’ll never accept facts but it really doesn’t matter. The educated people I work with who experience it everyday know. Like I said, I’ll be happy to give you a tour one day and you can ask them yourself.
You have yet to present any facts of fentanyl laced weed being a real concern. None
What are you even taking about? I’m not trying to justify pot being better or worse than something else…you are. I just get tired of hearing the same old bs about weed being better than alcohol when that’s not entirely true.
Alcohol causes more homicides, more spousal abuse, more accidents, more of everything in comparison to weed. It is not even close.
What are you even taking about? I’m not trying to justify pot being better or worse than something else…you are. I just get tired of hearing the same old bs about weed being better than alcohol when that’s not entirely true.

Again. You stated that marijuana is just as bad “and ruined just as many lives AS ANY OTHER DRUG” I’ve asked Ad Nauseaum… I might add… for a link or proof to this. I’ve used quotes and capitalizations to try and help you out. Get back to me when you’ve got something.
You have yet to present any facts of fentanyl laced weed being a real concern. None
I have witnessed it. Real life. Every week. Some 2–3 times in a day. I’ve spoken to these patients directly. Their doctors and families directly. I even know directly some drug dealers that were arrested for selling it and where they lived
Again. You stated that marijuana is just as bad “and ruined just as many lives AS ANY OTHER DRUG” I’ve asked Ad Nauseaum… I might add… for a link or proof to this. I’ve used quotes and capitalizations to try and help you out. Get back to me when you’ve got something.

It does. It’s not even debatable. There’s millions of people that would rather get high than find gainful employment and be a contributing member of society. Sad thing is most have kids.
I have witnessed it. Real life. Every week. Some 2–3 times in a day. I’ve spoken to these patients directly. Their doctors and families directly. I even know directly some drug dealers that were arrested for selling it and where they lived
Still not a link to verifiable data. Again, this kind of event would produce data. 2-3 people dying a day in a medium sized town because of fentanyl laced weed would raise an eyebrow.
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Lol. You just make up anything. There are tons of murders, robberies, home invasions, and all sorts of violent crimes directly attributed to marijuana. I guess this idiot was just “driving too slow”.

SC: Ex-'American Idol' took marijuana before crash, warrant says

Lol. You just make up anything. There are tons of murders, robberies, home invasions, and all sorts of violent crimes directly attributed to marijuana. I guess this idiot was just “driving too slow”.

SC: Ex-'American Idol' took marijuana before crash, warrant says

Now you are mixing metaphors so to speak. You are comparing all the side effect of it being illegal as compared to people using it. So if it was made legal and cheap (keep the government from taxing the hell out of it), would a large portion of those acts disappear? Be honest
Now you are mixing metaphors so to speak. You are comparing all the side effect of it being illegal as compared to people using it. So if it was made legal and cheap (keep the government from taxing the hell out of it), would a large portion of those acts disappear? Be honest

No, not at all.
It does. It’s not even debatable. There’s millions of people that would rather get high than find gainful employment and be a contributing member of society. Sad thing is most have kids.

Apparently the lack of it causes functional illiteracy. In particular a poor understanding of the word LINK.
Still not a link to verifiable data. Again, this kind of event would produce data. 2-3 people dying a day in a medium sized town because of fentanyl laced weed would raise an eyebrow.
Jesus. The data is there but I’m not able to provide drug screens from patient records. There are almost 25k overdoses brought to the hospitals yearly in knox county and that’s NOT counting the ones narcanned in the field. You can go to the forensic medical examiner and review all 400 something overdose deaths and talk to them as well. Or you could be obtuse and live in your inexperienced bubble life devoid of real life prod experience on the subject. I don’t care either way.
Jesus. The data is there but I’m not able to provide drug screens from patient records. There are almost 25k overdoses brought to the hospitals yearly in knox county and that’s NOT counting the ones narcanned in the field. You can go to the forensic medical examiner and review all 400 something overdose deaths and talk to them as well. Or you could be obtuse and live in your inexperienced bubble life devoid of real life prod experience on the subject. I don’t care either way.

Of those 25K how many are for weed and separately how many are for weed laced with fentanyl? A rough guess based on your experience will work fine for me.
Jesus. The data is there but I’m not able to provide drug screens from patient records. There are almost 25k overdoses brought to the hospitals yearly and that’s NOT counting the ones narcanned in the field. You can go to the forensic medical examiner and review all 400 something overdose deaths and talk to them as well. Or you could be obtuse and live in your inexperienced bubble life devoid of real life prod experience on the subject. I don’t care either way.
we're talking about od from fentanyl laced weed. It's obvious you need to take the conversation elsewhere given your earlier claims

Hospitals don't have data on cause of death when people die in their building? Seems like something they would track. We track and can report on just about every event at work but it's just warehousing and trucking

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