Fentanyl Now Leading Cause of Death For Ages 18-45

I never said we should ban weed, I don't care either way. To act as it isn't addictive and ruins just as many lives as any other drug is ridiculous.

That’s your argument? That pot is “just as addictive and ruins just as many lives as any other drug”? I want to make sure that I’m not taking you out of context.
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You lose when you start calling people pot head for simply acknowledging that weed is much less harmful than other substances really available everywhere across this nation. The push by people like you too demonize it cause more issues
Again who said weed wasn’t “less harmful” that shooting heroin or meth. Just because something has some good health benefits in certain areas (I.E. cocaine, alcohol, THC) doesn’t mean that using it everyday or in non medical ways isn’t harmful to people. Potheads defend weed like it’s their life, just like smokers used to do with cigarettes. I’m not “demonizing” the fact that smoking marijuana has documented negative health benefits there’s a reason every doctor you will ever go to asks if you use it along with other drugs. Legality has nothing to do with it
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Again who said weed wasn’t “less harmful” that shooting heroin or meth. Just because something has some good health benefits in certain areas (I.E. cocaine, alcohol, THC) doesn’t mean that using it everyday or in non medical ways isn’t harmful to people. Potheads defend weed like it’s their life, just like smokers used to do with cigarettes. I’m not “demonizing” the fact that smoking marijuana has documented negative health benefits there’s a reason every doctor you will ever go to asks if you use it along with other drugs. Legality has nothing to do with it
Still calling people potheads but not a single link. Ok
Where have I ever made that claim? You and Ricky may be on weed because your posts are really low effort

if someone wants to use it they should be able to. That's my position. Prove me wrong
I don’t care if someone uses it at home just like I don’t care if someone uses heroin at home.

I want to you to admit that using marijuana has negative health benefits
Still calling people potheads but not a single link. Ok
Why do you think doctors ask you if you use marijuana or any other drug when you visit them. And I’ve stated my facts over and over from real life experiences. You can call the County forensic examiner or any ED director you want but the facts are out there if you came out of your hazy bubble
I don’t care if someone uses it at home just like I don’t care if someone uses heroin at home.

I want to you to admit that using marijuana has negative health benefits
Negligible. Should not be banned

Can you admit fentanyl laced weed is a ghost?
Why do you think doctors ask you if you use marijuana or any other drug when you visit them. And I’ve stated my facts over and over from real life experiences. You can call the County forensic examiner or any ED director you want but the facts are out there if you came out of your hazy bubble
I'm not asked that but am asked about alcohol intake

Facts of the nature you claim become statistics. Statistics like that are published. Link them please
Negligible. Should not be banned

Can you admit fentanyl laced weed is a ghost?
No because it happens weekly. And the fact you think smoking marijuana causes “negligible” health issues shows you don’t even grasp the entirety of the issue.
Do you smoke marijuana
No because it happens weekly. And the fact you think smoking marijuana causes “negligible” health issues shows you don’t even grasp the entirety of the issue.
Do you smoke marijuana
If it happened on that scale it would be in the news every day. We both know that's true. We both know you'd provide a link if it existed

I don't use because my company has random drug tests. Funny thing is I can drink as much as I want with no repercussions
If it happened on that scale it would be in the news every day. We both know that's true. We both know you'd provide a link if it existed

I don't use because my company has random drug tests. Funny thing is I can drink as much as I want with no repercussions

But you can't just drink as much as you want.
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What can realistically be done to reduce fentanyl deaths?
Why do you think doctors ask you if you use marijuana or any other drug when you visit them. And I’ve stated my facts over and over from real life experiences. You can call the County forensic examiner or any ED director you want but the facts are out there if you came out of your hazy bubble

I have never been asked by a doctor if I use marijuana.
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If it happened on that scale it would be in the news every day. We both know that's true. We both know you'd provide a link if it existed

I don't use because my company has random drug tests. Funny thing is I can drink as much as I want with no repercussions
I wonder why companies drug test? 🧐
Secure the borders. Eliminate gangs
I think you have to try and target the sources. A lot comes from China. There should be consequences for the Chinese government for failing to reduce their fent exports. But all that's just one side of the problem. What also has to be looked at is the reasons why people start using fentanyl in the first place. For any lasting recovery, that must be addressed. That part of it will be tricky.

If only fentanyl got .003% of the attention that covid gets.
Because the founders brother had a drug issue and he wouldn't let go of it. He's gone now so the discussions of not testing for weed are underway.
Lol sure it is. Wait till your company’s insurance decides for you all
I wasn't making an argument just stating a matter of fact.
Marijuana vs. Alcohol: Which Is Really Worse for Your Health?

Article^^^linking alcohol use to several types of cancer, liver disease and severe interaction with other drugs. Meanwhile it states weed could lead to impaired driving (duh) don’t drive stoned……AND it apparently lowers inhibitions to the point of sometimes being more likely to have unprotected sex. Your turn. Show me an article that says pot Is just as bad as ANY other drug. Should be easy for you since youre simply stating a “matter of fact “.
Lol sure it is. Wait till your company’s insurance decides for you all
I know that's the reason because I heard it from his son. We have company wide randoms every quarter. Are you claiming that all those companies not doing the same are just eating the insurance costs?

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