Fentanyl Now Leading Cause of Death For Ages 18-45

Jesus. The data is there but I’m not able to provide drug screens from patient records. There are almost 25k overdoses brought to the hospitals yearly in knox county and that’s NOT counting the ones narcanned in the field. You can go to the forensic medical examiner and review all 400 something overdose deaths and talk to them as well. Or you could be obtuse and live in your inexperienced bubble life devoid of real life prod experience on the subject. I don’t care either way.
25K? I find that hard to believe, that's nearly 75 people a DAY in Knox county alone. I don't see that happening in Knoxville.
we're talking about od from fentanyl laced weed. It's obvious you need to take the conversation elsewhere given your earlier claims

Hospitals don't have data on cause of death when people die in their building? Seems like something they would track. We track and can report on just about every event at work but it's just warehousing and trucking
Lmao. Yes death certificates which will say drug overdose. If you want to dive further you could look at drug screens from the hospital which usually show every drug they had in their blood. Now of course i can’t just print those off and put on here. Nor can I have you meet the families or patients themselves to tell you their stories
Lmao. Yes death certificates which will say drug overdose. If you want to dive further you could look at drug screens from the hospital which usually show every drug they had in their blood. Now of course i can’t just print those off and put on here. Nor can I have you meet the families or patients themselves to tell you their stories
So many stories about fentanyl laced weed (2-3 a day you said) yet none have been printed? Still seems very odd and unlikely
I don’t really have a bone in this whatsoever, but the cause of death in an overdose can sometimes be different than the listed cause of death.

For example, if you have a man dead with a heroin needle in his arm, you can probably guess he dies from a heroin overdose. But if the toxicology report says they find traces of, we’ll just say, caffeine, then they “can’t prove” the caffeine didn’t cause or contribute to the overdose so the death will be labeled as natural causes or unknown cause of overdose, I’m not a doctor, I don’t know the official terms they use.

I used to help work overdose investigations in Knoxville and we definitely had a weed laced with fentanyl death, but it wasn’t listed as a fentanyl overdose because they couldn’t definitively say that fentanyl caused it.
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So many stories about fentanyl laced weed (2-3 a day you said) yet none have been printed? Still seems very odd and unlikely
What do you mean? There’s several dead drug addicts whose stories you never heard. We even have had alcoholic patients in liver failure die from ingesting hand sanitizer from the hospital rooms. You never heard those stories either but doesn’t mean it didn’t happen before we did DUAI program
Secure the borders. Eliminate gangs
Funny. Now come up with another solution that the govt would actually care about doing?

Also, securing the borders addresses the supply side, but you still are going to have demand. What do we do then? Arrest the users also?
Funny. Now come up with another solution that the govt would actually care about doing?

Also, securing the borders addresses the supply side, but you still are going to have demand. What do we do then? Arrest the users also?
99% of Fentanyl is not made here
Did you you compare someone who drinks 2 glasses of red wine per day to someone who puffs 4 blunts a day?
Just to be clear and to keep the conversation going, what is your definition of a "blunt"? Is it a joint rolled up in Tops or Zig Zag paper or is it reefer rolled up in cigar leaves?
Just to be clear and to keep the conversation going, what is your definition of a "blunt"? Is it a joint rolled up in Tops or Zig Zag paper or is it reefer rolled up in cigar leaves?

Doesn’t matter. You could do one joint and 4 glasses of red wine.
Ohh I’m an outright SOB. But when I claim that I know something as a matter of fact, I either provide a link or get off the pot. Pun intended.

Where are your links? Anyway I’m done for awhile. Y’all puffers don’t be f***ing up the rotation.
What do you mean? There’s several dead drug addicts whose stories you never heard. We even have had alcoholic patients in liver failure die from ingesting hand sanitizer from the hospital rooms. You never heard those stories either but doesn’t mean it didn’t happen before we did DUAI program
I've seen the stories on hand sanitizer. Even saw news reports warning people not to ingest it. What I haven't seen are the multitude of stories from all these fentanyl laced weed deaths (2-3/day you claimed). I'm guessing there's a good reason for that...
I've seen the stories on hand sanitizer. Even saw news reports warning people not to ingest it. What I haven't seen are the multitude of stories from all these fentanyl laced weed deaths. I'm guessing there's a good reason for that...
Because you and most local media don’t have an actual clue of what goes on on the streets because you aren’t directly involved? Same thing I often saw about Covid stuff in hospitals. From both sides
Where are your links? Anyway I’m done for awhile. Y’all puffers don’t be f***ing up the rotation.

I didn’t make a Claim you nit-wit. The burden isn’t on me. I didn’t come on here and say marijuana is the greatest thing that God ever created and Has only health benefits and zero side effects and I can back this up as a matter of fact. You ran your mouth and wrote a check you can’t cash and I’m enjoying watching you circle the drain. 🙄
I didn’t make a Claim you nit-wit. The burden isn’t on me. I didn’t come on here and say marijuana is the greatest thing that God ever created and Has only health benefits and zero side effects and I can back this up as a matter of fact. You ran your mouth and wrote a check you can’t cash and I’m enjoying watching you circle the drain. 🙄

You just think being a weed addict is better than being a different addict? Yea you’re a f****** rocket scientist. 😂😅
Really? Disprove my point if I'm so clueless. Or are you just going to accuse me of being a racist.
The board came up with your nickname Joe not me.

If you knew anything about Rome it's unlikely you would make such a claim. But as my post said, you've never shown to know much of anything

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