Finebaum Re CPF

(hatvol96 @ Jun 12 said:
You're the one who claimed I was somehow jealous of the current head football coach's salary. I simply pointed out why that assertion would be erroneous. I didn't realize that speaking one's mind and demanding production from an entity you invest in was a shortcoming. I suppose you would say everyone should sit around the campfire singing Rocky Top and talking about how great the '98 season was.

If we were on a boat you would be overboard and fed to the sharks!

"And the winner by TKO:......... HATVOL"

(Be a lesson for you, 85, pick your battles well, before taking on the Hat, as he makes $200 per hour arguing a case in his profession. Trying to defend the UT football coaching staff in 2006 is a job that even Clarence Darrow would not take if he were still around. There a few of us on this board that can go mano to mano with Hat but not on this subject.) :gun:
(rockydoc @ Jun 12 said:
Trying to defend the UT football coaching staff in 2006 is a job that even Clarence Darrow would not take if he were still around.

:birgits_giggle: Sad, but true.
(85Destiny @ Jun 11 said:
First of all you are jealous of his salary or you would not bring it up.

Second, attacking our head coach is the same as attacking our program. It is like criticizing the military but saying that you love the united states.

And by the way you don't have to alert me to your comments i am not an idiot so try and stop your bull news flashes.

You're so ignorant, it makes me upset.

Your 2nd point is completely ignorant, and 100% false. Have you ever thought that hat CAN'T choose another team, because his passion and love falls for UT? I love my brother will all of my heart, but I can't stand some of the crap he does with his life. Does that mean I should shut up and not say anything? NO.

hatvol and other dissenters are only wishing for better days, and will point out reasons why these days aren't here yet. Hat has never said anything false. Fulmer has 2 SEC championships in 13 or so seasons ... that's not that great. I like Fulmer a lot and hope he turns this thing around quick, but the program is far more important than one man.

I really wish this forum would learn about true loyalty and it's definition. It would make things here far more pleasant.
(VolinArizona @ Jun 12 said:
I really wish this forum would learn about true loyalty and it's definition. It would make things here far more pleasant.

I agree. I don't know what is worse; the people who are negative all the time and claim to be "just stating the facts" or the people who want to try to tell everybody whether they are a fan or not. :banghead:
To say you dont like the current caoch is attacking the program? I guess those attacking randy sanders last few seasons was not attacking the program? We say one word about CPF and its attacking the program? I dont like CPF's time in the courtroom for being a snitch rather discplining his own players. Its not a wonder his reputation is hurting his recruiting, It is a shame that he cant throw him self under the bus for the 5-6 rather than his own team and players. For a man to make what you get in a lifetime in one season, deserves a mouthful.

Hell, the onll places we cant criticise leaders are N Korea and Cuba. Perhaps that is where you belong. Correction Hatvol. They were Soviets in the 1970's. Russians one of the many who made the USSR.
Back to topic. Finebaum is a media troll to use an internet term, and he is darn good at what he does. Living in KY I do not have the exposure that you guys down south get, so to me his little circus act is quite entertaining. Maybe it was is nickname for Mumme that endeared him to me for life....Mophead.
This article was designed to get his listeners fired up during a time when absolutely nothing news worthy (to Bammer football fans) is going on.

His show for the last few weeks has been about Enron, American Idol, etc. It's laughable that it's considered a top 12 (according to Sports Illustrated) sports show but no one wants to discuss any sport other than football and very few other teams than Alabama. There's not even a mention of MLB, NBA or NHL. Very little NFL during the season.

You'll notice also that his article takes shots at the UT fanbase. Both Fulmer supporters and detractors are targeted. Once again, fodder for his radio show.
(brg72 @ Jun 12 said:
To say you dont like the current caoch is attacking the program? I guess those attacking randy sanders last few seasons was not attacking the program? We say one word about CPF and its attacking the program? I dont like CPF's time in the courtroom for being a snitch rather discplining his own players. Its not a wonder his reputation is hurting his recruiting, It is a shame that he cant throw him self under the bus for the 5-6 rather than his own team and players. For a man to make what you get in a lifetime in one season, deserves a mouthful.

Hell, the onll places we cant criticise leaders are N Korea and Cuba. Perhaps that is where you belong. Correction Hatvol. They were Soviets in the 1970's. Russians one of the many who made the USSR.
That is accurate. Russians were just part of the population of the Soviet Union. I stand corrected
I wasn't trying to win an argument so I'll give it a rest.

I am not trying to defend last season. I don't think anyone would ever try and defend 5-6.

I never once called anyone an idiot or said that they were stupid. Please don't call me an idiot because you don't agree.
(GAVol @ Jun 12 said:
I agree. I don't know what is worse; the people who are negative all the time and claim to be "just stating the facts" or the people who want to try to tell everybody whether they are a fan or not. :banghead:
If you have any evidence that I have misrepresented any factual matters, I would like to see it. If the numbers aren't good, it's not being negative to point them out, it's being honest and accurate. There's no reason for me to mention Fulmer's tremendous run through the mid to late 90s, there are plenty of people on the board who already do that.
Tish, tish, tish...One should not attempt to go head to head with HAT. He is a fan. You will never convince him otherwise when using matters of opinion as your weapon of choice. And he's rather thorough when presenting the facts of the points he's wanting to make. If for no other reason than to prevent unwanting challengers from discrediting his testimony. Not that I'm a great fan of the Hat, but if I had to choose a few off-season posters to a favorites squad, ironically his readings are a bit above the rest of the robotic emotional posters. I think they are affectionately referred to as fulmerites in here. I'm a fan of both UT and Fulmer, but he has seemed to have lost the edge. If he is truly a great leader for our program, he will dispel those rumors. Not just this coming season, but for a while. I'm well aware that NC's are few and far between. Even the most elite of the elite programs, each in their respective eras, do not have all that many titles. But, to come up slack in the conference championship arena with the talent UT recruits. Fulmers winning percentage may be .750+, but his confernce title production is less than 15%. (.150!!!). The facts are this...elite programs & coaches, both conference and national, have owned us rather well over the Fulmer era. We knocked off a Mich., FSU, OSU here and there in some earlier bowl games, but mostly only in the Manning/Martin era.
(GVF @ Jun 12 said:
Fulmers winning percentage may be .750+, but his confernce title production is less than 15%. (.150!!!).

Just curious, what's the conference title production percentage of Richt? Tuberville? I know that Spurrier's will be pretty good (under .500 though).
(85Destiny @ Jun 12 said:
I wasn't trying to win an argument so I'll give it a rest.

I am not trying to defend last season. I don't think anyone would ever try and defend 5-6.

I never once called anyone an idiot or said that they were stupid. Please don't call me an idiot because you don't agree.

Who called you stupid or an idiot?
It's very simple. If you care more about the coach than you do about winning then you are not supporting the team, you are instead supporting one man over the team.

The people who really care about this team are the ones who want Fulmer fired.
(VolunteerHillbilly @ Jun 12 said:
It's very simple. If you care more about the coach than you do about winning then you are not supporting the team, you are instead supporting one man over the team.

The people who really care about this team are the ones who want Fulmer fired.

That is a very idiotic statement. So in your supporting the coach is tantamount to not being a real fan?
(VolBeef88 @ Jun 12 said:
That is a very idiotic statement. So in your supporting the coach is tantamount to not being a real fan?
If the coach is taking the team down the wrong path then that is exactly correct.
I think almost everyone who posts on this board cares about the program. Otherwise, why would we spend our time discussing and debating matters related to said program?
(VolunteerHillbilly @ Jun 12 said:
If the coach is taking the team down the wrong path then that is exactly correct.

No that is not correct. That is a disagreement on how the coach is doing as a whole and not just one year. Some on here called for CPF to make changes and most of us did agree that they needed to be made. Guess what? He did exactly that! Now I think he earned a chance to right the ship and I think he will and do so in a pretty big way as I am not a doomsdayer like some. Thank goodness the admin is not so knee jerk as some over emotional fans.
(volinbham @ Jun 12 said:
Just curious, what's the conference title production percentage of Richt? Tuberville? I know that Spurrier's will be pretty good (under .500 though).

I'll have to defer said question since I am at work and goofing a bit just to get in a little reading, but if you take the duration of each head coach at said program and divide it into the number of SECC's they have, you will get their conference title production. (i.e. fulmer - 2 titles / 13 years = .154). I don't consider divisional titles to really count all that much. Kinda like the Braves. Since 1990ish, 14+ consecutive divisional pennants, far less than half that in NLC's (SECC's equiv.), and only one World Series (NC). Alot of similarities in Fulmer/Cox. It is called acceptable/productive mediocrity.
(GVF @ Jun 12 said:
I'll have to defer said question since I am at work and goofing a bit just to get in a little reading, but if you take the duration of each head coach at said program and divide it into the number of SECC's they have, you will get their conference title production. (i.e. fulmer - 2 titles / 13 years = .154). I don't consider divisional titles to really count all that much. Kinda like the Braves. Since 1990ish, 14+ consecutive divisional pennants, far less than half that in NLC's (SECC's equiv.), and only one World Series (NC). Alot of similarities in Fulmer/Cox. It is called acceptable/productive mediocrity.
If you count SEC East titles for anything at all, you give them more weight than I do.
(hatvol96 @ Jun 12 said:
I think almost everyone who posts on this board cares about the program. Otherwise, why would we spend our time discussing and debating matters related to said program?

Good point. We just all have to understand that we are not going to agree 100% of the time with 100% of the posters. That's what makes this message board so much fun, IMNSHO.
(hatvol96 @ Jun 12 said:
If you count SEC East titles for anything at all, you give them more weight than I do.

I guess that was my point. Alot of folks bring those East titles up, but they are worthless. Again I defer similarities to the Braves. Winning the division is like phone sex. It's fun, but you really didn't get none.

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