(GVF @ Jun 12 said:I'll have to defer said question since I am at work and goofing a bit just to get in a little reading, but if you take the duration of each head coach at said program and divide it into the number of SECC's they have, you will get their conference title production. (i.e. fulmer - 2 titles / 13 years = .154). I don't consider divisional titles to really count all that much. Kinda like the Braves. Since 1990ish, 14+ consecutive divisional pennants, far less than half that in NLC's (SECC's equiv.), and only one World Series (NC). Alot of similarities in Fulmer/Cox. It is called acceptable/productive mediocrity.
(volinasheville @ Jun 11 said:Do you think Finebaum's parents like him?
I think you will find in previous posts, that I have said the same about Fulmer! But I will be honest and and state that I do not see UT "winning big" this year. I have always said that the UT program and Fulmer WERE a perfect match. I think his thought process after the national title was that he was untouchable. Seen it happen before. Hell, we named a street after him, gave him the keys to the city and all the money in the vault. Why wouldn't he! Futhermore I will state(again) he is at the only program where he could enjoy that kind of sucess and admiration. I think his past has caught up with him and only he can take the blame. Oh, I guess I am not a real fan now, but I'll watch the games just the same! Maybe Phillip will prove me wrong! Right or wrong, just calling it as I see it!(VolBeef88 @ Jun 12 said:Not me. But don't get your hopes up as he will go no where untill he is ready to retire. We will win big this year.